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Lv 2987 points

Chris Poller

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  • My girlfriend had a dream she cheated on me with her ex?

    Long story short.

    We're very honest with eacother in our relationship. I've had dreams of me cheating on her with women from our school. One time was sex the rest was kissing although I never would in real life.

    She's said she's had dreams of her cheating on me too with well, at first it was random guys. But one of them she had a dream it was her ex who she dated I think last year for 5 months on and off.

    In her dream she was with me and her ex texted her come over so she lied to me and said her sister said she had to go home and i offered to walk her but she said no and left and went to her ex's house and as soon as she walked in there was candles and they had sex.

    The only reason this is still bothering me is cuhz of what she use to tell me ( we agreed not to talk about her ex's anymore now though but not back then) She's repeatedly said I was in looooove with him. And other bullshit like that cuhz she asked me if ive ever been in love.

    She said she has absolutely no feelings for him and she dislikes him. She says she doesn't even think of him like that. the only time she does is if he's doing good and stopped doing drugs because it tears his mom apart and his mom has texted her before about him still doing drugs. She does not communicate with this asshole. The reason I call him that is cuhz he called her cussing her out like yesterday after he found out she was dating me to which she said "You're just mad because I found a new man who I'm in love with" and hung up.

    I get it, it's a dream, but alotta ppl say you dream what you were last thinking of, even though she says she doesn't could she be lying? I keep trying to forget it but it bugs the **** outta me. Please help.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • I broke up with my exgirlfriend. She moved on. I want her back HELP!!! 10 PTS?

    I broke up with my girlfriend after a month and a half because she got really clingy and annoying to the point of even the thought of her gave me a headache.

    I broke up with her and she tried to get back together for bout a week and a half. I was fine with that as my feelings finally started coming back. shed always txt me to hang etc.

    Then she lied to me saying she was sleep when i called when she was really at a party but then came clean because I found out she was lying and said it was loud and she had no connection in there anyways which is why she didnt pick up. Ive been mad at her for a good week before she finally gave up on me. Coincidentally I finally decided to let it go and told her how i felt only for her to tell me that shes over it cuhz her girl friends talked to her about it and agreed i was being a douchebag. And I put her through this and that.

    Now I've been going through this emotional hell since friday. I don't want her back, at least I don't think I do. How can i get over her asap? It's killing me sometimes Im to the point to where I just wanna cry, which i did one time listening to sad music by accident and thinking about her. Sometimes i dream about her too. I WANT THIS OVER WITH WHAT DO I DO?!

    i havent talked to her since sunday and want to call txt talk to her so bad. im so depressed im in a dark place right now somebody please help me out and tell me what to do to get over this situation.

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Why am I not emotinally intact with my feelings? 10 points plz help.?

    I don't know what it is with me. Everytime I like a girl/fall in love I know it's love when I can't stand not seeing her and I'm thinking about her day n night and other uhm.. private stuff lol. But everytime I get into a relationship about 2 weeks through my feelings go away. I'm no longer in love. I want to be. You don't understand how much I wanna be in love with my current girlfriend. I don't know what it is. it gives me a headache just not being able to stay in that love zone with a girl. I won't break up with her so I don't want ppl saying "find someone else" I wanna be with her forever. How can I fall back in love with her? I'll do anything for this girl. Rgith now I can only say I kinda like her, all the passion went away but I want it back. I know what love is, I've felt it a numerous amount of times, it just always eventually goes away. My friends say it's cuhz I like a challenge and once I have the girl it's no longer a challenge so i lose interest. Well even if that is the case just what can I do to fall in back// fall in love with a girl?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Is it bad to say Goodnight baby?

    Is it bad to say goodnight baby to a girl who you know likes you. Like do they cute little nickname thing or would they prefer something else. Personally, I like calling a girl baby if I know she likes me and I like her I just want to know how the females feel about it.

    13 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Help!? Is this girl playing me?

    I'll try to make it short. Met a girl on facebook. Started messaging eachother she said I was funny and liked talking to me. She spam liked all my pictures and shared a music vid upload saying i was really good <3 We started texting and now it's kind of boring. She texts with like 1-4 words most of the time. I told her im not here to play games and if she likes me. She said shes not playing games and she does. HHours later I posted a status (on purpose to see if she liked me enough to get jealous) saying someone was my new girlfriend. The facebook girl texted me saying "So now you have a girlfriend? That's cute. Bye. and now either she is mad or shes just pretending to be. I explained to her amanda has a bf and it was a joke and were just friends. Lately facebook girls been replying with one word answers. (shes still mad) So i said, "you're a boring texter" and she goes "K" then another message a few seconds after "cuhz I dont wanna make your girlfriend mad" BUT THEN. I go on her facebook and see she has alll these comments from other guys on her pictures saying she cute. She replying to most of them with a thanks<3 or whatever. and TODAY she uploaded a picture some guy said cute and she said "thanks c;". Uhm? What the **** are you doing winking when she knows we kinda have a thing. So either shes playing me or some **** and talking to a million guys the same way or the low chance shes trying to make me jealous or some ****. PLEASE HELP. Im sick of falling for girls who arent worth my time. Its ******* annoying. What do you thinks going on?

    11 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • I saw mist in the figure of a hand last night HELP?!?

    I'm PRETTY sure it's a ghost because a week before this I was sitting in the kitchen at about 1:am and felt something extremely cold on the right side of my head. I started saying "leave in jesus name you are not welcomed here, leave, in jesus, name." and I thought it was gone. But last night on the couch I was sitting there it was about 1:30 am. I was moving cause I was in an uncomfortable position and my laptop was on me, so I start sitting up and I move my hand and about a second after that I see this mist in the shape of a hand move as if it was trying to grab my hand or something. In my old house I saw an orb and i screamed and it sort of just went up into the air and disappeared (my friend told me the orb cudda been a past relative or my guardian angel). In my old house I've also heard a chair move by itself. I've been slapped in the head. I've seen a black figure in ragged clothing, And I've felt cold chills on my head. I'm pretty sure the evil spirits are gone as I've learned a few exorcism techniques and I pray pretty much every night. But what was the white mist hand thing?

    16 AnswersParanormal Phenomena9 years ago
  • This girl likes me.. But won't date me?!?

    Basically this is how it is, she duznt trust guys nemore because shes been hurt and used countless times, She even tried killing herself FOUR ******* TIMES, I can only thank god she's alive, and the doctors of course they get some credit to haha.

    She's pretty much told me she likes me, but she said even if u were ne1 else I wouldnt date you.

    I know she likes me, she sed she loves my personality and how much I like her, And that she WANTS me to like her. But shes NOT dating? Wtf duz this mean??? And how can I change her mind cuhz i wanna ask her out on valentines day

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • I'm a serial killer how should i kill my girlfriend?

    I love her so much that I don't want her to live anymore

    10 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • I know this girl likes me. But there's a problem?

    The signs are WAAAY to obvious. The only problem is she has a boyfriend. I almost hooked up with her not to long ago and idk y i didn't but i asked if she wudda kissed me back and she sed ya. Wtf should I do? F*ck her boyfriend lol.

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • Help my lip ring is IN my lip!!! HELP ASAP!?

    My lip ring ball thing is went into th INSIDE of my lip and has been there for 3 days cuhz the bar is to short i just noticed now and the hole is waaay to small to fit that 16g ball through! WHAT GONNA HAPPEN TO ME WHAT DO I NEED TO DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLZ HELP ASAP IM PANICKING! HOW CAN I GET THIS **** OUT!?!?!? It's been pierced a full week and like i said has went on the inside of my lip cuhz the bar is to short!

    4 AnswersOther - Skin & Body10 years ago
  • HELP!? my dog came in the house with skin and white fur in his mouth :(?

    Im very concerned cuhz i have NO idea what he ate and his fur is not white so what could it have been and shud i be worried cuhz IF it WAS a rat then he has a chance to be poisoned so i really hope not but what r the possiblities and shud i be worried?

    5 AnswersDogs10 years ago
  • Does a guys body matter to women?

    Just wanna know cuhz i saw a simliar question to this and i got a nice *** body :) im 15 lol

    12 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • What does this dream mean?

    Okay I was sleeping on the couch and i finally fell asleep, i find myself in a dream. i was laying on the ground and couldn't move and saw a giant blue eye and i smiled cuhz i thought to myself Gods watching down on me then i started hearing like noises a whale would make like a killer whale or something and then everything was gray and i could move i went to my living room, i pinched myself and punched myself n realized i was dreaming i went blind couldnt open my eyes began punching around and i was falling but floating i woke up i think at my gmas house and the dogs were buff and had red collars like they were genetically enhanced, they were chasing something i went to the front i was in my gmas driveway (gma as in grandma lol) there was like a red mist/sparkle floating and chasing me we were in the drive way and we had to kick a forever sliding hockeypuck at eachother and knock the opponent out the ring and then i won and everyone started cheering the dogs ran up to me n licked me and i felt accomplished. I have a few ideas of what this mean but id like to hear yours, so what does it mean?

    3 AnswersDream Interpretation10 years ago