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Lv 4
? asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 9 years ago

Why do Democrats get such a large portion of the Jewish vote?

This is something that has puzzled me for a long time, especially this year.

Obama is no friend to Israel, undermining them at every turn, it seems

I just don't get it

The monolithic black vote is another mystery to me, but that's another story. They're not voting in their own best interest...but they keep voting that way; another mystery


Phoenix? I couldn't disagree with you more. Democrats are not tollerant. Or let me rephrase...Progressives are not tollerant. They preach free speech, as long as they agree with it. When they don't, they try to silence it. Democrats aren't even close to as tollerant as Conservatives. I draw a distinction between conservatives and Republicans

Update 2:

Third? I think you're a bit lost here. Progressives own the Democrat party, and are a threat to all religions, and all free thinking men. Look at the way they try to force their agenda on religious institutions. The Republican party is the only party, that I can see, that is even trying to address our financial issues. You need to stop eating so much left wing propaganda

Update 3:

Joshua, again, I have to disagree with you. Obama has undermined Israel. He has made public statements that Israel should negotiate with Hamas, start at the 67 borders, etc. He says one thing to privately, and another publicly. He has allowed Israel's enemies to rise up and take power all over the Middle East. He's no friend of Israel, or the Jews. And again, I think you're buying into a bit of propaganda, from the left, concerning conservatism. Democrats are not in your best interest. You will see

Update 4:

Let me rephrase something. Obama has facilitated Israel's enemies to take power, not merely allowed them to. There is a big difference between those statements.

Update 5:

Also, in response to the statement that blacks vote in their own best interest...Really? Supporting an endless list of failed programs and schools, despite better alternatives, fostering a permanent, dependent underclass...this is "help"? This is something to vote for? I think not

15 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Jews who vote democrat are fools.

    Source(s): I'm Jewish.
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I'm a Jewish Democrat, and I don't think that being a "Friend of Israel" makes a politician a shoe-in with Jews at all. Jewish voters, like Christian voters, vote on a wide variety of issues and most of us tend to be socially liberal, economically moderate, and non-confrontational in our foreign policy. Republican views don't jive with that. Beyond that, Obama has not undermined Israel. He's maintained every level of economic and military aid. He's maintained a certain level of netrality because it's generally not healthy for a peace process to demonize one side of the conflict. If anything, Romney is undermining peace efforts by unilaterally declaring Jerusalem the capital of Israel (a view which the State Department has never endorsed, not even under Reagan), calling Palestinians culturally inferior, and kowtowing to the notoriously antisemitic Polish conservative parties. But I digress.

    Basically what I'm trying to say is that Jews are not Israelis. Putting on a yarmulke and shaking hands with Bibi Netanyahu won't get you our votes. If anything, it's insulting to us.

  • 9 years ago

    Firstly, there are a fair amount of Jewish Republicans.

    Secondly, Jews tend to be more socially liberal... which leans democratic. Jews are minorities and want seperation of church and state... something the Democrats always work to protect. Also, Israel is not the only issue that matters to Jews.

    Source(s): Being Jewish in America in 2012
  • 9 years ago

    First, quit watching fox news because Obama is not just a friend but a great ally to Israel. He has over a 51% and second blacks are voting for their own best interest when they vote democrat, many are not wealthy and republicans are only set out to protect the rich

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Well as a Jew, I am sickened by all of the Christian stuff in the Republican party like the anti-gay marriage stance, their anti-abortion stance, the way they want to teach creationism, and I really hate when they say America is a "Christian nation". Then they try to preach to Israel to buy our vote and they ignore all of the liberal Israelies who are basically on par with the liberals in the United States.

    The blacks who are on welfare are definitely voting in their best interest. Many of the employed blacks vote for better education for their kids and public works for their communities.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    First of all, he might not be the best of friends to Israel but he is more a friend than an enemy (and if you give me the "Obama is a muslim" argument then you will be required to experimentally prove that it is the case)

    Second, despite the common stereotype, the Jewish community is not really composed of money hogs.

    Third, the Jewish community is a very tolerant people (admittedly not necessarily of ALL people but for the most part they are tolerant of those that tolerate them). The Democratic party is FAR more tolerant of differences than is the republican party.

    I will not deny that progressives can be aggressive if one disagrees with their views, but the same can be said for EVERY political party.

    Now let me ask you this:

    Are the conservatives tolerant of the LGBT community? For the most part, no. They do not want to extend marriage rights to them because they are different.

    Are conservatives tolerant of the idea of pro-choice? Nope. They think abortion is "baby hating" and "child murder" and all that. They essentially say "well we don't like it so we will make it illegal for everyone." Compare this to the pro-choice belief of "if you need one for your personal reasons then we have no reason to stop you."

    And now let me show you about republicans (all quoted from 1st source, in source section)

    Are they tolerant of the lower class? Not so much. They are not willing to help the lower class because they feel they should help themselves. Now while it would not be ok for the

    government to do EVERYTHING for the lower class, the republicans refuse to help them.

    And then there are several bills blocked by republicans:

    *HR 12 – Paycheck Fairness Act – While the Lily Ledbetter Act was a good start, this bill would have mandated pay fairness and prohibited pay discrimination based on sex.

    *H.R. 320 -- CJ’s Home Protection Act – This bill would have provided for changes in building standards to require manufactured homes to come equipped with a weather alert radio and an alarm during certain weather conditions, like tornadoes.

    *H.R. 577 – Vision Care for Kids Act – Of course, this would provide eyesight screening for children who do not have insurance that covers this, and help provide them with glasses.

    *H.R. 911 -- Stop Child Abuse in Residential Programs for Teens Act – This bill would actually improve oversight and prevent child abuse in group homes.

    *H.R. 1585 -- FIT Kids Act – This would develop programs targeted to making our kids healthy, by teaching them healthy eating habits, monitor physical education programs and providing local school systems with grants to help them improve children’s health-related programs.

    This is just a partial list. Does that sound TOLERANT to you?

    Further, let me go back to what you said: "Progressives are not tollerant. They preach free speech, as long as they agree with it. When they don't, they try to silence it." This claim, while partially having some truth, is hypocritical. Why? Because the opposing side does the same thing. Conservatives/republicans (and I understand you draw a distinction but you did not establish it and really this does apply to both whether separated or the same) try to block the more liberal ideas. When prop 8 was on the ballot in california in 2008, the Mormon church (conservative) got TONS of funding to basically silence the LGBT community.

    The question of accepting other's ideas as free speech is a grey area because both sides are guilty of attacking the other. In POLICIES, the conservatives and republicans don't do NEARLY as much to advance people's rights but rather setting them back.

    Conservatives do have the right to be against abortions and same-sex marriages. They do NOT really have any legitimate reason to take away OTHER's rights because they disagree with the concept (often because of religion)

  • Why do so many white supremacists vote Republican. In a large nationwide survey of employed white Republicans without college, it was found that for every one in the North, there were two in the South.

    Jews know the enemy by instinct. A bigot is a bigot.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Conservatives accuse african americans of being racist for voting for democrats and Obama by such a large margin. Can Jews be considered racist too?

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Likud does not speak for all Israelis. Nor does Israel speak for all Jews. Some want a more even handed policy.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Don't understand either of them. What do Democrats do for them? Obama has made it chic again to hate Jews and is no friend of Israel's.

  • 9 years ago

    Jews, on average, have higher education levels than the country at large. It's been shown that educated people tend to vote Democrat.

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