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Why do nice, decent guys chase losers & psychos?

I see guys on here all the time asking "why don't women like nice guys? boo hoo they like jerks. blah blah blah." & then they go on to describe some basket case they've been chasing who has been ignoring them or taking advantage of their goodwill for her.

So I have to ask: why do nice, decent guys chase losers & psychos? Why aren't they attracted to nice women?


@ OK: this question is a response to the plethora of "Why do nice girls/ women date douche bags/ jerks"

please read the question & details again & try again.

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Nice guys by nature are attracted to women who may seem needy , helpless or mentally incompetent

    They think they can help them out but just get used.

  • 9 years ago

    i am attracted to nice women, I do not chase after losers and psychos. I have 1 time but never again. I am waiting till i meet that special someone it will be so much better. I must say though its hard to meet good girls like girls find it hard to meet good guys i feel we are in the minority. Also so often it seems good girls are shy or not very out going as the bad girls. Its understandable though and it means the guys need to be more assertive. My biggest issue is i am in college i meet nice sweet girls all the time but none i click with or am into. Yet i will meet girls who are psycho/losers who are really hot and flirt with me but i do not like those chicks either but i am attracted to them. Anyhow i am putting myself out there wishing for a nice girl, it will happen sooner or later.

    Just letting you know i am not chasing after losers & psycho's. I love nice women i badly want one to share my time with.

    Best of luck

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    What makes a guy a loser is when he thinks he's hot ****. Because usually he's just irritating and arrogant. What you mean by loser, like someone who isn't that popular and may not have very many friends, those guys are usually the best (or sociopaths, lol.) They're sweet and kind because they aren't used to all the attention.

  • 7 years ago

    Short answer is power and the perception of it. The long answer is that people seek out someone whom they feel is better than them, be it prettier or smarter or funnier in some way better. This makes them feel like they have done well in the sex pool in much the same way that 20 dollar pair of jimmy choo's would make a girl feel. They have achieved some value that is more than they brought to the table. This means that douche bag boy likes psycho ***** girl who likes too shy to talk to her boy who likes initial insecure girl. It's what call a vicious circle.

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  • 6 years ago

    oh, I didn't ask for a phone number in my question. theres an app called text now where you can get a free phone number and then deactivate it and delete the app and theres no trace. I just wanted to clear that up so I answered this question because I know Yahoo doesn't notify people when someone commented on their answer :)

  • Ok...
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    You are only seeing/hearing what you want... the law of attraction works whether you like it or not. Nice guys are out there. You just arent seeing them... Or should I say you are not choosing to see them. Because babe, what you are doing is generalizing ALL men.

    Because if you heard a guy talking to his buddies "all women are Beeyotches!" you'd be turned off too, wouldnt you? You should be. Because that guy would not be happy in his life and you wouldnt want to date THAT guy.... a guy that is UNHAPPY and doesnt like ALL women. (ALL women would be throwing you in that huge generalization as well). Also, dont try to "rescue" men; they are warriors that dont need rescuing; they either pursue you or they dont. So if they PURSUE you, theyre interested. If they arent pursuing, they are NOT interested. This is as simple as I can make it for you ladies.

    Do you see it now? It's your attitude. Change your attitudes towards men, and men will change their attitudes towards you. Good luck.

  • 9 years ago

    ugh god I know right some guys think they can have any girl like omg get over it and stop stalking the poor girl :P there was this rotten bad mannered guy after me for ages then my friend like goooo away and leave us girls alone :) and besides I go for a guy that is really nice I dont even go for the popular guys anymore so just grow up guys :) and besides I find when you fall for a guys personality everything about him becomes amazing <3

    Source(s): the girl with the nice boyfriend <3 love ya Robert
  • 6 years ago

    Maybe they aren't nice decent guys. Looks can be deceiving.

  • 7 years ago

    thats totally false im a nice guy and i go for nice women not psychos or mentally ill ones like you desscribe but yes guys BOO HOO bcuz theyre rite!! women think jus bcuz theyre the child birth givers and r smaller / weaker then men this makes them special and that they can do watever they want and theyre jus these innocent little ppl who can do NO WRONG...this day and age its like being a unemployed wife beating drunk bum makes you a saint and being a romantic hardworking down to earth open minded educated guy makes you the scum of the earth, stop turning down good men cuz theres gonna be a big shortage of them in the future believe me and stop going to bed with guys who r not even worth saying hi to...its one thing to think a bad guy is hot but for petes sake that doesnt mean you gotta take him home in ur bed and sleep with him or live with him...if i was a woman i sure as hell wudnt want sumone like that, id want sumone jus like myself...

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Because for some reason those types of women are the best in the sack. "Nice women" tend to be boring and dispassionate in the bedroom.

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