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Why would anyone vote for this candidate?

1. He refused to close down Guantanamo Bay even though the UN and many American citizens asked him to.

2. He renewed a controversial tax cut that gave a tax break to the upper class.

3. He repeatedly concealed very important information from members of congress including many who are even on the intelligence committee.

4. He renewed the Patriot Act even though many people have criticized how it strips citizens of their Constitutional rights.

5. Supported the action of unilateral war with a Middle Eastern nation.

6. Refuses to disband NATO even though many citizens and nations find it to be outdated and useless.

7. Pushed through Congress a very controversial stimulus bill that was opposed by many Americans and Congress.

8. Pushed through, with no compromise, a multimillion dollar health care bill.

9. Kept a controversial Secretary of Defense in office.

10. Didn't have very much experience with international policies before being elected president.

11. Sent a surge of troops to a Middle Eastern country while citizens and Congress were practically begging for troops to come home.

12. Lied to Congress and the American people about a major aspect of an unpopular war.

13. Signed off any every single bit of extra funding for this unpopular war.

14. Used more and more drone strikes every year, even after the deaths of many civilians and after the objection of the UN, EU, Congress, and many American citizens.

15. Has signed off on bombing campaigns in at least 5 countries.

16. Increased military spending levels even with a crumbling economy.

17. Invoked God in his military strategies.

There are many more bad things that could be said about this candidate. So would you vote for him?


Liberty, what are you talking about? Which points are false? I didn't even say what politician(s) these points are about!

Update 2:

Liberty, what are you talking about? Which points are false? I didn't even say what politician(s) these points are about!

Update 3:

I find it interesting that Democrats are taking offense and claiming these are lies. Oh, and I'm an independent voter who rarely watches Fox News. NONE of my information comes from Fox News. If you haven't figured this out, these are FACTS about Bush Jr. and Obama. FACTS! Get over it! Read up on your respective candidates instead of ignoring facts.

Update 4:

In my eyes voting for Obama is like re-electing Bush. My points are more than valid.

Update 5:

In my eyes voting for Obama is like re-electing Bush. My points are more than valid.

8 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    1. The only candidate who has a realistic chance of defeating him has made no promises to close Guantanamo Bay and is from a party that overwhelmingly supports the detention of Terror Suspects there.

    2. The only candidate who has a realistic chance of defeating him also supports this tax cut. Frankly I don't care about whether the rich keep their tax cut but I make far less than $50,000 per year and Romney has promised to raise taxes on those in my income bracket, which will be a serious financial harship for me and for millions of poor families across America. At least Obama will stay out of my wallet.

    4. The The only candidate who has a realistic chance of defeating him has made no promises regarding the Patriot Act but it is supported by Republicans to an even greater degree than by democrats, so there is no more chance it would be repealed under Romney than under Obama.

    5. The only candidate who has a realistic chance of defeating him is probably at least as likely to support wars with Middle Eastern nations, given their party's track record.

    7 &8. He actually attempted to compromise with the republicans for both bills. The Republicans responded with lies and conspiracy theories about "Death Panels". The The only candidate who has a realistic chance of defeating him is a Republican. The economy has improved since then, and their is evidence that a deeper economic crisis may have been prevented.

    10. He has more experience with International Policies than Romney now that he has been President for over 3 years. He also had more foreign policy experience than either Clinton or Bush at the time they rose to the presidency.

    11-17. Given the Republicans' track record on war and mixing Religion with war and politics, I seriously doubt The only candidate who has a realistic chance of defeating him would be any better, and would probably be worse, just as Bush was in his day.

    Obama may not be the perfect President but considering only He and Romney have a realistic chance of winning I consider him to be the better option. I think Obama has done reasonably well give the challenging times he has been in office during. I voted for him for this reason.

    Source(s): Fed up with Republicans; Reluctantly voted for Obama
  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    This activity is so fking rigged. Obama will win returned. proceed all Bush's regulations for yet another 4 years (those form of morons questioning he's secretly waiting till his 2d term to do each and all the real replace are deluded). Republicans get to pretend he's a few distance left for political earnings. Obama gets to portray Republicans as obstructionist for Republican earnings. Crony Capitalism maintains to rule the day. no longer something transformations.

  • 9 years ago

    No because those kind of Policies could get you locked up at the Hague for a very long time if you ever dare visit certain civilised Countries.

  • 5 years ago

    Yeast Infection Freedom System -

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  • 9 years ago

    Intelligent and people with good intentions are voting for Obama.

    Corrupted people with bad intentions are voting for Romney.

    That's about all you really need to know. Most of your facts there, aren't really facts at all... that's just insane that you would spend THAT much time, spreading around a bunch of nonsense. Get real.

    Study finds Fox News viewers more likely to be misinformed on basic political facts

    (You are a perfect example)

  • 9 years ago


    Source(s): FORWARD
  • 9 years ago

    Guess we'll see, but my hope is not the majority ....

  • 9 years ago


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