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what will happen if Obama wins?

22 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    200 million Americans will smile

  • 9 years ago

    He is expected to buy even more oil from Brazil and Mexico and less from American companies because of his anti-colonialism world view, thus increasing the national debt to approximately 20 Trillion dollars as well as increasing the unemployment. He will also withdraw all military forces from Pakistan and Afghanistan thus allowing terror organizations to gain control over dangerous weaponry which is currently in the possession of the Afghan forces, and includes nuclear weapons.

    He will not tighten the sanctions against Iran because he wants them to have nuclear weapons. Of course he can't publicly declare it, but this is exactly what his actions suggest. Obama strives for a weaker America and for stronger other-countries, because he's both a Communist and a Muslim.

    Obama will also further increase the distance between the States and Israel since he's an Anti-Zionist and Pro-Palastinian. Israel is an important ally and must not be lost.

    By the way, Romney is a close friend of Binyamin Netanyahu, the current Israeli prime-minister, who will be reelected.

    Democrats elect Obama for 2 main reasons:

    1. Because he's African-American. Democrats want to prove to themselves and to the world that they're not racists, so therefore they elect a dark-skinned president. They can't figure out that in fact, THAT'S the nature of true racism - the preference of an individual over another individual based on his skin color. It doesn't matter if he's black, white or Asian. I would always elect a republican for office because this is my political view. I would elect a republican if the candidate were to be black, white, Asian or any other race.

    2. Because he is EXTREMELY charismatic. Obama is the most charismatic person I've ever seen in my life. His body language, his voice and rhythm - fantastic. It doesn't even matter what comes out of his mouth. He's a natural born leader. He's a great, fantastic, amazing talker. But he just doesn't know what to do. This guy doesn't know how to run a county.

    Democrats are emotional, so they elect the natural, charismatic leader. I am rational - so I elect the guy with the better record.

    Source(s): A little bit of common sense and a true hope of seeing a better America.
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Every American literally gets a free ticket on a plane to go anywhere in the world for free. It was a double depression promo from American airlines. Obama won. People will overthrow him and the government as few know the WHOLE thing was fixed. People need to stop being cowards and stand up and protest. On the bright side, free airline tickets. Obama got re elected from ELECTORAL VOTES that is when the government decides which states are Democrat or Republican. FIXED! You can tell because 12 years ago AL GORE LOST TO BUSH BY THE POPULAR VOTE! NOT ELECTORAL! Popular vote is what the PEOPLE want. This country is not a democracy anymore. That is how democrats work.democrats use BIG GOVERNMENT. The government chose the electoral votes every time. A Republican goes for an equal country and to be able to fight for it. They go for popular vote which let the PEOPLE choose. SEE HOW IT WAS FIXED BY THE GOVERNMENT? OBAMA PAYS THEM AND THEY DONT NEED TO PAY TAXES. THEY HAVE MANSIONS, THEY HAVE EVERYTHING. THEY WORSHIP HIM.

    Source(s): Society
  • 9 years ago

    We could go into debt and the middle class residents could be hammered badly. We could become socialist. Obama is a bad person who wants to see this country fail bad. Romney is good and wants to create jobs for America. Hopefully nothing bad will happen but knowing Obama I'm afraid something bad could happen

    Source(s): Wikipedia, Mitt
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  • 9 years ago

    if Obama wins then USA will lose the last traces and hope for the return of the glory days

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    While statistics have suggested arachnid apocalypse scenarios, I'm inclined to agree with the farmer's almanac, which holds that a slew of grandmothers will contrct STDs from smelling de-viened yucca fruits and male felines everywhere will face the horrors of instant impregnation.

    Protect thy cats!

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago


    MORE EXCESSIVE SPENDING, including money to Wall Street

    More divided America

    More people on welfare and food stamps it's at 47% now at 50% an economy goes BUST

    More regulations on small businesses, more CLOSING of small business



    More changes to things like the US flag, the National Anthem, and who knows what else

    More WASTING MONEY on green energy

    More BAD FOREIGN policies, including more uprisings if you notice there was NO Arab Spring while Bush was in office

    More BENGHAZI type tragedies, because Obama has no clue about foreign policy


    Less working with Congress

    Less small businesses because they cannot afford to stay open

    Less concentration on American energy like coal, natural gas and crude oil

    LESS TRUST of ISRAEL (Benjamin Netanyahu does NOT like Obama for good reason)

    Less respect from the Middle East (they are not afraid of Obama like they were of Bush)

    I could go on but you get the point...

    Source(s): just a guess
  • Tina
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    Our country as we know it will be gone.

    It will become communist like in no time.. that is Obama's Plan.... no more elections for sure!

    Our only hope will be if our military does not stand behind him.. but who knows!

  • 9 years ago

    He allready did win

  • Angel
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Impeachment with Benghazi-gate & hopefully treason toboot. Dude's the biggest hoax played on America---& even Clint Eastwood knows that.

    VOTE AMERICAN!!! MITT 2012!!! landslide!!

  • 9 years ago

    Much the same thing as if Romney wins; the economy will recover. The difference is that, under Obama, it will continue to recover.

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