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Frank Obi
How to play fifa 13?????
Ok so I started playing FIFA 13 two days ago and I'm such a noob at it so I want to know if there is any place where I can get tips on playing the game good also I need help on playing online too please help!! Thank you
1 AnswerVideo & Online Games8 years agoThe first thing I should say to the girl im trying to hit on?
I might be saying the wrong things and want to know the right thing to say first
starting my second year of college
4 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years agoAm I doing it wrong or am i unlucky?
Well I'm about to start my second year of college and last year was a compete **** when it come to dating or girls in the fact. I had one girl who was cool and we kiss on the first date but after that she didn't want to talk to me anymore and I feel like that I was used to get over her ex bf, I had another girl who went out of her way just to meet me(like going to my dorm room in middle of the night and I wasn't there) we hang out for like a month and then she just turn to a compete a** and told me not to talk to her anymore( which i didnt do anything to upset her) and lastly I been trying to talk to girls to see if I can a get their number but usually I get shut down(and they don't have bf) so my question is that if I'm doing anything wrong or am I just that unlucky?
Ps also I am a nice guy so I'm think that the nice guy do finish last I hope that not true
1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years agoHow to get more followers on tumblr?
Well I just started on tumblr and would like to know how to get more followers
And if you have one mines is ill follow back
2 AnswersGoogle8 years agoWhat should i know for an beginner graphic designer?
Hey so I decided to major in graphic design and Im pretty new at this so in my college the major is impacted so that means that im pre- major and have to show a portfolio to get in (plus it hard) I met some friends who are in the same degree with me and they had experiences and stuff like some already made logos for there own company one been doing this sine he was little and Im done a little photoshop in my senior year of high school so my question is if theres stuff i should look at stuff to know and ect because i really do want tot be in this program
3 AnswersDrawing & Illustration8 years agoShould I forget her????
So im a freshman in college and started living in the dorms this semester and my roommate introduce a girl to me we talked and when she left my roommate told me that she liked me so the week after that I met her in a basketball game we talked more and after that we went for yogurt and after that we played some pool(which I let her win) the next day she and a friend of hers invited me to go to some parties(which was my first) where we drank(that was my first too) we took a shot together while holding hand after that she was getting close to me cuddle somewhat and she was doing it all. So after that we went back to the dorm where I walk her to her room we both said goodnight and kissed multiple time (which was my first) I told her if we're dating and she said, "i think so" and after that things got confusing I tried to txt her she doesn't reply or just give me one word reply I tried to asked her if she wanted to hang out but she said that she doesn't want a relationship and still talking to her ex and need some time. so I tried to be friendly and tried to txt her a convo but she only txted me back one and didnt reply. I want to stop talking her because I have a feeling that she gonna be with her ex or someone else and I was just used, so I dont know if I should wait it out or just forget her on move on, a answer would be great thanks and sorry if this question is long
2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years agoWhat should I do????????????????
OK so I started living in my college dorm two week ago met a lot of people. I met this one girl and my roommate told me that she like me, so i talked to her we went out to get yogurt and play pool and the next day we went to a party where It was the first time we drink we had a great time and at the end we kissed (she kiss me first). Two days after i asked her if she wanted to hang out, she said that she doesn't want a relationship and is still taking to her ex. My friends told me to talk to her more but anytime I text her she barely reply back or don't reply at all. So i dont know what to do??????
1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years agoHaving some problem with a Girl ???
OK so I started living in my college dorm two week ago met a lot of people. I met this one girl and my roommate told me that she like me, so i talked to her we went out to get yogurt and play pool and the next day we went to a party where It was the first time we drink we had a great time and at the end we kissed (she kiss me first). Two days after i asked her if she wanted to hang out, she said that she doesn't want a relationship and is still taking to her ex. My friends told me to talk to her more but anytime I text her she barely reply back or don't reply at all. So i dont know what to do??????
1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years agoNeed help with friendship?
Ok first im not trying to whine but I dont know what to do.
Im freshman in college and just finish my first semester in college with good grades I met some great friends on the way and are really cool with me. Im on my break and now back to my friends, I had some cool high school friends but the only problem is that none of them want to talk to me or text me I alway try to start a conversation but they would not reply back or it will be a very short convo. I always wanted to be the guy who hang out with my friends but that never happen so I really dont know what to do. When I do go back to college I'll live on a dorm and maybe that might help. so should I forget my high school friends??????
1 AnswerFriends8 years agoi got a girl number and don't know whats next?
So I just ask a girl for her number for the first time and got and really don't know what to do next
So whats next lol??????
4 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years agoHelp! how to become a better at english?
So im not the best writer when it come to essays, every time i finish one, and my mom or friend read it, it always shitty and correct everything thing and that upset me like crazy and I'm at college.
Also im a horrible speaker i stumble sometime and don't know what to say next and that annoying as hell
so my question is that if there anything i can do to get better because i just want to end this before people call me an idiot
3 AnswersTeaching9 years agoDo the republican really believe that saying now to everything the president propose will help them?
I know it late and all but I don't get why the republican party will try so hard to make obama a one term president say no to his job plan and continue to f*ck up the county. the president had a plan to created job but the republican say no with didn't help the country. How can the speaker of the house say the american people need jobs but wont do sh*t when the obama has a plan.(even a try can be something) I believe it won't work cause the american people are tired of the partisan the republican house have done and i believe that it will backfire, so i want to now if it might work out for them or not?
2 AnswersElections9 years agoHow to print on a dell printer with a macbook pro?
So I got a macbook for college and will be doing work on it but i have a dell printer so i don't know how to print I try it connect it but it won't work so is it possible?
2 AnswersPrinters9 years agoWill i make friend in college?
So I'm starting college I'm 9 days and I'm worry that i won't make any friend there, i had friends back in high school but then they were cool but they really didn't care that much will forget me when they leave for college(they already left) so I'm worry, I met a friend at orientation he was cool but then again I had problems with friend before and I'm to a mean person I think it bad luck, but yea I'm just want to know if you were in the same position and want to know if it will get better and if there anything i could do to make friends cause I'm very shy
3 AnswersFriends9 years agoWhat is college like and the classes like?
So I'm starting college at sac state in two weeks and I'm excited about it but I really don't know how college like or even what the classes like cause since I'm taking remedial math and English for the first year and my family have been in my a** talking about "If you fail a class then your done" so I would like to know hows it like is there anything to stress about?
3 AnswersHigher Education (University +)9 years agoI don't know if there my friends or no?
So I'm having a problem with my friends it started when I had my grad party and I invited my friends(cause most of family are not in this country), I thought that they would come but no one show up an I ask some of them why they would say that their were busy and some didn't even went with I think is f up but whatever. I want to leg it go but I keep thinking that there not my friends cause I do stuff for them. Im starting college in a few weeks and gonna make new friends so idk if I should forget them or not
Ps I haven't even hang out with them all summer
1 AnswerFriends9 years agoI can't Dance and I have to do it tomorrow?
So I'm having a grad party and I have to dance in the middle while my guest are watching me but I can't dance I try to learn but I can't so is there any move I can do cause I don't want to look dumb
Ps I'm a shy person and dot want that much attention. Please answer thanks
1 AnswerDancing9 years agoMy xbox is overheating and it horizontal ?
I keep my xbox horizontal because it would be safer and it won't overheat but it keep doing that so is there any way yo fix this please?
3 AnswersXbox9 years agoMy xbox is messing up?
First this is not the red ring of death so my little brother was play the xbox for like 3 hours and it was working great but as soon I started playing it 20 min in and it stop working and it show the 2 flashing light I font know wat to do so please help
1 AnswerXbox9 years agoAbout college orientation?
My college orientation is in 6 days and im kinda nervous because Im about to meet new people I necer seen before and most of my friends are going somewhere else. Im a shy guy and would like to introduce myself to others but my shy self cant so is there any ways to do that also I only know that in orientation is where people pick their classes but what else do people do there, if anyone who been there an answer would be nice thanks:)
4 AnswersHigher Education (University +)9 years ago