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  • How to get into a relationship when you are only interested in emotional intimacy and physical intimacy excluding sex?

    I was just recently rejected and I have come to this conclusion. I really enjoy deep and meaningful conversations however sex has never really interested me. I'd like to have exclusivity and be able to take on the responsibilities of a relationship (minus sex) but keep making completely platonic friends. I was wondering what I could do to try and convey this.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • Why is This terrorism, and that a mistake?

    Why are KAL 007, Pan Am Flight 103 and Malaysia airlines 17 called acts of terrorism (whether state sponsored or not)

    but Iran 655 was a mere accident.

    Is there a double standard?

    I give sympathy to everyone who was killed or who have families killed in all these terrible events.

    5 AnswersCurrent Events7 years ago
  • How to get a Girlfriend? Should I be trying to find a girl?

    Girls have called me smart, nice, caring, responsible, cute and *marriage material*. But then I feel like every time i try to go after a girl, I always get the same excuse. They will say, I like you as a friend.

    I'm getting close to my fourth rejection. and I'm seriously considering celibacy. The act of never having sex and never marrying. I may even encompass that to a relationship, because I feel like crap, like no one who appears to care, really care.

    I honestly feel i don't deserve to be with anyone anymore.

    So my question is what do i have to do to turn this around?

    I have isolated some of my problems (and I'm doing my best to fix them all)

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • If the NSA is for spying on "terrorist" and not on "civilians?

    Why is it that, the NSA has no idea where Snowden is at this moment, let alone the fact that Snowden was going to do this.

    Also, why was it the government knew nothing about the boston bombs until it happened.

    I love how all these *team democrats* are trying to defend this, yet when bush did it, they largely attacked him. And I agree. But why is it not okay for bush to do it, but okay for obama to do it.

    It should and is wrong both ways, and by the looks of it, ineffective.

    Sidenote: for anyone who disagrees, do you honesty not think that this system will be used for political assassination, character destruction and blackmail?

    If you like it, I'm sure you would love 1984 and East Germany.

    This is not what America is about.

    6 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Christian cleansing in US military?

    well they cleansed her because they thought she was Muslim. AND THESE ARE THE SAME PEOPLE who say they are being cleansed in the military for not being able to convert people into Christianity.

    Guess what, the military is not MISSIONARY WORK for Christians, it is to serve a nation.

    What happened to separation of church and state that is IN THE CONSTITUTIONS?

    This is a problem, because when we are represented by an army that did what it did to Naida Hosan BASED ON HER NAME, it is no wonder, we receive hatred from the middle east.

    2 AnswersMilitary8 years ago
  • How to lose weight for a 17 year old?

    Hey, I'm a 17 year old guy = nearing 18, and i weigh 90kg. I'm also 175cm tall and my waist size is round 30 - 33inches.

    I've tried many things, including cycling, rollerblading, eating healthy, drinking lots of water, running, weights, even walking home from school (that is a 1hour 30 minute walk).

    If i was looking at myself, I think most of my fat has gone to my thighs and maybe a bit to my body and chest (i have man boobs unfortunately :( ) My arms are relatively average and my head is a bit puffy.

    I would just like to know how to get rid of this physique that i hate so much. Not only because of peer pressure (all my friend's are at a stable weight), but also because i want to become healthier.

    By the way, I think this is one of my main problems, but i do spend a lot of time sitting doing homework or on the computer or both.

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • Unfair reporting on Islamic and Domestic Terrorism?

    Why is it that whenever Muslims are responsible, people scream ALL Muslims are terrorist, invade this place invade that, discrimination (just look at the Sikh temple shooter)

    But when the *terrorism* is domestic, it does not reflect upon any group of people and it is just *mental illness* and deemed more as extremist action than terrorism. And of course, little is done to solve this mess.

    Don't people understand that 95% of Muslims are not bad people and it is just those crazies, which ALL countries and ALL political ideologies and ALL religions have that are responsible.

    2 AnswersOther - Politics & Government8 years ago
  • Does this mean I am losing weight?

    Hello, I'm a 17 and a half ish old guy. And I weigh a lot (90kg). So recently I decided to try to get rid of this weight. I have tried many methods which have not really worked, but now I'm bike riding roughly 15 - 20 kilometers 2 - 3 times a week and maybe 10 kilometers 2 other times during the week.

    I've also been drinking a lot of water

    Now i don't want to check the scales yet coz i want to surprise myself, but it seems im sweating a lot now. And i mean hours after the actual exercise. It is currently 10pm, a good 8 hours since i cycled and I'm sweating like mad. I'm not sure if something is wrong.

    Plz answer!! :D

    Thank you in advance if you answer.

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • Who should I vote? Libertarian or Republican?

    I had it for Obama last time round, will never vote for him again, because he betrayed the nation. But I have a question, whilst I am more keen on Libertarian this time, it seems to be influential. So why should I vote for Romney. Ive been on Yahoo and seen all the questions and answers. All i find, is "WELL OH YE, OBAMA DID THIS, HE DID THAT." Ye i get that. But what does mitt romney have to offer. Cut taxes, reduce spending. how? "YE BUT OBAMA THIS OBAMA THAT." ye, obama was horrible, but how is Romney going to implement his plan. Where are the numbers. Give me non partisan facts. And if they work out, I wouldn't mind voting for Romney. But you won't get my vote by resorting to how terrible Obama was.

    If no one comes up with anything decent, i will be going libertarian.

    8 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Drone Strikes in America.?

    In response to this question:

    How would Americans feel if the US government was launching drones in America to look for criminals and home bred terrorist and Oops. a bomb accidentally drops on a school or a shopping mall with innocent civilians in a signature strike. (when they don't even know who is down their).

    Or they come back for a double tap (when they bomb a target area, and come back to bomb first responders, a technique invented by al qaeda ).

    You think that isn't going to happen, look at Yemen, where the unprecedented has already been broken. US civilian killed by drone strike.

    Protest this by protesting it occurring in other nations.

    I know im going to get a lot of hate for this but seriously... one thing lacking here is empathy.

    2 AnswersOther - Politics & Government9 years ago
  • Is it time to look for 2016?

    I see three things that are screwing up the republicans:

    1. Mitt Romney screw ups. (47%, Comments on Libya embassy attack, Middle income $200,000 - $250,000, flip flopping, tax returns, Bain Capital methods, Foreign bank accounts etc.)

    2. Obama's abnormally good campaign. (though this was made easy by Romney stuff ups)

    3. alienating Ron Paul and Gary Johnson supporters. (Republicans will lose a lot of these votes to the libertarian party.)

    It is ironic in a way. Mitt Romney has way more money in his presidential campaign and money generally wins elections.

    In all, though Obama isn't great, I believe both republicans can also agree, Romney has been an utter failure.

    So who do you think will be the next lot of politicians to run for the 2016 electron

    Democrats, Republicans and Libertarian?

    3 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • If "Corporations are people", Why isn't Bain Capital Arrested for Murder?

    Do you know how many corporations have been "killed" by Bain Capital???

    If "Corporations are people" (quote from Mitt Romney), why should they only have the benefits of humans. They should also have the responsibility.

    It doesn't work both ways.

    5 AnswersOther - Politics & Government9 years ago
  • How to maintain a long distance relationship?

    Was very close to a girl but the distance is killing it, how would you overcome this problem apart from internet, phone connection. By the way, we are both very busy.

    That is all folks.

    Suggestions? Please. Thank you.

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • I was wondering if for my boyfriends birthday, i should give him a blow..?

    fish. They seem to be lovable pets, very cute and adorable.


    12 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • Does Listening to Work at night help?

    I have an oral presentation very soon with over 100 answers to remember.

    Would it work to

    1. improve my memory of the oral

    2. help me memorise my oral

    if I listened to my presentation whilst I slept at night.

    1 AnswerPsychology9 years ago
  • America owns the moon.?

    It planted flag on it, it theres. Shouldn't it force other nations flat tax for using it?

    "Land is a natural resource and so is the friggin moon"

    11 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Should I go Grenade Fishing?

    I'm Curious about this new technique of fishing. I saw a video on youtube about how it was done and it seemed widely effective. Maybe depth charges would be better or should I just stick with a fishing rod. Suggestions?

    3 AnswersFishing9 years ago
  • Should I go Grenade Fishing?

    I'm Curious about this new technique of fishing. I saw a video on youtube about how it was done and it seemed widely effective. Maybe depth charges would be better or should I just stick with a fishing rod. Suggestions?

    1 AnswerOther - Entertainment9 years ago
  • Should News media's be persecuted for deliberately misleading the general population?

    There is too much brainwashing in America. News should be about facts. We should be allowed to decide our views based on those facts, not have opinions forced onto us by so called straight news anchors.

    In addition, as so many of these news outlets hold *opinion stories*, should some of these news outlets be renamed as opinion channels instead? (looking at MSNBC and Fox News here).

    2 AnswersMedia & Journalism9 years ago
  • Obama's Birth Certificate + College Transcript and Mitt Romney's Tax Return.?

    As an observer of the coming US election, I would like to question these three things:

    1. Obama has released his Birth Certificate. However some have labelled it fake. Is it a fake, and if so, provide a solid and reliable source to justify it.

    2. Why hasn't Obama realeased his college transcripts? What is he trying to hide here? Will it effect his re-election.

    3. Why hasn't Mitt Romney released his tax returns (Barr 2010 which he has)? What is he trying hide here? Will it effect his presidental chances.

    For Point 1, I will only tolerate solid FACTS and verifiable SOURCES. OPINIONS will be tolerated for points 2 and 3 as the main FACTS are not out yet.

    5 AnswersElections9 years ago