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What do you think about breastfeeding?

Would you/did you breastfeed your kids? Or for guys, would you want your wife to breastfeed your kids? How long should they be breastfed? Is it different if the baby is a boy or a girl? What do you think about women breastfeeding in public?

Just overall, what are your feeling about it?

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I am currently breast feeding my daughter (20 months old). My husband is very much on board with it. You can breast feed as long as it works for you and your child, and what your goals are. I wanted to breastfeed immediately after birth - VERY important in getting the latch immediately for successful breast feeding. My daughter was born at home so she attached within 15 minutes. Even newborns are capable of rooting around their mother's stomach/chest to find it for attaching. It's really amazing what they are capable of at such a young age.

    No difference in nursing a boy or girl. Breastfeeding in public gets a bad rep. Apparently 90% of the US believe women should have the right, but you are always hearing horror stories of women being asked to stop, get dirty looks, or rude remarks. I have always breastfed in public, but like to remain covered up as I'm very private. I've never had a dirty look or rude comment. I've never been asked to leave either. There are many laws on the mother's side so know the laws in your area. I had them on my phone in case anyone ever tried anything.

    Nursing covers are great, but many kids will toss them off. Usually a blanket is all you need. No one knows what you are doing and it doesn't draw as much attention as a nursing cover.

    In regards to how long, I'm still going and plan to let her wean herself. I know some women choose to breastfeed for a few weeks while others did it up to 6 or 7 years. I hope she'll wean by 3 as I think there are ages it seems a little too long. Ultimately, it's your decision. You'll know your child best and make the best decision for them in regards to when stopping is right for both of you.

    Source(s): Mother of a 20 month old, still breast feeding.
  • 9 years ago

    I think that breastfeeding offers great benefits to a newborn. I breastfed for about a month and could keep up with the demand my daughter needed. I plan on trying harder with my next child. I couldn't imagine breastfeeding for longer than a year, but to each their own. I think woman should be able to breastfeed in public, but don't whip your boob out in front of people. Have some class, cover yourself.

    I really wished I could have breastfed for longer. It saddens me and I miss the bond we had.

  • 9 years ago

    No one I knew was breastfed. I wasnt breastfed. I never saw anyone breastfeed. So for me. I was just going to bottle feed my baby. I took a class and they made me feel so guilty about bottle feeding. So, I decided I would try to breast feed. My baby had a lot of complications. His blood sugar was so low at birth, they immediately gave him a bottle (after an emergency C-section). Then they found all this other stuff wrong, so they kept him in the nursery all night, then he had to go to childrens hospital. So, I never got to start feeding him right away. I was encouraged to pump. So I did that everyday, every 3 hours for the 3 weeks he was in NICU. My son could not latch on properly. We just could not get it to work. It could have been my fault. I felt so guilty. After we came home I still pumped. I had a cheaper pump. I couldnt get in the regular pumps like I could at the hospital. I was losing my supply, so, I rented a Medela pump (awesome, by the way). I just could not get my supply back. It was depressing. I was so stressed. I decided after 2 months of struggleing with it, to just go to formula. It was like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders.

    So, I am for it. I hate how big of a deal people are making it though. I heard something like they wanted to make it a law that you have to breastfeed. Now I dont think that is right either. I am not going to preach it to anyone. If you want to bottle feed, then bottle feed. (I did think that bottle feeding was more convenient). Women should be allowed to breastfeed anywhere, which I think it is the law. But, women say about always getting in trouble for doing it in public places.

    So, I tried it. I had problems. I switched to formula. It was less stressful. With my next child, I would probably try it again.

    If you are trying to have a baby, and trying to figure out what to do. I say do what you want to do. Dont let other people pressure you into changing your mind.

  • 9 years ago

    Yes i deffinitaly recommend breast feeding. i am 20 weeks pregnate with my first baby boy. i plan on breast feeding until my childs teeth start to come in and then iam want to pump. i have heard that it is painfull in the beginning but if you stick with it, it will pay off, one of my friends is still breast feeding her 1 year old and everytime she goes to feed her baby her daughter gets really excited its rewarding for mother and long you should breast feed depends on you everyone is different some only do it for a few weeks some continue throughout a year! no i do not believe it makes a difference in the sex of the baby and my husband is very supportive and happy that iam going to breastfeed. breastfeeding in public there are ways you can breastfeed and it not be obvious if you wear a cami under your shirt when you feed, you can lift your shirt up and pull your cami under your breast so your stomache is not exposed and alot of people dont even notice i have been with my friend and her baby while she did this. I hope you enjoy breast feeding if this is what you decide to do!

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  • 9 years ago

    I did breast feed both my babies (boys). The first for 10 months ( I was 21) and the 2nd for 3 months ( I was 40 & my milk didn't come in very well). I never had problems with the first even after his teeth came in, no pain etc. I did it in public under a baby blanket, completely covered. Even in the 70's people stared at me some. The 2nd I was working full time, it hurt from day 1 and was a lot of work for him to get enough milk. He started refusing to nurse. It's best for any baby if possible.

    Do try it.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I plan on breastfeeding. I hope to breastfeed for about six months. And I have no problems breastfeeding in public.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    i wanted to but my preemie never took to it, i pumped for 4 months and supplemented with formula, not too far off from my plan, i wanted to breastfeed/pump for at least 3-4 months, but wasnt against the occasional formula bottle at night or if i went out because i was not comfortable with the idea of breastfeeding in public

  • 9 years ago

    I breast fed my baby she is 20 months old it was only a lil painful at the beginning but I got the hang of it and its so beneficial for the baby my daughter has only been sick once and it was jus a lil cold has never had an ear infection and it really lowers your chance of breast cancer:-) itsbjus good all around and don worry bout doin it in public as long as you not pulling you boob out for everyone to see its fine. Jus keep covered up:-) :-)

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