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Christians: What Law did Jesus come to fulfill?

There seems to be a bit of a dispute over what you all believe, as I have now been told that Jesus came to fulfill the 'law' that he was coming...which leads me to believe that someone is confused and it's not me.

If Jesus said that not a word will disappear from the Law until Heaven and Earth disappear, wasn't he saying that the Laws of the OT will remain in effect since he is not here to abolish them and abolish =/= fulfill?


Sunshine- AGAIN, he states that 'until heaven and earth disappear, not a word of the law will disappear.'

The Earth is still here, so the law has NOT disappeared. How can you not see that?

Update 2:

Guy- read it again. I did NOT say that abolish= fulfill. I said exactly the opposite. comprehension for the win. (see that little slash? yeah, that means NOT)

Update 3:

Sunshine, you are still confused. why don't you email me back and explain what I asked you. Can you not explain it? Afraid that I have a point?

Update 4:

Pliney- what about the law of not wearing blended fibers? What about the law concerning not eating shellfish? There are over 600 laws in the OT that Christians ignore because they think they have been 'fulfilled' when they haven't.

Update 5:

Oh Sunshine, you poor girl. You are still so confused. I think you also need a lesson in English. But I guess that's what you do...twist the language around to suit your own desires. Pity you don't understand your own bible.

Update 6:

Awe, Sunshine- I have found Spiritual enlightenment; I'm Wiccan. Thank you, though. One day I hope you find your truth as well instead of relying on others to tell you their version of it.

8 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    he came to fulfill as in he was the culmination of the law. The laws of the old testament are still in effect other that the laws of animal sacrifice. That is the only law jesus did away with by his death as the sacrificial lamb represented him.

    But the other laws were to remain in full effect. Now many among the christians find creative ways to do away with those laws. But there is nothing in the bible to back it up.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    OK, there is part of the problem you are having. You said abolish = fulfill.

    Abolish does not mean fulfill. Abolish means to take away whether it is done with or not. Fulfill means that it is finished. Come to the conclusion of.

    The Mosaic Law Covenant that God set up between himself and the nation of Israel, which includes the 10 commandments and over 600 other laws. This law covenant was set up to make the Earthly nation of Israel. Which is all of Abraham's descendants.

    This law was set up to show the nation of Israel that they are far from being perfect. Thus, they had to sacrifice animals regularly to atone for their sins.

    These animal sacrifices were to be made as a perpetuatory sacrifice signifying Jesus sacrifice that was to come in their future.

    Once Jesus died, these animal sacrifices had no purpose. The ripping of the curtain in the temple at the time of Jesus' death signified this. It also signified the God no longer considered the nation of Israel his people since they murdered his son.

    Think of it this way. Two people are married. The woman has a son by the man but she mistreats him. Then she purposely drowns the child and kills it. Once this happens do you think a husband would stay with his wife? If you think he should, you need more help than we can give you on YA!.

    Jesus' death fulfilled the Mosaic Law Covenant. We are now under the law of the Christ.

    The difference, the Mosaic Law Covenant was set up with an Earthly naiton, and was designed to point the sins of that nation.

    The Law of Christ is all about love and forgiveness and is set up for everyone on Earth and especially those who will rule with him and serve as kings, priests and judges.

  • 5 years ago

    This is honestly mentioned within the Bible itself. Peter and Paul had a controversy approximately it. Paul gained. Christians suppose that Christ supplied a brand new dispensation, a brand new covenant with guy, and that the historical Jewish legislation and necessities not needed to be obeyed. The obstacle got here to a head over circumcision and nutrition, due to the fact that Gentiles have been not going to transform to Christianity if the guys needed to be circumcised they usually all needed to stop certan meals. It was once argued that that this was once no longer quintessential, that the brand new dispensation didn't require obeying the historical legislation. The Old Testament does no longer forbid consuming alcohol. Wine, actually, is facet of more than a few Jewish rituals and vacations. Christians did forbid lending at curiosity for a few centuries (it proved to be impractical). Christians maintain a Sabbath, they simply do it on yet another day. Christians could have a factor that Jesus was once cause on deemphasizing Jewish regulation. In my view, he was once making an attempt to reform his possess faith, no longer observed a brand new one, however there's a few rationale to suppose that he was once advocating a much less inflexible, much less regulation-sure variation of Judaism.

  • 9 years ago

    To mean what Sunshine said, it would be UNLESS heaven and earth disappear, not UNTIL.

    But then who knows what words men changed when the Bible was transcribed to their 'understanding?'

    Surely the Law in any form existed to make peops good and right, just as it does today.

    Surely that is the Law Jesus advances that, as Sunshine said, can be superceded, evolved.

    Nothing mysterious.

    Source(s): THE BIBLE
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  • 9 years ago

    the law is perfect and no one can keep it

    the law convicts people of sin

    the law defines what sin is

    to fulfill means bring to a completion

    israel was required to keep the law only


    when jesus died and arose from the dead he fulfilled the law

    so we no longer have to make a sin sacrifice with a lamb at the temple of god

    jesus even altered the law

    Matthew 5:27-28

    King James Version (KJV)

    27 Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery:

    28 But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Very simple. Satisfactory of the Law of righteousness is fulfilled through Jesus Christ the perfect man and because of this we are justified through faith in him as imperfect man unable to fulfill the law (Ten commands) by receiving his righteousness (Romans 3:22).

    EDIT: You need to read the gospels and epistles. Christ addressed this numerous times. You cannot be saved through the flesh. You seem to subscribe to a the old ebionite heresy

  • 9 years ago

    All the law (Mosaic law) and all the prophecies (written in the OT). Jesus fulfilled it ALL.

    LUKE 24: 27

    "Then Jesus took them through the writings of Moses and all the prophets, explaining from all the Scriptures the things concerning himself." (Also see 2 Cor 1: 20)

    AGAIN the law didn't disapear, the law was FULFILLED.

    To illustrate: Imagine a man promises to marry a girl. He swears, on all that is holy, on his grandmothers grave, he swears that the stars will have to fall from heaven before he breaks his promise. When he marries her has he broken his promise? No he has FULFILLED IT.

    His promise was not destroyed, it didn't disappear, the STARS are still in heaven, his grandmother doesn't have to spin in her grave.. he has done what he promised to do!


    Now the idiom 'until heaven and earth disappea" is another way of saying "I swear on my grandmother's grave" it is saying THERE IS NO WAY I WILL NOT KEEP THIS PROMISE. Jesus was saying there is no way, it would be impossible for the promises in the law, NOT to be fullfilled.

    He is not saying, "You'll know the moment I accomplish them all because heaven and eath will end", he's saying heaven and earth is more likely to end than these laws go unaccomplished...

    JESUS FULFILLED the law.

    Once fulfilled they no longer applied. Just like the young man, he is no longer engaged to the girl, when he is married. The engagement was not abolished, it didn't disappear, the engagement wasn't "broken" "abolished" or "nullified"... it had simply fulfilled its purpose (which was to lead to marriage). The laws purpose was to lead to Jesus - when Jesus came it was time for the "marrage" the engagement period was OVER.

    Hope this has helped you in your misunderstanding of scripture and the purpose of the bible.


    Jesus idiomatic phrase "heaven and earth will disappear" seems to be posing some problems.

    MAT 5:18

    because I tell you with certainty that UNTIL heaven and earth disappear, not one letter or one stroke of a letter will disappear from the Law UNTIL everything has been accomplished. (CAPs mine)

    Jesus is saying NOTHING in the law will disappear UNTIL it is accomplished. He is not saying that nothing in the law will "disappear" He's saying, in modern day English idomatics style, "These laws must be fullfiled, pigs will fly before one of them is not FULFILLED/accomplished"

    Does this help you see how you are reading the scripture "backwards"?


    I'm going to add this note in the light of your comment to Pliney, because it seem evident you don't have a clear understanding ot the issues involved here.

    We don't usually speak in terms of "fulfilling" a law - usually we speak in terms of keeping or "obeying" laws. When Jesus spoke about the fullfillment of the law then, he was implying that all those 600 odd laws had a deeper purpose or goal than simply law and order.

    The Mosaic law (including the famous 10 commandments) were a body of laws that helped the Isaelites keep to God's standards AND prepare them for their coming Messiah. It is in this way they acted like a "promise", they had a greater purpose and it is this way, while the Messiah (Jesus kept the law perfectly) he could speak of himself as being the fullfillment of the law.

    In short, the Mosaic law EXISTED for him (Jesus). HE was the reason God gave the law in the first place.

    I hope my answer has been of help to you; bravo for you for asking such deep questions and I wish you much joy in your continued search for spiritual enlightenment,

    Kind regards,


  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Spend enough time in here and you'll realise that apparently it was Poe's Law.

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