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Why do some White people try to excuse the Transatlantic Slave Trade with "but Africans enslaved one another"?

Then they have the bare face to say, "you should be grateful that we had

taken you from Africa because you would have suffered worse"

We have all seen these kinds of malicious manipulative pseudo arguments,

but it's simply a lie. Yes Africans enslaved one another, but the african format

of slavery is VERY DIFFERENT to that of the western format of slavery. In-fact just

to say "slavery" is just to complimentary, in Africa they were just mere servants

if anything. They're freedom was endless. slaves could marry, own property, you

name it. Slaves in the Americas never grasped such privileges, and slavery

in Africa did not go from generation to generation most were released after a set

amount of time.

I'm sure now, you will all say "oh who cares it was years ago" but it's about destroying

false stereotypes!. Another thing (some white people say), is that you would have been

"starving" "you should be grateful" again..LIES..Do you really think that Africa was

considered the land of "wealth", colonized, and europeans fought one another to stake

claim in these colonies simply because they felt like it?. No, it was because of

Africa's huge array of wealth and riches.

Do people really believe that

Africans have been in existence for much longer than europe and asia but they

have always been starving and deprived of water? LOL ..Wow, society really is

brainwashed to the point of no return. When the earliest european explores

set upon sub saharan africa there are no recordings of "poverty" and "starving children"

it was only when they arrived in africa in droves then left (but they didn't really just

search up what neo-colonialism is" that certain African countries have such suffered

such hardships of lack of water, food, poverty, etc etc. STOP TELLING LIES!


God Bless all the people for giving my question a star and for all the logical

and non-ignorant responses..It's good to see not all Black People are mentally

enslaved, It's time to REWRITE HISTORY

20 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Cause those people are not Historians and and experts on logic. Europeans also enslaved each other and just like Africa this was endentured servitude with all the info you have provided. It was nothing like the atlantic slave trade that became a standard of racial dominance and abuse and the practices they were atrocious *mutilation, rape, assault, famine*. They also forget that 1/3 of african slaves some being prisoners of war others freemen were actually kidnapped this was easily done to women and children who would casually go out to the crops in the day a long the trading routes.

    Add: Some of these servitude positions were based on family promises or truce. i.e. to resolve a vendetta, or to labour for a particular woman's hand in marriage of a higher social class. Or a legal sentence brought on by court kingdoms or village towns for committing a crime like theft. Servitude had limited years according to reason.

    @ Wayfaroutthere:

    1. The fastest growing economies in Africa are Ghana, Angola, Gabon, Bostwana, and Gineau. They all have an average GDP per capita *person* ranging between $3000 - $35 000 anually. This is higher than a few eastern european countries one being Ukraine of which ghana provides food subsidies to * subsidized fruit trade*. A lot people have asinine perceptions of Africa being dismal when its condition is like eastern europe you have your rich poor destitute and advanced regions. One of the most expensive cities to live in is within Angola. West Africa for the most part is on a good track like south asia to industrial progress coincidentally the EU is failing with the slow release of its sanctions against africa and central asian regions *writing the future*.

    2. The Kidney analogy in itself is ironic considering it is the result of european colonialism and IMF, WTO trade sanctions and debts against the continent they are the cancer. Africa before imperialism has always been agregarian and natural filled with resources with continental states and kingdoms going on in a humanistic matter no different than europe and its bloody history.

    I hope I made things clear.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    This Site Might Help You.


    Why do some White people try to excuse the Transatlantic Slave Trade with "but Africans enslaved one another"?

    Then they have the bare face to say, "you should be grateful that we had

    taken you from Africa because you would have suffered worse"

    We have all seen these kinds of malicious manipulative pseudo arguments,

    but it's simply a lie. Yes Africans enslaved one another, but the...

    Source(s): white people excuse transatlantic slave trade quot africans enslaved quot:
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    For the best answers, search on this site

    Most people use this thinking that they can prove taht Africans didn't have it harder than anybody else. Since "everyone else had slaves, the enslavement of Africans isn't more important." Most of them don't understand the distinction between slavery in the East and West. Also, most people have been conditioned to be against convicts, period. So most of them could probably care less if prisoners were enslaved or not. Peace

  • 5 years ago

    Much of what is written in the top answer may well be accurate but if you think Europeans treated black slaves worse than white slaves, i.e if you don't think 'mutilation, rape, assault, famine' were subjected upon other Europeans by Europeans than you're very mistaken.

    Just take a look in recent history at how the Germans were treated after their defeat in WW2. Boys were tortured and some executed by being run over with tanks whilst girls of all ages were raped in mass by Russians and Yugoslavians.

    Whenever a group, whatever their race, loses a war to another group expect the worst sides of human nature to come out.

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  • Anonymous
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  • Janean
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    white people excuse transatlantic slave trade africans enslaved

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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    There is no such thing as slavery. It's an urban legend. Go to the countryside, away from the city. There, people have common sense. Ask them if they ever saw any slaves. It's an endless argument about nothing.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    What do you mean "excuse it"? You know perfectly well that white people or any race of people do not "excuse" slavery or any form of human suffering. You were probably figuratively (or actually) pointing a finger at a white person, blaming "their" people for slavery, when in fact north africans enslaved white europeans for 250 years before even one black person was brought to the united states to be sold as a slave. So now. Are you going to "excuse" "your" people for enslaving whites long before slavery ever happened in the United States?

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