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16, and I'm not sure what to wear in a LEVI'S interview?

I'am thinking of wearing a navy blue blazer and jeans but iam not sure what type of shoes and top i should wear. I only have t-shirts, and sneakers...

also should i have my hair in a pony tail or down [i have short hair]

if you ever worked for LEVI'S outlet store , any advice for the job hiring event?

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I've never worked for them, but I find you tend to have a much better chance when dressed professionally, even if it's just fast food or a retail store. Think more along the lines of black slacks, a nice blouse and heels. It'll definitely set you apart from the crowd, they may have lots of teenagers in jeans coming into the hiring event. And I'd probably leave your hair down, unless it's a "fashionable"/nice type of ponytail, they tend to look a bit more dressed-down.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    once you're a guy that's constantly maximum suitable to positioned on slacks and a gown shirt with advantageous shoes (no tennis shoes or sandals). women could attempt to positioned on a great shirt and skirt with close toe shoes. do no longer do something strange with your hair. positioned on it universal and positioned on a great smile.

  • 9 years ago

    I don't know what to suggest but I'd surely wear something made by Levi's.

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