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Shouldn't Obama be apologizing for Muslims, instead of apologizing for Free Speech?

Stay with me here...

The Egyptian Muslims are angry with America over a film that was made by an Egyptian.

This ex-con filmmaker originally claimed to be an Israeli Jew.

Now the claim is he's a Egyptian Christian.

So at best the Egyptian Muslims burned OUR flag for 'allowing' an Egyptian Christian to taunt them.

At worst this guy is really a Muslim who created the 'excuse' for their big 9/11 riot.

So shouldn't Obama be apologizing FOR Muslims?

Like "I'm sorry my brothers went crazy here?"

OR "This nasty group of anti free speech radicals do NOT represent mainstream Islam"

OR "The anti-American 9/11 riots were extremely offensive on this day of National mourning. Most Muslims are deeply ashamed that Muslims were involved."

Is "I'm sorry, Americans 'abuse' Free Speech" working for you here?


A) This guy wasn't American.

B) Free Speech really does mean your allowed to say mean things.


Edit. Not saying Obama is a Muslim,

just that he considers them his brothers.

The 'apology' from our Cairo Embassy read in part"

"We firmly reject the actions by those who abuse the universal right of free speech to hurt the religious beliefs of others"

The point is that the 'film' was NOT an abuse of Free Speech. It's perfectly legal to say mean things about what ever prophet or deity you like & quite frankly Muslims need to grow up on this & join the modern world on this.

What is NOT 'legal' by any international code is attacking an Embassy & quite frankly Muslims need to grow up on this & join the modern world on this.

And THAT is what should have been said. Period.

Not an apology for a film they didn't make & a law they cannot change.

@Misty Blue - You have to be careful. Liberals LOVE to define Hate Speech as anything opposing a Liberal viewpoint. So Americans err on the side of Freedom.

You really can say you hate Chri

Update 2:

Edit. Not saying Obama is a Muslim,

just that he considers them his brothers.

The 'apology' from our Cairo Embassy read in part"

"We firmly reject the actions by those who abuse the universal right of free speech to hurt the religious beliefs of others"

The point is that the 'film' was NOT an abuse of Free Speech. It's perfectly legal to say mean things about what ever prophet or deity you like & quite frankly Muslims need to grow up on this & join the modern world on this.

What is NOT 'legal' by any international code is attacking an Embassy & quite frankly Muslims need to grow up on this & join the modern world on this.

And THAT is what should have been said. Period.

Not an apology for a film they didn't make & a law they cannot change.

@Misty Blue - You have to be careful. Liberals LOVE to define Hate Speech as anything opposing a Liberal viewpoint. So Americans err on the side of Freedom.

You really can say you hate Chri

Update 3:

Christians, Gays, Republicans or Liberals... you just can't say "Let's go kill them" unless it's clear you are joking.

Sorry but 'Free Speech' DOES mean there are 'consequences' not allowed by Law. You can say mean things back. You can boycott a business. But you CANNOT beat someone up, or get the Government to shut them down or throw them in jail. Nor is there ANY requirement that you treat Religion with respect or honesty. Da Vinci Code, a MAJOR motion picture, said Jesus had sex a child with Mary Magdalene & the Catholic Church was sending out a masochistic assassin believer to kill anyone who found out.

Profoundly offensive to Christians, but protected under Free Speech.

If you are looking for out of control idiotic cowards, try the Muslims who kill an unarmed Ambassador over a film he didn't make.

@Shawn - Sorry. 'Innocence of Muslims' is protected speech just as 'Da Vinci Code' was.

I did not claim Nakoula wa

Update 4:

wasn't American,

I said he was Egyptian, try to keep up.

Embassies ARE the sovereign soil of the Nations they represent. Try to keep up.

@Koshka - lol.

By claiming he's Christian Obama IS an infidel.

As President he's supposed to stand up for his Country. Obama did not apologized for Free Speech per se, but our Embassy more or less did & I think it was very much the 'sign of weakness' that cause the attacks to spread

As for the notion that the film sparked the riot, that's absurd. The riot was scheduled for 9/11.

The film was a one guy production. America is packed full of nuts with cameras & cheap computer editors. He's probably a disgruntled Coptic Christian who knows just what pisses Muslims off. But millions could do what he did & it's all perfectly legal. The 'film' wasn't exported pre se. It was downloaded, transplanted & emailed to piss people off, BY the folks staging the 9/11 riot.

The Obama administration DOES keep

Update 5:

blaming the riot on the film - which is retarded.

@Flower - The Cairo Embassy apologized for the 'abuse' of free speech. Obama just never 'rescinded' it. His administration continues to blame the riot on the film, ignoring the riot date of 9/11 whereas the film came out in June to a grand release of YouTube posting.

Update 6:

@ 36 - Surah 9:5 - And when the sacred months have passed, then kill the polytheists wherever you find them and capture them and besiege them and sit in wait for them at every place of ambush. But if they should repent, establish prayer, and give tribute, let them [go] on their way. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.

10 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    The prez shouldn't be apologizing for anything. It's the 21st century and it's time for the Muslims to grow up, get over themselves and be held accountable for their actions.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Stay with you? No, you try staying with reality.

    -You're talking about illegal speech like it was free speech.

    Apparently you don't know the difference so here it is:

    Free speech is only the right to legal speech.

    Free speech isn't illegal speech.

    Illegal speech, i.e.: slander, libel, perjury, hate speech, inciting violence & etc, isn't free.

    That's why illegal speech in the US is punishable by law.

    That film's illegal speech. It's a violation of the US Constitution's Fourteenth Amendment.

    The Fourteenth Amendment prohibits discrimination, including on the basis of religion.

    Because the film's discriminatory, it's not free speech whatsoever. And never was.

    It's not protected under the First Amendment's right to the free exercise of religion either.

    The US Supreme Court ruled in the case of Reynolds vs the United States (1879) that:

    "Laws are made for the government of actions, and while they cannot interfere with mere religious belief and opinions, they may with practices."

    Meaning that it's fine for Americans to believe something but not to act on those beliefs if those actions break US law.

    And that film most certainly does.

    Reality is also that your claim the guy's not American is nonsense.

    He immigrated & became a US citizen. He's American whether you like it or not.

    Link -

    As such, he's not an Egyptian Christian troublemaker.

    He's an American one. Period.

    As for Egyptian Muslims, try to keep up because it's spread far beyond just Egypt:

    Link -

    Even if that film had been 100% legal free speech, it doesn't mean it'd be legal worldwide.

    America's rights - and America's legal definitions - end at America's borders.

    Beyond those borders, the laws and legal definitions of other nations apply.

    That doesn't excuse Muslims for running amok and taking out their anger on the US government for the actions of US citizens that the US government had no part in.

    But it does serve as a reminder that America's not magically separate from the rest of the world but just one nation out of hundreds.

  • 9 years ago

    Free speech and Hate speech,two different things.If someone produced an equally heinous film about any religion no one should excuse it.

    If he should apologise for anything it should be for not sussing this guy out quicker, him and his American co producer friend Mr.Klein a well known anti Muslim activist who was the guy who told the paps the film maker was an Israeli Jew.

    Free speech means you can say nasty things but not without consequence.That's why there are also laws for libel, slander,inciting riotous behavior etc. So there is a cost to free speech whether you like it or not.

    If you want to support idiotic cowards who endanger people on the front line while they're safe in their armchairs feel free but don't expect an applause.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    The video is one of many such films online. Why this one was the target of the anger is hard to figure. I think the movie triggered what the fundamentalists felt about the west because of our incursions into the region but I am not sure. It could be they have not benefited from the departure of the dictators. They have the same conditions that fed the Arab uprisings, high food prices, no jobs, bad living conditions.

    Who did Pres Obama apologize to ?

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 9 years ago

    We are in the process of learning how crazy and whacky muslims are.

    Muslims are in the process of learning how crazy and whacky Americans are.

    Hopefully we can learn to tolerate each other. If not, we are in for a rough ride.

    Americans have a right to defend sovereign territory, including embassy sites in other countries. Anything less sends a message of weakness that will bring more attacks.

  • 36
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    the way i understand about islam, in the past , when a bedouin urinated inside a mosque and mohammad and other companions in it, one of the companion warrior drew his sword and intended to behead that man. But Mohammad instead ordered that warrior to get some pail of water and pour water over the urinated area.

    why kill when that bedoin did not killed or harmed physically anyone.

    islamic teachings say that it is obligatory for muslims to fight to the death when oppression is experienced but muslims should not initiate hostilities . It is always in a defensive stand. But when truce is agreed on and all damages met, peace is always a better option . Living in harmony with anyone regardless of any religion and religion of islam is not forced on anyone to believe in

  • ?
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    It's simple really, Obama hates America and loves his fellow Muslims.

  • 9 years ago

    This is a red flag, and insiteful media stunt, to be ignored. Why should Obama say anything?

  • shasta
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    Obama and all world leaders should be denouncing violence.

  • 9 years ago


    hey everyone, come and look.............this moron thinks Obama is a muslim

    what a moron


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