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Guns, Guns, Guns. I'm sick of the fighting.?

I keep seeing all these post about the theater shooting and gun bans, but all the comments turning into an internet shouting match. How bout a little friendly debate? Post here what you think about it all in a friendly, non-douche bag way. Respect each others views and if you disagree, show some support for what you're saying instead of just calling them idiots. Please give all douche bag comments a thumbs down, since that's all we can really do. lol. The one who gives the most proof for what they say gets the top comment, even if it disagrees with my views.


@Royal Crumpet Great response. That's the kind of debating I'd like to see.

@electricpole I understand what you mean, but if you don't talk, even if you invite negativity when you do, nothing gets solved. So as long as we are trying, we are moving forward.

Update 2:

By the way, you don't need to have the length of Royal Crumpet's response, but I like his facts. Not picking on him, but I didn't want people to think you had to write that much.

12 Answers

  • Obusha
    Lv 4
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Switzerland has the highest rate of armed citizens and the lowest amount of gun crimes in the world... And almost all of the guns that they have are fully automatic machine guns that they got to keep after their mandatory service in the government militia...

    Kennesaw, Ga has the lowest crime rate in America, and yet it has a law requiring every family to own at least one firearm...

    Although I don't support the government forcing people to buy things on any level, it does show how more guns actually equates to less gun crimes.

    On the other hand Chicago has one of the highest gun crime rates in the world, and they ban practically everything.

    In the United Kingdom there have been 4 mass shootings despite their strict gun laws, you can hardly buy an air gun in the UK. While gun crimes have steadily declined in the United States, the UK has faced a 89% increase over the last decade.

    I think the issue that needs to be debated are the Drug laws, not the gun laws.. Gun violence soared in the north when the prohibition of alcohol was enacted. That's when all the mobsters started popping up and people were gunning each other down over drug turf. When the Drug laws were created, Drug cartels started rising up to the south of our border to meet the increased demand for drugs. Not only are the Cartel's (which our government apparently gives guns to) massacring people, but the drug dealers and drug gangs are killing each other too.

    As far as banning assault rifles and high capacity magazines.. We did unconstitutionally ban assault rifles and high capacity magazines during the assault weapons ban from 1994-2004. Not only did massacres still occur, Columbine to name just one, but the criminals could still get the illegal guns and magazines while law abiding citizens were prohibited. When the Assault Weapons ban expired gun violence crimes continued to go down... they were already trending downward prior to 1994.

    Not to mention that the right to bear arms is a fundamental right, and almost every government that committed a genocide or murdered its own civilians, banned firearms so the citizens couldn't resist their tyranny. Look at the USSR, 50 million dead. China, 60 million dead. Nazi Germany, 20 million dead.. No The Jews couldn't own guns. Look at North Korea, they are prohibited from owning guns.

    How can you defend the Constitution, while supporting gun control laws that are totally against it.

    The founders didn't even feel like they needed a 2nd amendment because they assumed it was common knowledge that the right to defend yourself was a natural, God given right. Thankfully the anti-Federalists urged the Federalists to create a bill of rights which included the 2nd amendment so that the government couldn't pretend the citizens didn't have the right to own guns..

  • 9 years ago

    Just about anything here turns into a shouting match these days.

    There is no room for "debate" anymore. I get more thumbs down when I post a response that is a thoughtful ORIGINAL point of view, than if I take some mono-leveled bumper sticker short taunt.

    As far as guns and bans, and all; this is NOT the time to be talking about it. I for one do not have something on the back burner until there is some emotionally charged event to rouse their senses like smelling salts. What you end up with it all emotion and no substance.

    The 2nd Amendment is solid law, despite the Left's attempt to thwart and bend it's original intent. BUT, the rights it extends to individuals gives them heavy powers, and thus demands serious responsibilities and vigilance.

    Although I do not choose to use a firearm for protection, I recognize the right of same law abiding people to do so. I would much rather keep company with people who believe in self reliance on ALL levels, physical, emotional and financial, (who might carry a firearm), than some one who is always looking for some one else to do something to help them. In other words a dependent person.

    If the anti-gun lobby spent nearly as much time being an anti-criminal lobby...........................they would not have to spend much time being an anti-gun lobby! But is easier to demonize an inanimate object, than to look in the mirror and say, I am too frightened / lazy to participate in my own well being.

  • 5 years ago

    It doesn't have to do with guns, it has to do with the social inequality right here in the USA. In the Czech Republic the homicide fee is set on par with the uk and Switzerland and is even safer than the united kingdom..The murder cost within the UK was 1.28 per one hundred,000 inhabitants and within the Czech Republic the murder price was once 1.33 per one hundred,000 inhabitants. In Switzerland it's even scale down than both, with a cost of 1.01 per 100,000 inhabitants.This is utilising probably the most recent statistics. In each the Czech Republic and Switzerland it can be very easy to possess a firearm legally but they do not need problems with gun violence like we do. These nations have common well being care, and a larger social safety net. They've applications to fight the inequalities related to capitalism. If we treat the root motives of crime, shrink or do away with poverty, have mental wellbeing care as a part of a countrywide healthcare plan. I warranty the violent crime expense and homicide rate would drop vastly... All with out extra gun manage. Less crime also means much less humans owning guns, considering many men and women possess guns for self or house safeguard.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    There is nothing to debate. If you don't like gun ownership by private citizens then I suggest you move to another nation that does not allow that. You might not like what you find there but you'll be happy with the gun control.

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  • Wes T
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    You can't legislate morality. If we banned guns, then we would have to ban them worldwide in order to protect ourselves, but then who or what would protect us from those who don't care about laws ?

    Maybe if someone there had one "other" than the aggressor, lives may have been saved.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    The only people talking about gun bans are always. They continually claim that liberals all want to ban guns when, in fact, their own nominee is the ONLY presidential candidate who has actually banned guns.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I think it was a sad event and no law could have prevented it.

    I hope they do not use this as an excuse to heighten security in every aspect of our lives.

  • Alex G
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Idiots without guns are mostly harmless unless they are your boss or in the White House.

    Idiots with guns can be deadly.

    I support guns for sport if you can only keep them locked up at the shooting range.

    Source(s): I love guns. I believe no one should be allowed to own privately anything derived from an assault weapon. You don't need a big magazine for target shooting.
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    The argument was settled at the Constitutional Convention.

    If you do not like that please read the Constitution even further. The method to amend is clearly stated

  • 9 years ago

    Sometimes there is just evil in the world.And you just cant law people to death to try and stop it because evil will always find a way.

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