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I cringe when people say evolution is a FACT?

I know they mean well, but they're getting the whole point of science completely wrong.

Evolution is termed a theory because if new evidence were to arise that disagreed with currently accepted theory, the theory would have to be changed or discarded. This is what is great about science! It changes to meet the observed data to provide the most precise and accurate explanation of how natural processes work!

But a 'fact' is immutable, and when people say evolution is a fact, even when they're just trying to say that scientists have proven again and again that predictions made using this theory have been accurate, or that evidence continues to corroborate this theory, they're really causing people to misconstrue the nature of science and mistrust it if currently accepted theory is found to be wrong based on new evidence.

Does this get your gullet as well?


@Zero: Actually I do have the same standard for those other theories. Einstein's theory of gravity has a lot of evidence, but it is simply the best explanation using current data. If proven to be wrong, the explanation would have to change. This is different than the LAW of gravity which I feel you are mistaking the THEORY of gravity for. The law describes that gravity happens, basically. The theory poses a possible explanation for WHY gravity happens. Newton made one, Einstein made the other.

Update 2:

@Saint Jimmy: I suggest you pull out your old High School textbook and look at the definition for a "Scientific Theory" once more. It is NOT a fact. But neither is it just a guess.

Update 3:

@Tzeench: An observation differs based on the observer. Different perspectives come into view, so no, a fact is not just an observation.

Update 4:

@lanie: Yours is the so far, the most accurate answer. I believe the term you should replace 'fact' with is 'law'. By this point, there is almost no question that species change over time. Only idiots would deny that. I'm sure in Newton's time, he had to deal with tards who stated that it was demons who pulled down apples and other things down from trees, and would hesitate to call his description of gravity a law or fact.

But there should be a Law of Evolution that states that species change over time. The Theory of Evolution describes its mechanisms using natural selection, mutation, and genetics.

Update 5:

@Donut Tim: That continues my point that predictions made using the theory of evolution continue to be accurate, and solutions to problems can be made using it effectively. That still does not make it a fact. That just makes it a VERY GOOD theory.

Update 6:

Saint Jimmy: "well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world, based on a body of facts that have been repeatedly confirmed through observation and experiment"

Let me bring your attention to the terms in your definition "EXPLANATION" and "BASED ON A BODY OF FACTS". What this means is that a theory is an EXPLANATION which is BASED ON FACTS. An apple which is on a base of coconuts does not in fact make the apple a coconut.

A scientific theory remains a theory (but in the terms of it being an 'explanation', not a guess).

Update 7:

@Tzeench: We had this discussion amongst my students. What is truth? My definition of a fact or truth would be, what occurred in the absence of observation describable only in terms of the natural processes which define it. One can never fully accurately describe an occurrence or fact. There will always be bias in some way in the description or in the observation.

Update 8:

@Matt H: And yet, some would state that plate tectonics and gravity were in fact not facts. I argue that the correct term would be 'law'. It is a scientific 'law' that change in species occurs. And by the way, evolution is NOT a fact because change in allele frequencies is a fact. In fact, the alleles you speak of are a part of genetics and genetics is a theory that is a subset of cell theory, so in fact, what you stated was a theory. Not a fact. Wheeee. How many times can I say fact?

Update 9:

@Bamboo Tiger: Evidence in contrast to evolution does not support creationism. You fail at logic.

Update 10:

@Tzeench: Hence why I am advocating for a "Law of Evolution" which states that species change over time.

22 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    A scientific theory is a fact, anyone who had a diploma from a good high school would know that.

    No that's what we call a hypothesis. A theory is a "well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world, based on a body of facts that have been repeatedly confirmed through observation and experiment." In other words, a fact.

    And I am still in High School, I think I know what the textbooks say

  • I think your talking of evolution as people say it with a species to another species jump. I cringe even more when they say Science says it is a fact.

    "SOME" in the science field say that but many others disagree. Science itself does not say that is fact.

    Science says the sun raises in the east and sets in the west but Science in itself does not say evolution of man evolving from anything but man is a fact but a theory of SOME

    People really need to study on what makes a fact, and what makes a theory. Basic Science 101

  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    A fact is merely an observation. So scientifically speaking wouldn't evolution be a fact? A fact doesn't even necessarily mean absolute certainty.

    Edit- Facts are a dime a dozen. Theories are constructed to explain facts. I'm actually curious as to what your definition of the word "fact" is. If a fact is not an observation, then what is it?

    Edit- Again "fact" doesn't really mean absolute truth. This term is used to reffer to observations. It sounds like you are just describing law.

  • Joshua
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    Most people don't understand the scientific method so they say stupid things. However, what is a fact is that the validity of evolution is the hands-down consensus of the entire international scientific community. Like it or not, provable or not, if you want to participate in the best paying and most rewarding jobs in fields of science, medicine, and engineering you need to have an excellent understand the theory evolution. If you don't want to know about evolution that is your choice too, I'm sure you can find a rewarding career at McDonald's or Walmart.

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  • Lu2sea
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    It has never ever been a fact. No one has any proof of it. No one.

    Look to a wonderful Crater when you see a humming bird, a sun set, the ocean stopping at the edge of the sand. See gods glory in the intelligent design of the toucans bill, or the blow fish body that zips through water. The way fish school but so not run into one another. The hUman hands or eyes.

    Learn More about our heavenly Creater.

    Source(s): See Creater at see pictures and movie clips and beauty.
  • Matt H
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    No, it is you who is misled. Technically in science, nothing can be proven 100%.

    But evolution is a fact. Evolution is the changing of allele frequencies from one generation to the next. That is an indisputable fact. The THEORY of evolution, much like the THEORY of gravity simply takes these facts and EXPLAINS them.

    To say evolution is not a fact would be like saying plate tectonics or gravity isnt a fact.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Yes, theories may change over time. However, evolution is a fact. That is, life on this planet has changed over time- FACT. How that happened is the THEORY of evolution- genetic variation combined with natural selection- theory. However, the theory has become so established that it may be regarded, as far as science is concerned, fact.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Evolution IS a fact. We know that things evolved. Do you know what a scientific theory is?

    What books have you read on evolution? How about the leading ones?

    Origin of Species? Blind Watchmaker? The Selfish Gene? The Greatest Show on Earth?

  • Evan
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    When Y!A asks you to ask a question, you should ask one, not give your opinion.

    Evolution is a theory, but it's not a rough guess. It is a theory that has compelling science-based evidence confirming it. It's the best explanation for the variety of life we see on earth.

    Scientists only don't refer to it as a 'law' or a 'fact' because they have humility.

  • 9 years ago

    I would say you have trouble accepting ANYTHING as a fact. That is okay, it just means you have a very high standard for a fact.

    I'm not sure how much evidence you require for something to be a fact.

    Knowledge regarding biological evolution has already greatly improved our quality of life. It has produced tens of thousands of discoveries in genetics, epidemiology, archeology, agriculture, embryology, bacteriology… the list goes on. It is the foundation for all the biological sciences.

    That is enough evidence for me to accept it as fact.


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