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Do you like the idea of Royal Rumble winner getting a shot at The Streak?

I've heard of this suggestion several times but never really considered it until now. What do you think? Do you like this idea? do you think this would belittle the already little world titles? What are the pros and cons if WWE do this?

15 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think it is a very good idea. Personally I don't like the fact how Taker always starts his feuds randomly when he comes back every year. He picks a victim, plays a few mindgames and gives him the chance to face his Streak, which is a bit less "worthy" of the competitor. I'm not against the current system, but selection of the opponents who are to challenge the Streak through the act of winning a major PPV event seems more effective. It would be a like Undertaker's challenge to Shawn Michaels prior to Wrestlemania 26, to win the Royal Rumble to face him.

    Some pros of this are

    1) Worthier opponents, as in the opponents would have really "proved" something worthy of facing the Deadman. Eliminating 29 other wrestlers for a shot at the Streak seems pretty good to me for a fair challenge.

    2) Better method of selection, in opposition of the previous methods of how Taker chose his "victims" , this idea seems more proper. Its not just picking a random opponent (though the winner in the end IS a random) but it gives an element of surprise. We might see guys who would otherwise never get a shot at the streak face The Undertaker by winning the Royal Rumble.

    3) Increase the buyrates of the PPV. Royal Rumble is already a major PPV in the WWE events calendar, with such a high prize at stake, an opportunity to face The Deadman and take a shot at breaking his Streak, the PPV of Royal Rumble will be totally transformed. Think of it as another Money in the Bank sort of PPV, the winner gets a shot at the Streak, rather than cashing it in for the World Heavyweight Championship/WWE Championship.

    Some cons would be:

    1) Revamping the PPV itself, if the Royal Rumble gets associated with Taker's Streak then I'm sure a few changes have to be made, for example the name itself, I doubt they would still call it Royal Rumble without a pun of The Undertaker or something dark involved. Plus as I mentioned, it would become sort of like Money in the Bank 2, we surely don't need PPVs which do the work of deciding future contenders for matches.

    2) Predictability, though I did say the event would be more unpredictable for Undertaker in terms of who his opponent will be, we will never really see guys like Swagger or The Miz come out victorious. It would be just another top face of the company or a superstar truly worthy of facing The Deadman. Probably guys like Wade Barrett, Cena, Punk etc.

    3) Other world titles as you say will be given lesser attention, Royal Rumble winners are known to challenge the residing World Heavyweight Champion, it has become a tradition. By putting the Streak in the spotlight it will definitely overshadow the already lesser World title. The Streak's home is Wrestlemania PPV, bringing its affiliations into yet another PPV such as the Royal Rumble might overtake the opportunities to avail the championships that are ALSO as important at beating the Streak.

    Overall I like the idea, I'm not sure if it has the potential to last long, but I'd like to see it in effect someday.

    Source(s): YOU GOT ANSWERED
  • 9 years ago

    I don't feel it's a bad idea considering winning the belt doesn't mean anything anymore. I mean WWE will try to convince people that belt means something and would add to a rematch between Rock vs. Cena. But honestly it won't happen, because WWE at this point in time want a young guy to win the Rumble and then have winner get a push for the title not the streak. They had Sheamus win this year and Alberto Del Rio last year, so unless someone here would like Undertaker to fight someone like Miz or Wade Barret which would be examples of guys WWE would want to win, then I don't really see the point. Plus why have whoever wins the rumble get a shot at the streak, when Mcmahon is too busy riding the rematch dic*. Undertaker will probably face Lesnar or whoever and then they'll just do a rematch again just like with Michaels/Taker, HHH/Taker, and now Cena/Rock which seem certain to happen. So while I think it's a good idea, I'll say no because then Mcmahon would have the same guys repeat as Royal Rumble winners.

  • 9 years ago

    I hadn't considered that, either. This would be a fantastic idea...if Taker was younger. Realistically, how many WMs does he have left in him?

    But consider this: how many matches, what kind of matches, can actually top a World Title match at the biggest PPV in the world? Right. Just Taker's Streak match.

    Just beating Taker ANY time will, to use his old catchphrase, "make your @ss famous". Imagine beating him and ending the Streak, what would THAT do for your career? Jeez, you could ride that out forever, pretty much writing your own ticket in the business.

    The Rumble winner should have gotten (it's really too late in Taker's career to start this next year) the choice of wrestling for the WWE or WHC title, OR challenging Taker for the Streak. You would have to choose between the fleeting fame of being World Champ for however long it lasts and maybe possibly getting ensconced into the main event scene for years, or going for the career-making instant worldwide fame of ending the Streak. You would in essence, if you could beat him, get "the torch" from THE UNDERTAKER! Is there any "torch" more valuable in all of wrestling?

    I don't think it would devalue either World Title, there are always going to be top challengers for them. But giving The Rumble winner another option raises the value of winning The Rumble and gives the fans something else to debate. Will he go for a world title, or will he try to end the Streak? The WWE should have done this several years ago.

  • 9 years ago

    No, in that case i would like to ask what's bigger in the WWE?? - winning the World title or breaking the streak.I know the streak is Legendary but i honestly don't think the streak will ever be broken.

    Then what's the point if an upcoming star is winning the rumble and he is to face Taker at WM and is to lose, instead he could win the World title at Wrestlemania.

    As far as i am concerned its unnecessary.Taker has reached a point in his career in which he will choose his wrestlemania opponents, I think the old man has a couple of Wrestlemania's left in him.

    One would definitely be Brock Lesnar and other would be John Cena or the Rock.

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    The Rock vs. Stone cold. I really do not know what to assert about this feud. It was once indeed probably the most finest feuds in WWE historical past, as the feud passed 3 Wrestlemanias, these 2 foremost evented countless PPV's, and of direction, we saw one of the most surprising moments ever in WWE - Stone bloodless heel flip. This was a warfare between them, where Stone cold efficiently won WWF 2 occasions, even as The Rock officially ended the warfare in a single ultimate combat at Wrestlemania 19. This feud used to be u significant part of attitude generation, and really, this feud concerned 2 finest superstars of that technology. BQ : King of The Ring has now became a typical tournament just like any tournament in WWE, and i think that WWE particularly must make the winners of KOTR challengers for World Titles now considering that KOTR winners turn out to be breakout stars since of that win. Brock Lesnar - after winning KOTR, he received WWE Championship against one of the crucial largest superstars ever - The Rock, Booker T gained WHC in 2006. BQ2 : Don Muraco Harley Race Randy Savage Ted DiBiase Tito Santana Bret Hart Bret Hart Owen Hart Mabel Steve Austin Triple H Ken Shamrock Billy Gunn Kurt attitude part Brock Lesnar King Booker William Regal Sheamus WQ3 : i would make a announcement by attacking any one, win some title and leave.

  • Honestly, no.Undertaker's likely retired(w/ special appearances, occasionally) at this point.The streak is currently at an even 20-0.Unless somebody were to break it this year(which would suck), or he has another five years left(I doubt), to make it 25-0, WWE shouldn't even waste their time on this idea.Plus, who on the current WWE roster, that has yet to challenge him at WrestleMania, even poses a real, credible threat, to the streak? John Cena(he's done enough already), Christian(WWE wouldn't let him end the streak).These two are the only people who could "pose a threat" to Undertaker, & put on an exciting match with him.

  • 9 years ago

    What about The Undertaker being the World Champ and defends both his Streak and World Title at Wrestlemania???

    So, it will be RR winner vs World Title & Streak. Won't it be better?

  • 9 years ago

    Hell no, I really dislike that idea. I agree with Mister above, The Undertaker as World Champion going to Wrestlemania would make a better story.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago


    Obviously have a main eventer or a returner with a huge pop win the rumble, then fact taker, that's dumb.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I think the Rumble should only be about getting a shot at mania, if it doesn't it kinda ruins a tradition

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