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Why is it that some atheists use this logic?

"Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson weren't deist, they were atheist, even though they said they were deist, they were just pretending to be deist because they were under political pressure."

"Hitler wasn't an atheist, he was a Christian, he even said he was Christian and was seen with various Christian leaders in Germany at the time."

Sorry, but looking from a more open minded perspective, with the historical evidence that we do have access to (noting we can't magically read minds for decades ago), you can either assume that both Franklin/Jefferson and Hitler were all atheist and hid it using periodically acceptable belief systems (deism during enlightenment, Christianity during the early to mid 1900's) or you can assume they they actually believed what they said they believed.

I know a few atheists will agree because they are actually open minded and rational, however a fair few atheists posting on the internet seem to make both these assumptions together.


I never claimed that they were either, please read the question more thoroughly, I merely pointed out that based on what we know about these people, there are only two outcomes that follow a logical pattern.

Update 2:

@ M.L. You seem to be the only sensible person who raised a fair point instead of getting all defensive (I think atheist irrationalism stems from over-defensiveness). It's true, Hitler would've probably done things to meet his goals.

Update 3:

@ James: Charles Manson believed he was meant to start the apocalypse and he was either Jesus or Satan (depending on what he felt like saying on that particular day). Are we to assume he was Jesus or Satan because he said he was and he got many people following him because he said he was? Are we to assume Hitler was Catholic because he told people that he was doing Christ's work?

People will say anything for a little bit more power.

Update 4:

@Kaboose: GTFO my question, this isn't about whether a belief or non-belief system makes people murder people, this is about how people can claim to use rational thought when making obviously logically incompatible assumptions.

24 Answers

  • Sídhe
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    These kinds of discussions only come up when someone (usually a theist) claims

    1) America is a "Christian nation".

    2) Hitler was evil because he was an atheist.

    The fact of the matter is:

    1) America wasn't built on any religion at all and the Constitution is explicitly secular in TWO places (Establishment Clause and No Religious Test clause). Therefore, it doesn't matter what the religion of the founding fathers is. All that matters is what was written down and signed, which is a secular government.

    2) Although Hitler can arguably be called a Christian or an atheist, neither is truly relevant as Hitler didn't do anything on religious grounds, for or against. If Hitler invoked religion on rare occasion, it was simply a means to an end. If Hitler worshiped anything, it was most likely himself.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I couldn't care less for Benjamin Franklin, or Thomas Jefferson. Why? They weren't leaders that caused the deaths of tens of millions of people across an entire continent.

    I find it rather distasteful that a theist, usually a Christian, uses Hitler to put across their nonsense ideology with regards to atheism.

    Hitler was born and raised a Catholic. His father was Catholic, his mother was Catholic, his siblings were Catholic.

    On coming to power in Germany, Hitler was stated as saying, "I want to carry on Christ's work."

    The leader of the SS, Heinrich Himmler was not Christian, of a any denomination. Himmler wanted Germany to revert back to a Nordic/Germanic Pagan religion.

    Hitler was embarrassed by Himmler's plans and put a stop to them. However, Himmler still researched the Pagan religion, without Hitler's knowledge. Himmler was against Christianity, not Hitler.

    You can deny historical facts all you want. But, Hitler was NOT an atheist.

    In fact, many German military units, had a Christian Padre, with Hitler's blessing.

    And finally...You're idiot

  • 9 years ago

    Franklin was a Freemasonic weirdo.

    Hitler was a Catholic and was supported by the Church. There`s no escaping that.

    Reich = Holy Roman Empire of The German Nation.

    The clue is in the name.

    The 1st Reich lasted 1000 years, Hitler`s 3rd was supposed to last just as long.

  • 9 years ago

    "Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson weren't deist, they were atheist, even though they said they were deist''

    You'd have to travel far afield and stay up all night before you find even one atheist not on the fringe making that claim.

    In other words straw man.

    ''or you can assume they they actually believed what they said they believed.''

    In that case you can safely assume Hitler was a Christian(Catholic),as his writings and speeches in defense of Christianity far outweigh the smattering of quotes that can be considered critical of religion.

    ...In one breath you insist we take them at their word and in the next '' Are we to assume Hitler was Catholic because he told people that he was doing Christ's work?''(according to you,yes.)

    ''People will say anything for a little bit more power''.

    Which is it to be?

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  • 9 years ago

    I don't know about Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson. I'm not an american.

    As for Hitler, even if he is an atheist, what does that mean? Does that mean atheism leads to genocide? Go check out what genocide scholars think of all the genocides committed in the 20th century.

    All it requires is hate, some mad men, someone who loves his culture to the point of wanted to clean up his town.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Franklin is clearly deist but the jury's out on Jefferson.

    >I know a few atheists will agree because they are actually open minded and rational

    Atheists that agree with you are open minded and the rest are not. Thank you, I appreciate your baseless arrogance.

  • Atheists lack a belief in any god(s.)

    Hitler, Jefferson, and Franklin are three different individuals. Drawing a conclusion that applies to all of them based on one's personal lack of belief is illogical.

    I think you are making stuff up.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Deists usually tend to keep their beliefs out of politics, which I respect — and I think Franklin once said that lighthouses were more useful than churches. I suppose them being more secularistic is a possibility but I can't say anything for sure.

  • 9 years ago

    Hitler did way too many thing in "god"'s name in order to be confused for an atheist, but even if he was, the people who followed his ideology were very well religious and thought they are backed up by god.

    you won't see an atheist kill somebody because they don't believe in god, but there are very well documented, many many many examples of people killing BECAUSE they believe in some god(s) and even because they think the it was the will of those "god(s)"

    In other words, sorry but i have strong evidence that you are a deluded, ignorant moron and your rightful place is in a shrink's office, not on the internet where you can expose your idiocy.

  • 9 years ago

    It is a flaw that all prejudiced people use.

    Hitler had a moustache, all men with moustaches are evil.

    I have a freckle, all good people have freckles, Ben Franklin had to have freckles.

    When any person fails to look on the individual they will make horrible generalizations.

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