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I am voting for Obama and I do not get any handouts, are you surprised?

So I dont get any handouts, i am not on welfare, i am not black, my husband owns a small business. I think people should work everyday to support their families, and I think woman should not have children to collect welfare and I will still vote for Obama.

I have no reason to believe Obama is bad man, or that he is some Muslim socialist like the rumors suggest.

Please explain to me how this could happen, based on the fox media it seems to be impossible, but here I am....


I know a lot of people actually who get no welfare have good jobs pay taxes and will vote for Obama.

The people I know on welfare dont really talk politics at all, and I assume dont plan on voting

Update 2:

I dont think romney is evil, I just think he has been taken advantage of and now looks like a fool. any man in politics will face the same adversity, thats why I dont blame Obama for all that has gone wrong because he is not %100 in control of anything and no one is in politics, its designed that way. Also I do beleive the current spending is proactive and will yield a great return in time.

For example, providing free birth control vs. paying welfare for x amount of years, that is serious saving's and a good investment for the future.

I went to college for free and now I have a job and pay taxes vs. being on welfare

14 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't get any handouts ether never did. I'm voting Obama.

    The same can't be said of Romney supporters:

    Conservatives all stand around with their hands out for endless tax cuts, an overpriced military, free emergency room visits and simply cannot understand why the dollar is weak, the deficit huge, interest rates at 0% and America has a credit downgrade. Then want to talk about handouts. With their hands out.


    I know a Republican on welfare. He talks nonstop about taxes and handouts as he holds his hand out.

    He's a white guy too.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    You are a shallow thinker basically--I have no reason to believe Obama is a bad man, I don't think he's a muslim, he is however modeling himself after european style socialism. The Obamacare is european socialism. That being said--

    The unemployment rate has been 8%+ basically for his entire term

    The national debt has increased by 5 trillion more dollars

    There are 15% of americans now in poverty

    There are record numbers of people on food stamps

    The foriegn policy is a nightmare--the mid east is going up in flames.

    With respect to benghazi either the president lied or if it is true that he didn't know--then he is inept as the president of the United States should know exactly what state and CIA knew when an International Crisis is occurring. There really isn't any other choice here

    The president allowed the credit rating of the US to be downgraded under his watch

    What this says, without fox news, is that the mans approach to handling the economy doesn't work. Historically if you look at it, the results we have now are predictable.

    If you think even deeper--we simply can't continue to spend. By voting for Obama you will hurt the poor. Think not? At some point in the short term future we become greece--that is no one will lend us money for our entitlement programs-and clearly--at that point rather than having addressed the issue now--entitlement benefits will only be able to be funded by what we take in in taxes--thus benefits to the poor and elderly will have to be slashed when we go broke. Further--raising the taxes on the wealthy? Not fox news's idea--everytime we've raised taxes on an already well taxed wealthy--we find unemployment goes up--and total tax reveneue goes down. So you are heading to a future where not only will we have to live within our means--by raising taxes on job creators the "means" goes down as well.

    You vote for Obama--it is your right--but bear in mind you will bear some of the responisibility for what happens to this country in the next decade--as we are rapidly approaching a fiscal cliff.

    I work in the business sector--orders are down now--we're not hiring here--the business community which is basically the engine that drives the american economy is truly thinking layoffs and contraction if Obama is re-elected. This is fueled not by a let's be mean mentality--but by a we will have to do so to keep the business solvent.

    So many young people just don't have the business experience in this country--and fall for the empty platitutdes and promises of Obama.

    He's broken most of them--he's promised no taxes for the middle class--broken--he's promise the national debt would be cut--broken he raised it, he promised gitmo would be closed-broken--he promised unemployment would be down--broken

    And the sad thing is from a historical perspective--we've tried his type of economics before--and it's failed miserably each and every time

    But we get a new generation of young voters who don't really think about the implications of what the man promised--they just buy the line hook and sinker that Romeny is evil and Obama is a saint.

  • D.E.M.
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Actually No I am not surprised, As I have stated before I have friends who are die hard Democrats who are voting Obama. They believe in freedom of speech, the second amendment and both have Union jobs with excellent pay and benefits. When I asked them why they would vote for someone that stated he would sign Joint House Resolution 88 weakening the First Amendment. Someone that tried to destroy the Second Amendment with a United Nations treaty and who is pushing for a 42% tax on businesses. They said they always vote Democratic. They figure the House and Senate won't let the other get through.

    I ask what if they don't! Can your business survive at 42% of your profits going to taxes. I know mine can't. If Obama wins my prices will have to go up!

    But what is nice is we are in America and you have the right to vote for who you feel is best for our great nation!

  • 9 years ago

    Lady, you met another Obama voter who doesnt get any handouts, not on welfare, isnt black and I have a good job. Only thing is im still single but I dont go around sleeping with every living thing that walks hoping I become pregnant so I can go on welfare.

    I dont think Obama is a bad man, I just think he's trying to be everybody's friend but in reality he cant be.

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  • 9 years ago

    Well, here's another one. However, I did get unemployment once about 15 years ago. Of course I did pay into that. However, my loser parents are receiving social security. My Dad marched with Patton's Army during WWII and helped liberate Buchenwald Prison camp. My mother worked for the Red Cross, than darn Red Cross giving hand outs of blood and other medical care that people need. How Liberal of her. My parents, how dare they worked hard all their lives and never took a hand out unless you call the GI Bill a handout. Guess what they were Liberals. Both of them, and proud of it, and so am I. Obama 2012.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I would say you are either lying or very ignorant. Luckily, there are more people like my wife who:

    1. Don't get any handouts

    2. Is not on welfare

    3. Does not own a small business

    4. Does not believe in welfare, food stamps, or the entilement state

    5. Believes strongly in God and raising our 1 and 3 year olds the same.

    Is voting for Romney, along with her husband, yours truly.

    Edit: You are a typical low information voter, I was raised in Wisconsin and knew many of them.

  • 9 years ago

    So you have been living under a rock for the last 4 years? You like someone who has been asked to turn in his law license,, attended a church where they wanted God to "damn America", cancelled National Day of Prayer, yet held a lavish luncheon for Arabs (muslims) the next day? Cares more about appearing on TV than speaking with leaders of friendly countries? Unfortunately there are many like you who have been livng under these rocks.

  • Ronald
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    NO as you describe yourself i agree with you . obama is an excellent choice. romney will put our country back 80 years. nothing good can come from electing romney.

  • Gaijin
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    And here's another one,65 and still working with no freebies.

  • 9 years ago

    Zombie88 lives up to his name and is what we call a "low-information voter."

    You are entitled to vote however you wish without some redneck telling you that you are an idiot for voting Democratic.

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