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Lv 4
? asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 9 years ago

Why do you have a gun? Is it just for fun?

1. I use it for the hunt.

2. Just because I want.

3. In case I need protection.

4. I have a gun collection.

5. I use for target practice.

6. Because someone attacked us.


Don't be apprehensive

Don't mean to be offensive

I'm asking just for fun

Why you have a gun

No need to be defensive.

13 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    All of the above, and heck, just for fun.

    Really, what I use it for is pest control. Trash birds, varmints, etc.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Guns are just fun. They're great. There is some form of satisfaction in hitting what you were trying to hit, and an amusement (sometimes) when you don't. I tried to make that deep and profound but it didn't really work. Oh, well. I just like guns.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I bought my first one because I knew it would make my anti-gun loon family go nuts.

    In the years of my adult hood, I have used my shotgun against a home invasion crew

    2 dead 3 wounded, me having to remount the front door and clean up a lot of blood and brain matter. My wife was attacked by suspected rapists, how did we deduce that, they had knives and naked when they ran to attack her. Final score, wife 2, attackers 0

    In fact in the times I have been forced to kill people to protect myself , it was always a black male 17 - 25. Maybe if you can get rid of those I could get rid of my guns.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    i am a legal gun owner of a 12 gauge shot gun ,9mm handgun and a 30.06 rifle

    i have been trained to use them all

    i have a permit to carry guns

    and i hunt and am proud to say i can defend my family and myself

    i will even defend my liberal neighbor even though he most likely would not return the favor ..

    and i have to also say that if you buy a handgun to protect yourself and family

    and have young children

    show and explain to children what guns are all about so at some point a child does not find a handgun and out of curiosity picks it up and shoots someone ..

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  • 9 years ago

    Harley-Davidson had a saying: "If I Have to Explain, You Wouldn't Understand". The one FACT is that gun laws only punish those who own and use guns LAWFULLY. Norway has one of the world's most stringent gun laws and yet that did not save one man from setting a world record for killing.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    - Some are for their aesthetic value

    - Some are for their usefulness should I need to defend my life from an attacker, as it is impractical to carry a police officer around with me

    - Some are for their ability to aid in hunting

    - Some are for their low-cost recreational abilities

    - Some are for their ability to defend my country should we ever be invaded

    - Some are for the fact that as an American, as a HUMAN BEING, is it my RIGHT to be able to protect myself and my freedoms from those who would seek to take them by force from me.

  • 9 years ago

    You forgot...

    7. Because I have fantasies of violently shooting someone and cannot wait for someone to plausibly "threaten" me or get in my way so I can feel like a tough guy.

    Source(s): Related to a backwoodsy gun nut.
  • Di
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    With the economy the way it is, violent crime is on the rise and home invasions have increased.

    I own a weapon because it is my right, I feel more safe having it in my home. I also like my concealed carry permit.

  • 9 years ago

    I don`t like to hunt,

    I don`t wanna have a gun,

    I don`t need that type of protection,

    I don`t have a collection,

    I`m not a police man so I don`t need to practice,

    I`ve never been attacked,

    Don`t own a gun and don`t want to

  • 9 years ago

    home/self-defense/sheepdog work

    i enjoy target shooting/training

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