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Humans can land a rover on Mars, map the human genome and network the planet. But they can't...?

Humans can land a rover on Mars, map the human genome and network the planet. But they can't invent a political system that works properly.

Why is that?


@Vladimir - Not everyone's opinion on cars is the same but we managed to build decent roads.

Update 2:

There are many good answers here.

@aida - I pondered your answer for a while. Is it really an apples/oranges question? It took probably millions of man-hours of research to put a rover on Mars and many iterations of the original idea. When we create a political system, why not take an iterative approach too? Yet our political systems are rigid and static. Social issues can be tackled too, hence the term social engineering.

12 Answers

  • Sara
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Our founding fathers were pretty much terrified that true democracy, direct rule by the people with "one man, one vote" would turn into a form of mob rule, where the majority, inflamed by passions of the moment, would trample the rights of the minorities.

    So they opened the door to the wealthy elite, thinking that educated upper class folks would keep the unwashed masses from making mistakes.

    That was all it took.

  • 9 years ago

    Peace and serenity need not be organized into a system. Acquisition-forfeiture occurs between the anachoretic and the cenobitic, but it is not absolute, as the term system implies. Thus, a "political system" is misleading because the anachoretic, or non-political life, is as prevalent in Nature as is the cenobitic. Your Humans (the group project) can not eliminate the individual whose ambition to know supercedes the command to do, however hard it may try. Systems that "work properly" are in your formulation granted far too much esteem.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I don't doubt we could invent something that works better, but the system is currently controlled by the power-hungry who have money coming out of their ears, for their own benefit. Why would they loosen the reigns to make other people's lives better at the expense of their own? This is why the Founding Fathers despised aristocracy so much. How do you get rid of the bastards without some kind of French-style bloodbath?

  • aida
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    This is an apples-and-oranges kind of question. Landing a rover on Mars, mapping the human genome, and networking the planet are matters of technology, which depends on the hard sciences (and draws mainly on the left hemisphere of the brain). Inventing a political system that works involves the contrariness of one's fellow man--definitely an inexact, right-brained subject. And of course a politcal system that worked would have to involve EVERYONE, not just the gifted scientists whose research and application led to the other accomplishments you cited. If anyone invented a workable political system in the manner of those accomplishments, it would almost certainly reduce people to automatons, such as are depicted in various dystopian novels.

    Meanwhile, we came pretty close to inventing such a system in Philadelphia in the summer of 1787.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    I think, Because, Humans have the Different Mind Systems with the Different "SELF" Control Systems, without Coordinating Each Other, Try to DOMINATE Each Other, to Hold the CENTRAL CONTROL SYSTEM.

  • James
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    Not everyone's opinion on cars is the same but we managed to build decent roads. Not everyone's opinion in politics is the same, but they are different struggles. People associated in politics no longer care for their people, they all want to accumulate more stuff for their own benefit. Maybe if we could understand other people's feelings all would change.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    No the political systems work perfectly. Fcukeduppity is their nature!

    But on a serious note, we were never meant to be controlled. Its all idealism!

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Oh yes we can and have. why is it not working ask Wall St and those who see money as God One Big money man is already on record as saying "Permit me to control the money and I care not who the government is for I hold in my hands the future of the Nation V C Vickers resigned as Lt Governer of the Bank of England in the 30 because those who control money controled the bank his book "Economic Tribulations outlines his reasons and in my opinion is why Obama was forced to save the banks while millions lost their homes

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Obviously human social constructs are far more complicated than purely scientific and mathematical ventures.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago


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