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Lv 4
Zeus asked in Arts & HumanitiesPhilosophy · 9 years ago

Do you feel like life has passed you by?

I always thought that I would have a decent job, have met a wonderful woman and have figured out what I wanted to with my life by now. I'm 35, and although I have been successful in whatever I have put my mind to, I really haven't found that one thing that I love to do. I feel lost, and have watched those around me get married, find careers, find love, and live their lives. I feel like life has passed me by and that I am destined to never quite find that peace and happiness that those around me have. Have I missed my chance at love and a real life or am I just a late bloomer? I feel completely lost.

7 Answers

  • Jesere
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I found my true love again after a 35 year

    stretch of time at 54 years old....

    That's as long as you have been alive...

    Get off the Pity Pot

    I am finally doing what I love...

    I didn't give up and I have the best of the best now

  • 7 years ago

    When I was watching "Real Time With Bill Maher," Bill Maher read a report that said that in Japan, 61 percent of all men have never had a girlfriend or even been in the arms of a woman by the time they are 35 years of age. Therefore, these men are not getting married and starting families until they're well into their 40s or even 50s. Despite all the pop science you hear from self-appointed pseudo-intellectuals that it is dangerous for a man to father children after 40 years of age, Japan has among the healthiest kids in the world. People there mostly live past 100. Oprah Winfrey even once stated on her TV show that she had found out that Japanese people considered themselves to be kids until the age of 52. Forget about these prima donnas like Macauley Culkin and Mike Huckabee who marry their puppy love sweetheart in their late teens. Being married and starting a family at a young age is way too overrated in the United States. It's Puritanical nonsense that the baby boomer generation started in the 1960s and 1970s.

  • MeL
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    Just because you do not have the same things as others does not mean your life isn't good. You're contentment comes from you, not society, or anyone else.

    Furthermore, it is from my understanding that those who break the stereotypes and do not conform to society, live a more fulfilled life, because they have been able to distinguish between their own wants and the wants of society.

    You're 35 years young, not old. Find what you really want, not what everyone else has. Achieve it. Happiness is about perception, it's about the way you look at things.

    "I am the master of my fate,

    I am the captain of my soul"

    You make the rules. You can't find peace and happiness if you are looking at others and what you don't have. People are always going to have things that you don't have. Even if you did have marriage, career, children, you'd still look at them and find things you don't have because your perception appears to be outward rather than inward. That's what you need to change.

    Source(s): Experience.
  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Not really, I am young in my prime, and even if I wasn't I am sure I'd be satisfied with my life. I've known what I've loved from a young age, and found my own purpose in life. With my focus and direction I've made my life just how I planned it.


    Yes, I know what you mean. I am middle aged, and I can't find satisfaction in life. I've never really known what I've loved, and can hardly find reason for living. I am lost.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Zeus, you're still very young. If what you long for is undefined, that's why you haven't found it yet. Do you really want what your friends have? Or are you just not sure? Please don't chase someone elses dream. Decide on your own and then go for it. I wish you luck.

  • 9 years ago

    Yeah I do as well. Only because I've made really bad mistakes that I feel to this day define me and the position im in.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    JOPPA / SHOES / that guy with the dog picture

    this is why i ask so many questions on here, i dont want to end up like this person. no offence.

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