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Are there any arguments against gay marriage that do not involve religion?

After all, the United States is not a theocracy. Therefore, if there is no reason other than religious belief to oppose it, then it would be unconstitutional to force the populace to abide by one particular set of religious doctrine.

And no, "they can't have children" is hardly a valid reason, unless you also believe that post-menopausal women and vasectomized men should also be forbidden from marrying.


@Gunther -- As I already mentioned, the whole argument about children is completely irrelevant, since there are no laws preventing people who are infertile from getting married. Nor are there laws preventing people who are completely incompetent parents from getting married.

Besides, you have absolutely zero evidence to support your assertion that homosexual couples make inferior parents.

Update 2:

@Kaboose -- That isn't even close to a valid argument. Simply saying "that's the way it is" has nothing to do with anything.

13 Answers

  • Nous
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Anglican leaders from around the world have clearly stated their opposition to the "victimisation or diminishment" of gays and lesbians, saying demonising and persecuting them was "totally against Christian charity and basic principles of pastoral care".

    "We say that no one should have to live in fear because of the bigotry of others."

    The mormons poured millions into forcing through prop 8 in CA: to ban gay marriage. In August 2010 the court held that to be unconstitutional. On 15 June 2011 the San Francisco court upheld that decision because it violates the constitutional rights of citizens. On 7 February 2012 the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals struck the California law again finding that the California state constitution banning same-sex marriage violated principles of due process and equal protection under the law.

    The court found that the ban violates equality laws to target a minority group and withdraw a right that it possessed, without a legitimate reason for doing so. Proposition 8 serves no purpose, and has no effect, other than to lessen the status and human dignity of gays and lesbians in California. The constitution simply does not allow for laws of this sort.

    It is now awaiting the Supreme Court verdict which is expected to uphold the early court decision.

    If that happens then gay marriage will become legal everywhere and that will be marriage and not civil partnership!

    In the UK The intolerance, bigotry and homophobia from Christians resulted in it being classed as a hate crime with severe sentences. It has led to the government framing legislation which if enacted will replace "Civil Partnership" with full marriage.

    The loving god works in mysterious ways.

  • 9 years ago

    Was this a question or a statement lol? You asked for an argument against gay marriage that doesn't involve religion, and so far the three people who have presented you with an argument you shut down and your counter statement was basically"nuh-uhhh!" You already seem to be 100% sure that there are absolutely no non-religious oppositions to gay marriage so I dont know why you even posted this question. If you believe in something so much that no matter what any one else says you will continue to believe the same, then why even bother listening to thier opinions?

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Nope, I don't. Marriage is a biblical institution though, and that fact has been lost in civil unions available to most Western countries who allow freedom of religion. The bible is very, very clear on marriage being between a man and a woman (makes you wonder what life was like back then huh? LOL considering how unclear it can be on other matters in society) and therefore as a religious or sacramental marriage -- yes, should be as bible states. My biggest argument comes in that churches should never be FORCED to marry same sex couples. Division of Church and State again, just another perspective. However, you asked if I have a non-religious argument, the answer is no. People who love each other SHOULD be bound to each other. ESPECIALLY if they have children.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Sure - but isn't your question biased against bible based beliefs?

    I'll answer this in two parts: secular and spiritual


    1. Medically speaking, gay intercourse (any sodomy) is unhealthy, because the digestive tract is not designed for penetration, just excretion (pooping). If you read a bit about precautions taken and risks of even a digital rectal should make you realize that the body simply cannot withstand improper usage without consequences. E.coli in the blood stream, was one effect I have seen. Sodomy harms your immune system, even if you avoid visible tears and bleeding.

    It's impolitic to say this, though. It would be taken as "anti-something".

    So people often let themselves be intimidated into silence.

    2. Evolution is the dominant theory of human life - can you explain how same-sex attraction is beneficial to our evolution? Are there ways it benefits even that single individual? If it doesn't do these things, it cannot be "good". Does it make sense to "affirm" aberrant behavior?

    Not all mutations, adaptations, or gene alterations are useful/successful for the organism.

    3. Sociological. Read some good professional articles on child development, and see how much a traditional family helps a child progress normally. Epidemiology proves the rise in single parent homes corresponds to increase in all kinds of social problems like domestic abuse. Kids look to adults to model gender roles, along with the rest. IF you do not think that matters, then this point will be minimized for you.

    4. Feminist agenda goes with gay agenda to dispose of traditional gender roles. They devalue the 2-parent, 2-gender family. The effect is deterioration of the family unit in society, as people buy into that. That's a lot of study too - but you can eventually find out the real agenda behind the media hype.

    If you have a problem with being manipulated by media and political power mongers, then this gives you a third argument against gay marriage. It's one of those 2 groups' hot-buttons. They cannot be unbiased in their "facts", being lobbyists/activists. They do not "know" it is "natural" - no conclusive science backs them up. They have a "belief".


    I know you didn't want religious answers - but this is a spiritual issue when you involve marriage.

    It comes down to a rejection of any divine authority to suit "modern" thinking. Demanding marriage is impossible, unless you could get the divinities involved to okay it.

    We are being pressured (in many nations) to extend the strictly Spirit-ordained privilege of marriage to those who refuse to adhere to a given god's standards - or ELSE. Vows are taken before God, your goddess, or your pantheon of gods, who you ask blessings of. If you disbelieve the existence of God/spirits, then why bother with marriage at all?

    Sounds like substitution of irreligion for religion.

    BTW - this last bit is Unconstitutional. Google it.

    And NO, the government has no authority to marry - or to bless! Scary idea.

    Source(s): I don't need to research. I know a civil rights lawyer, have 6 years graduate training in psychology, and ministry credentials in 2 completely different faiths. I also have had gay friends, and people share things.
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  • Jesus
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    well probably not. Besides God is dead any way according to the legal part of the united states government. Gee it must be that God thing again. So many societies thumbed their noses at him oops so many of those societies don't exist any longer. The over all drought our nation is suffering should be enough to tell you that God doesn't approve but you can't hear him. I think it is strange however that most of the united states is in trouble from a large sweeping drought right after obama our president announces that homosexuality is supported by our nation. I think I would worry about locusts next I really really do! Toss that in with obama telling Israel to give up its territory to palestine and I wouldn't be a bit surprised if the rivers turn to blood next and then the frogs come. Perhaps it is time for true believers in christ and the father to find them lambs and wash their door posts in blood for when God visits the houses of pharoah. Those false God failed to protect that proud hard hearted man what are the odds that satanic substructure will fail to stand up to the power of God as well? pestalince perhaps. wasn't there an episode in california concerning disease carried by deer mice just today in the news?

  • Yes.

    The fact that homosexual relationships are not as effective as heterosexual ones in raising children is a valid reason to value heterosexual relationships over homosexual ones. The long-term health of our society is greater when marriage is protected and encouraged.

    Have sex with whoever you want. Make a contract about the rights you want to bestow upon one another in that relationship. But trying to appropriate the term "marriage" is not about equality; it's about trying to force acceptance.


    You asked for a reason. In any debate, you can't simply take a substantial reason, decide that you don't want to deal with it, and then declare it "invalid."

    Since you don't take my word for it (and you shouldn't) why don't you go to and look up reports on parenting outcomes for heterosexual couples? The research is there. All you have to do is look for it.

    Your argument against Kaboose is ironic. You say that simply saying "that's the way it is" has nothing to do with anything, and indeed you are correct, but you fail to realize that THIS IS YOUR OWN ARGUMENT. Simply asserting something doesn't make it correct.

  • Ms V-
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Sort of off topic, but I must be violating the sanctity of someone's marriage. I've chosen not to have kids. Something tells me that the human race will survive fine without my 2.3 offspring.

  • 9 years ago

    Yes and the argument will come from White Supremacists and the Black Panthers. The NAACP, however, fully supports gay marriage.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    No. The arguments against gay marriage are all grounded in religion.

  • 9 years ago

    pretty much not, the only ones i know is they cant have kids or ruin the sanctity of marriage. but many religions dislike gay marriage which is why it has so much hold

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