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Lv 4
? asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 9 years ago

Is it time to look for 2016?

I see three things that are screwing up the republicans:

1. Mitt Romney screw ups. (47%, Comments on Libya embassy attack, Middle income $200,000 - $250,000, flip flopping, tax returns, Bain Capital methods, Foreign bank accounts etc.)

2. Obama's abnormally good campaign. (though this was made easy by Romney stuff ups)

3. alienating Ron Paul and Gary Johnson supporters. (Republicans will lose a lot of these votes to the libertarian party.)

It is ironic in a way. Mitt Romney has way more money in his presidential campaign and money generally wins elections.

In all, though Obama isn't great, I believe both republicans can also agree, Romney has been an utter failure.

So who do you think will be the next lot of politicians to run for the 2016 electron

Democrats, Republicans and Libertarian?


A lot of swing states are also polling positively towards Obama including Ohio which has decided a lot of the past elections.

Update 2:

2016 election* (sorry spelling error)

4 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    If Republicans are going to have a lot of success going forward, they are going to have to embrace the Libertarian-leaning part of their party, because that part of the party does well with independent voters.

    Social policy is big nightmare for Republicans in this election, and it is the only thing that can explain why Obama is leading when the economy isn't that great. How else do you explain why more Americans believe Romney is better for the economy, but Obama is pretty much set up to win?

    Romney, the Massachusetts governor, would have been a major threat to President Obama as he was, but he had to lean too far to the right to win the Republican nomination, and leaning back left a makes him look like a flip-flopper.

    I foresee Republicans coming back in 2016 if they get a centrist or libertarian-esque Republican, especially if they run on the idea of "Anyone but a Democrat". If they don't do that though, and continue the social policy disaster which will lose the election for them this time around, we're due to see the first 12 straight years of a Democrat as president since FDR/Truman.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    We should start planning a reform to our election system in terms of adopting a constitutional amendment that sets a schedule for states holding primaries/caucuses, and start that schedule no earlier than April 1. I'm getting sick and tired of the Iowa caucus and New Hampshire primary being moved to earlier and earlier dates once every four years. The "primary season" is far too long, and states need to be forced to hold later. Congress should, within the next year or two, propose an amendment that says no state is allowed to hold a presidential primary or caucus before April 1, and only small states (one or two seats in the House) can hold them during April; medium-sized states hold them in May, and make the largest states wait until June. Ask Congress to propose this like the 21st Amendment -- that it be ratified by state conventions rather than by state legislatures. Hopefully it can get ratified by January of 2016.

  • daddio
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    nah. i just have a hard time believing any THINKING person can look at Mr. Obama and seriously consider voting for the dude.

    feels like 1979 all over again, that was a "statistical dead heat" up until election day, same thing in 83....we know how those elections turned out. this is not new. my memory works just fine.

  • 9 years ago

    I think that if the Republican Party dumps the tea party, things may look up for them. I don't think they need new people, I think they need new ideals.

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