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I saw mist in the figure of a hand last night HELP?!?

I'm PRETTY sure it's a ghost because a week before this I was sitting in the kitchen at about 1:am and felt something extremely cold on the right side of my head. I started saying "leave in jesus name you are not welcomed here, leave, in jesus, name." and I thought it was gone. But last night on the couch I was sitting there it was about 1:30 am. I was moving cause I was in an uncomfortable position and my laptop was on me, so I start sitting up and I move my hand and about a second after that I see this mist in the shape of a hand move as if it was trying to grab my hand or something. In my old house I saw an orb and i screamed and it sort of just went up into the air and disappeared (my friend told me the orb cudda been a past relative or my guardian angel). In my old house I've also heard a chair move by itself. I've been slapped in the head. I've seen a black figure in ragged clothing, And I've felt cold chills on my head. I'm pretty sure the evil spirits are gone as I've learned a few exorcism techniques and I pray pretty much every night. But what was the white mist hand thing?


Literally if your just that ignorant to where you're not gonna believe anything unless it happens to you, don't even bother commenting.

Update 2:

I did a lil bit of research and apparently it's ectoplasm, a vaporous substance that can take any form. ( a ghost)

Update 3:

I did a lil bit of research and apparently it's ectoplasm, a vaporous substance that can take any form. ( a ghost)

16 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    SPIRITS go through a lot of stages, part way manifested, I have seen this too, and have seen spirits changes forms or stages....they always come and go.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Oh okay wow, um there's a lot of rude responses on here lol.

    1. Not everything people experience is 'Evil' Demon's aren't always the cause of the paranormal.

    2. Spirits are not really categorized as ectoplasm, in fact that's a very rare occurrence.

    What you saw was a spirit manifesting itself or showing itself to you. Like I said it's not always a bad or dark entity. If you get scratched that's when you need to start worrying. I've been scratched, slapped in the face, poked, touched etc. It's extremely startling being that you can't see it coming. I've been experiencing the paranormal since I was 8 years old and I used to be terrified, until I started learning about it. The more knowledge you have, the easier it is to deal with it.

    You really don't need exorcism techniques, I would leave that to the priests, because if by chance it IS a demon, you're about to be in the ride of your life trying to deal with it yourself. They are nasty, and if anything without knowledge or a priest you could end up getting really hurt. That could also just provoke it. The more fear you show them, the more powerful they get, and I can't stress that enough.

    It sounds like you've got something trying to reach out to you though. If you don't want it there just sit down and say out loud that it's not welcome there, and that you don't want it there. Most of the time, they'll leave. Chances are it's reaching out to you for help, and doesn't realize it's scaring you. And yes it will feel extremely weird when you say it because you'll feel like you're talking to yourself, but be serious and forceful when you say, scream it if you have to, just to get the point across that it will not be welcome there for any reason.

    Let me know if this helps you and you are free to shoot me an email if you have any further questions!

    Source(s): Paranormal Investigator in the making
  • 9 years ago

    There are three possibilities.

    The first, you were simply hallucinating. This is a more scientific explanation, but remember, you can never be too careful.

    The second, you are indeed haunted. You may have been haunted by a more "powerful" ghost, seeing as it refused to leave. Let me explain. Most paranormal beings fall under the category of "regular", meaning they cannot affect us in any way. However, a small percentage can in fact, affect the normal world. These are the "poltergeists" who are said to troll their victims by throwing object around. However, there is another, even less common type. These ghosts are what we can call "vengeful", as their goal is not to troll, but to injure or even kill. An example of this ghost is Bloody Mary. However, most of these ghosts are trapped from the world in some way to prevent them from annihilating the human population. However, they can be summoned by a willing individual, but they will be confined to the area. Someone may have "summoned" the being that is appearing to you right now, and it may have malicious intent. When summoned, it is very difficult to get rid of. However, hope that it will just leave with time, as most of these beings do, in order to search for more victims. However, hope that it is just another "troll ghost", just hoping to scare you.

    The third, you dreamed it all.

  • morein
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    I stay to inform the tale a college campus and apparently I actually have a ghost that wanderes between rooms, I stay in mississippi, It all started in my room and then i began listening to different females speaking about similar issues taking position of their rooms. the tale of the room although is that some fairly advise females the position attempting to play a prank on yet another lady and close and locked her in her own locker, and no individual ought to get the locker open. by the time that they had gotten a lock smith into the room the lady had died. I head this tale strieght from a team on campus who lived right here a lengthy time period. It does very wierd issues, i in certain cases see it status interior the window at evening at the same time as ever the room is empty and that i go by the exterior window. notwithstanding it hasn't touched all of us yet, i do not imagine they're risky.

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  • 9 years ago

    If it is an evil spirit (fallen angel), then driving it away by prayer and calling on the name of Jesus is a good way of dealing with it. But if it is a ghost (a manifestation of a dead person who is not a rest) then praying for it, rather than against it, may be more effective.

    One simple prayer which you cna use is the 'Eternal Rest'.

    "Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen."

  • 7 years ago

    we had this happen. In an old house except was black smoke. Iwas dreaming about a hands made of mist, I WATCHED IT CHOKE MY HUSBAND in my dream only to wake up to find it actually choking him: It was in his nostrils and he couldn't breathe, he was trying to cough it out. He was still asleep and I was very afraid to move, it receded to the ceiling. My husband recalled his dream of being choked by the hand. what we did was practice cleansing the house constantly, however you do it will be fine, know you are not alone, there are others who experience this, and your situation will improve. I am guessing you are intuitive? Use your intuition to help guide you .

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    A friend!

    1.The orb was a message from someone.

    2.Not all things of spirit are evil.

    3.Calling Jesus name three time will get you out of any evil trouble!

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Ectoplasm is not real, religious words don't expel ghost. Most of the time the don't know you're there, the are going about their normal "lives" and will not intentionally interact with you.

  • 9 years ago

    A loy of my houses have been haunted, and I've caught on on cam....but anyway if it gets bad have a preist come and bless your house

    Source(s): Blaaahhh
  • 9 years ago

    a ghost. but normally people dont see the actual ghost, they sence its shape and spirit.

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