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Do the republican really believe that saying now to everything the president propose will help them?

I know it late and all but I don't get why the republican party will try so hard to make obama a one term president say no to his job plan and continue to f*ck up the county. the president had a plan to created job but the republican say no with didn't help the country. How can the speaker of the house say the american people need jobs but wont do sh*t when the obama has a plan.(even a try can be something) I believe it won't work cause the american people are tired of the partisan the republican house have done and i believe that it will backfire, so i want to now if it might work out for them or not?


sorry the now is no

Update 2:

Also I would like to hear other people opinion too this is want make this country great

But no asshole saying stupid sh*t

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    obama can not create jobs...

    There is no such thing as a job creator or someone providing a job. There is capital and there is demand. When there is demand for a service or goods, capital is provided by those with capital. When there is no demand, they don't provide capital to hire people to stand around. BOTH capital and demand is needed in order to sustain capitalism. Right now, just as before the great depression, over 24% of the nations wealth has consolidated in the hands of 1% of the population. This causes us to have lots of capital and little demand. The reason for this gathering of capital is something called supply side economics or commonly referred to as trickle down economics. Basically it's the "if you build it, they will come" theory, but it doesn't work, because the wealthy are smart and aren't going to build a business if there is no demand. Currently, demand is dropping because our overall tax system at the local, state, and federal level has become both regressive and progressive at the same time, meaning that the poor and wealthy both pay a lower percentage of their income in taxes than the middle class. This causes middle class families to fall into poverty and capital to accumulate at the top. As the middle class shrinks, so does demand for goods and services. Supply side economics says that the wealthy will add demand when they pay less taxes, but 1% of the population can't buy enough stuff to produce much effect, and rich people aren't going to buy 1,000 pair of jeans a year to help spur the economy, they buy the same 3-4 pair a year you or I do. Even if they spend double what you and I do on those jeans, they can't make up for the economic impact of 50% of the population buying 1 less par of jeans a year. Demand goes down, the jean company lays off idle workers, and demand falls even more due to unemployment. As demand falls, companies try to maintain profits by laying off middle management, which again causes increased unemployment. Demand is the key to unemployment numbers and middle class spending power is the key to sustainable capitalism and fewer bull/bust cycles. But neither party REALLY wants that. The Dems need recessions to show you how evil the GOP is and to pass social programs, the GOP is nothing but the legislative branch of American corporations and the defense industry. So what the middle class gets is squeezed in the middle, bled dry by people on welfare and bled dry by corporations and defense companies on the other end. We go back and forth between the 2 parties every 4-8 years and then we can't figure out why our tax bills keep getting bigger and the middle class smaller. And the reason they both get away with it is because Americans just won't take the time to educate themselves on the issues and continue to let the TV tell them what to think

  • 9 years ago

    pls Obama has not met with his jobs council in a year

    have you read woodward's new book when he told the republicans three days after he was elected that he would do things his way he also said "I WON"

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