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Is this the key to a Romney landslide?

In the aftermath of the 2000 election, 9 states have changed their laws requiring all of their electoral votes to be cast for the winner of the national popular vote. All 9 of these states are solid blue states. From these states, MD, HI, Dist of Columbia, Illinois, Mass, NJ, WA, VT, and CA, there are 132 electoral votes. Romney would only need to win the popular vote to get these electoral votes, thus making the "firewall" basically useless. The latest polls have Romney up nationally by 7 points.


8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Its possible, but the following should help!. The Benghazi fiasco, latest below.

    Hear abort the hush-up of the Gen Ham firing (broke yesterday)? He had a DELTA team ready to go to the Benghazi defense - was relieved of command - on the spot.... and the mission was cancelled! And then people died!

    Another Ohioan voting for Mitt!

    Source(s): Reality - Awareness of!
  • 9 years ago

    That compact does not go into effect until and unless enough states sign it to make 270 electoral votes. That won't happen this year, so it does nothing for Governor Romney in this election.

    I understand bills are pending in New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island and North Carolina, which would add another 68 votes, bringing the total to 200.

  • 9 years ago

    Let's be reasonable.

    Fact: No sitting president has ever gone up on election day from latest poll.

    Rasmussen Romney 50% obama 46%

    Gallup Romney 51% Obama 46%

    In Ohio Romney is tied with Obama 48% to 48%

    Among women nation wide Romney is tied 47% to 47% (Obama had 14% lead over Romney and won by huge margin over Mc Cain.)

    Rasmussen give Obama 235 Electoral votes and Romney 235 electoral votes but Romney is ahead in Virginia by three points 50% to 47 % and Virginia's largest employer is a ship builder and Obama said in debate we don't need more ships (WHOOPS).

    So giving Romney Virginia gives Romney 248 electoral votes

    Romney is now leading in Colorado by 50% to 47% and two days ago Romney had 10,000 fans in a stadium reminiscent of Obama 2008. Now Obama is bussing people in and still can't fill a high school gym in Colorado. Give Colorado to Romney 257 electoral votes.

    New Hampshire has Romney ahead 50% to 47% four more electoral votes. for a total of 261.

    Romney is now tied in OHIO, WISCONSIN, IOWA.....with 34 electoral votes on the line.

    If you use the logic and the James Carville Law that sitting presidents never go up on election day from where they are in the polls that give Romney 295 electoral votes. 270 needed to win.

  • 9 years ago

    Sorry, but that only goes into effect when 270 electoral votes are controlled by the interstate compact. Therefore you will have to wait a few more elections for that to happen.

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  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    I can't wait for the corporate pimps of the GOP/Tea/Fox/Jesus freak party to get their greedy 'mitts' around the throat of Americans working class. The hourly worker will be finally reduced to the level of a Mexican peon or a Chinese coolie. The American worker will live on the lowest possible pay, the kids of the working class will go to the most miserable schools, medical care will be reduced to first aid and there will be no 'retirement'. Look forward to rundown cities ruled by drug gangs, torn up highways unfit for mule travel, a return to filthy skies, polluted water and a clear cut and stripped mined environment.

    Protesters will be shot down in the streets and the well off in their gated and guarded communities will be armed to the teeth. Meanwhile ownership of firearms will be against the law for the 'peasants'. Gays back in the closet, and the Jesus freaks checking out every woman for illegal abortions and baby killing birth control products..that's the future. 'Yer goin' 'ta love it!

  • 9 years ago show that Romney is going to win big...Obama is already picking out a mansion in Hawaii and his staff are applying for jobs..fortunately for them Romney will get the economy turned around so they can find one...if anybody is dumb enough to ever hire a lying liberal.

    Democrats should know the man they are voting for..introducing the real Obama...

    President Obama is an American citizen, conceived by an illicit affair between Stanley Ann Dunham and Frank Marshall Davis, a card carrying communist. Ann was married off to a married Kenyan student to hide this scandalous pregnancy because her father was CIA and was supposed to be keeping tabs on the communists, not having grandchildren by him. Obama Sr. agreed to play daddy to get a green card to go to college, but did not want his name on the birth certificate, so it was left blank, in the field where "father" would have been listed...which is why a forged birth certificate was offered online. So the question is not where was Obama was born (he was actually born at home in Hawaii and his birth called into the hospital by his grandparents), but who his biological and ideological father was. His mother wanted him to get to know his REAL father so she moved him to live with his grandparents in Hawaii during his formative years where he spent 8 years being schooled by the dreams of his real father, which was to collapse the US and redistribute it's wealth, which Obama has effectively done by launching her deep into debt, funneling money to his comrades and attempting to takeover every viable industry which produces GDP (energy, (cap and trade failed), housing market (fannie mae and freddie mac hold most of your mortgages, collapsing the banking system (dodd and frank), attempting to takeover the automotive industry, only one company took the bait, and taking over the healthcare industry and substituting in a 15 man unelected board to decide if and when you get care at all. Obama is not a democrat...he is a born and raised Marxist, working with our enemies, to include Russia to disarm us, and the Muslim Brotherhood to infiltrate us...and he really doesn't care who gets hurt in the process. Wake up know something is off when this guy can lie straight to you him out before the destruction of your country is complete.

  • 9 years ago

    it would be funny to see DC give their electors to Romney

  • 9 years ago

    It' possible Romney could win. It's not possible he's going to win in a "landslide".

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