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Do You Think Women Should be Allowed to Have?

Hairy armpits and hairy legs? Why do you think that God created women to have hairs grow under the arms and on the legs?

14 Answers

  • dave j
    Lv 6
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    ALLOWED to have? Sorry I didn't know that there were any rules, regulations, or laws stating they couldn't have hair where it should be. If it were up to me I would pass a law stating women CAN'T shave under their arms, between their legs, or their legs. Just kidding but seriously in general I believe to each their own. On a personal level though I prefer females who have natural underarms, legs, and pubic area and yes I am a guy. I think it looks more natural, certainly more mature, and well...just plain sexier! I don't know why, just the way my brain works, I'm American, grew up and live here, THE worst place in the world for hairy women and yet I've always preferred hairy over shaven since I was 12-13 years old when I first started having sex. I can probably count on less than 2 hands the actual number of girls I've been sexually involved with who have had shaven armpits and I'm very proud of that fact. Ok so I'm well hung and know what to do with it so that factor has got many girls I've been involved with to stop shaving when we were together because I let them know that I prefer that and they have definitely benefited from that but they are kind of the exception rather than the rule. Basically I go for women who are already unshaven as I know that they have decided within their own brains that shaving is a waste of time and only accomplishes "social conformity". By not shaving, other than it being a sexual turn on, I know that a woman has an intelligent enough mind to think for herself and has chosen to be unique as an individual which is just as important to me besides the "sexual turn on" factor.

    To answer your question....."God" if he or she exists, created ALL human beings to have hair where it should be. Human beings were in existence for thousands of years with hair on their bodies in both sexes and it was never considered a "bad" thing. Men were attracted to women and vice versa and had sex and had children WAY before shaving became fashionable or was even heard of. Our AMERICAN grandmothers probably, and our great-grandmothers definitely ALL had hair under their arms, legs, and pubic area and it was considered a natural, normal part of maturity and being a woman. Our grandfathers and great-grandfathers didn't have a problem with this, probably never even gave it a second thought or we wouldn't be here now. Hope this has opened your mind somewhat.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    It's just a cultural thing. It has nothing to do with "god" or any kind of religion. Human beings have body hair. When we lived in caves it was there to protect our naked bodies from dirt, thorns and whatever else. It was also there to keep us warm and at one time we may have had a lot more body hair than we do now.

    As humans began wearing clothing, we no longer needed this excess hair to protect us from the elements. So we adapted to have less hair than other animals. The result is that we have hardly any but some traces from our past still remain. In some cultures the appearance of a hairy body is considered "ugly" or "unfeminine" but this is just a matter of opinion. In many places in the world, women still choose not to shave and that is a fact.

    Personally, I think if there IS a god that he probably doesn't care if people shave off their body hair, face hair or the hair on their head. He gave us these bodies and gave us free will to do what we want with them. Cutting your hair isn't damaging, unhealthy or mutilating. It doesn't injure your body and hair grows back just like fingernails.

    I think god probably gave us a large brain so we can make educated decisions about how to look, how to dress and how to act. If the way you look is legal and appropriate in the culture you live in and you are happy with it, then do what you want. If you are not harming anyone else, you should be free to look how you want. It is your body, your hair and your life. I hope this answers your question!

  • Pancho
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Yes. Too many women in the world have been brainwashed by the make-up companies and told what they "should" look like. So they spend billions of $$$ on make-up every year. They spend huge amounts of time shaving, painting their faces, dyeing their hair, putting cremes and lotions all over their bodies. But natural women have hair under their arms. So what? What's important is that they (as with all of us) bathe every day. The rest of it doesn't matter. And what do you mean by "allowed?" Allowed by who? By law? You want laws passed to force all women to shave their armpits? Hmm, i hope you never become a legislator ...

  • 9 years ago

    Um, your question is whether or not we should be ALLOWED to have body hair? Do you live in some kind of totalitarian society where personal choices which do not affect anyone else in any way whatsoever are under the control of lawmakers?

    Why is this even a question? Of course it should be allowed; I don't see how there could be any other answer.

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  • 9 years ago

    Definitely a cultural thing. Some countries women do not shave. In the 70s women did not shave. Some men like hairy ...body parts. God did not create women that way. It's just the way they are. But kalvin kline and Gucci did change it.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    I think hair is natural and this includes hair all the places it grows. Why trim a unibrow when it shows you may be related to the Neanderthals. We need to let hairy people marry each other. Consider how much we would save on jackets and heavy coats.

  • 9 years ago

    "Allowed?" Is that you Romney?

    Don't you think it should be the woman's choice whether she shaves her pits and legs?

    There's a lot of men shaving their pits and legs these days....

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    If you want to be harry as a man, find a man that loves harry women. Cause I don't.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    The reason we shave is because man has evolved to be more attracted to shaved women.

    Sadly, women haven't evolved to naturally be hairless.

  • 9 years ago

    Hair on the body is as natural as hair on the head. You may influence your wife/girlfriend, but you cannot legislate - and I really suggest you do not hurt yourself by trying.

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