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This Half-A$$ Poem Needs a Kick-A$$ Title… A Little Help?

The roller coaster of romance

Contains turns one cannot forget.

She cried, “You have ruined my life!”

He argued, “Not all of it yet.”


I shouldn’t burden a one-liner with comments, but…

I can hear Synopsis saying, “Don’t underestimate the intelligence of your readers, who will understand the irony of the final line without the somewhat unnatural addition of “yet,” which is superfluous and somewhat misleading.”

“But Synopsis,” I whine, “if I drop ‘yet,’ which indeed suggests the relationship will be ongoing instead of over, I will lose the snare-drum ba-da-boom ending. What rhymes with ‘Not all of it.’? Not soffit.”

“A flimsily contrived verse,” Imaginary Synopsis retorts. “And that roller coaster cliché? Please.”

“How about ‘He plaintively argued, Not all of it.’? Dallas knows the word is pronounced ‘fo’git’. ”

Imaginary Synopsis utters a noise that sounds suspiciously like a Bronx cheer and disappears. I open my eyes to white walls covered with scrawls, discovering that I have changed the final line with my purple crayon.

Update 2:

@Lord Percy: Yes, indeed. That is what he SHOULD have said. And your eloquence is undoubtedly the reason the 400-lb. Mrs. Armistall is eating out of the palm of your hand.

Update 3:

@Soc: Beautiful! A one-liner poem needs a title that is an art unto itself. The "Early Pregnancy Test" Results took me by surprise but filled me with delight! (Unlike the emotions experienced by the heroine of our saga).

Update 4:

@P'Quaint: "Shudders" sends shudders up my spine as a title.

Update 5:

@Cassie: Now I'm hungry. A tantalizing hint at the appetizer before the main dish. I agree with you, sometimes it is best to leave without dessert if the entree is unappealing.

Update 6:

@Amos: What girl wouldn't linger after being offered such poetic words? *cough*

Update 7:

@Firecat: "My Better Half" seems to apply more to the firecat tom we hope is father to kittens rather than the scroungy grey-striped male now called "The Nasty Cat." Who is the better half, and how best to separate?

Update 8:

@ ?: I love your optimism. The One-Percent Solution? I haven't destroyed all of your life, just 99%. Give me a break.

Update 9:

@CW: G-forces, gender forces, as well as gravitational pull. How about G-strings? A great title for a different poem.

Update 10:

@Rockman: Knee Jerk Reaction might really do. Ambiguous but precise, pertaining to either character. I like this a lot.

Update 11:

@Lapiz: I almost wish you would get involved in another "ladylike" marriage, just to know my words were scrawled upon your walls. A wonderful compliment. Much nicer than having my poem "I'm Here For You" tattooed in a questionable place.

Update 12:

@Doe: fasten your seat belt and settle in for a bumpy ride with this revelation: there is no real Synopsis. He is the prize in our cereal, the alien in our Area 51, the faked moon landing, and the magic bullet. Imagine the child of a union between Mr. Chips and Miss Jean Brodie.

Update 13:

@Neon: Now I want to write a poem called "Raging Bull." It works on so many levels! The fact that it is also a name of a famous roller coaster is a tidbit for thrill-seeking poetry readers.

Update 14:

@caz: I first read your suggestion as "Heart Toilet," which made me laugh! I like your verse!

Update 15:

@Chef Henry: B-b-b-b-baby!

Update 16:

@Aubrey: I like the way you think -- The End. Ruins. But I admire the stalwart perseverance, the sense of martyrdom and doom in the words of BB... not yet; Juliet: just getting started; Gem: gonna be bumpy; and the heart-felt Nicole, who will ride this jalopy to Infinity and Beyond!

Update 17:

@Ashley: Forget Me Not is quite clever, adding another level. @HD, this poem is so weak, if I draw words from it for a title, it will collapse without a transfusion. What blood type do you think Imaginary Synopsis has?

Update 18:

@Sin: The Honeymoon Expires is very good. I didn't know a special pill was recommended. I'm trying to juggle "Guise" and "Guys."

Update 19:

I'm going to let my nieces choose Best Answer, but I did want people to know all answers were much appreciated.

23 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    I have given this poem some considerable thought and here is the answer, " I love you so much when our love life goes on its ups and downs it makes me sick at the thought of it, but I will still love you anyway" Not bad eh? Worth 10 points of anybodies money.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    I actually love this poem.

    How about: The End



    or simply The Roller Coaster of Romance

  • Sin™
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Regrets in the Guise of Love


    The Honeymoon Pill Expires

    You're so talented. Have a great day.

    Source(s): Sin
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Your poem made me laugh.

    This Ride is Not Over


    Fasten Your Seat Belts


    Just Getting Started

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 9 years ago

    The roller coaster of romance

    Is loopdylooping in my pants

    And twisting, diving everywhere

    And bursting from my underwear

    And chasing girls all through the halls

    And rising to chase them up walls

    I tell you there is no escape

    Next time I'll strap it down with tape.

    Source(s): Aaaaah.
  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    It's Going To Be A Bumpy Ride

  • 9 years ago

    I would title it: "As Yet." I was tempted to used the popular roller coaster ride at Six Flags in Chicagoland for a title but I didn't think you would buy into: "Raging Bull." lol I would also suggest using "as" before yet in your final line, but that is just me.

  • doe
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Where is Synopsis!! He would love this conversation with him!! I love your poem but the only title that came to mind is Screw Um or The Wave (as in bye-bye) or Fasten your Seat Belt or Whiplash lol.

    Sorry Juliet - I hadn't seen your Fasten you Seat Belt!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    This is the treat of the day -

    love it -

    what about `Jus` Warming You Up` ?

    xthis is so-s great

    wish I`d a had it written on a wall,


    during my ladylike marriage -

    kudos, bows deeply -, yes!

  • 9 years ago

    This is good I like it ... Title ..I think I would call it .. ''HEART TO LET''

    You must Kick this guy to the curb

    and let your heart again ( let) as in RENT OUT :)

    One compact heart

    ideal for two

    rent is free

    only thing you got to do is love me

    HHHmmmm I love your poem

    just can't resist adding a little bit of my thoughts :)

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