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  • The Legend of Zelda: The Adventure of Link?

    So I just finished playing Zelda 1 (it was very, very hard. The hardest Zelda game I've played, mainly because you have to blow any random space to get something, and getting to the dungeons is hard.)

    So I got Zelda 2, and I don't understand anything.

    You just start in some palace with Zelda sleeping. I read that there is this leveling system, how does it work? And how do I use magic? How do I learn spells? This game is so different than the traditional Zelda games like Oot, TP, WW, and the game boy ones.

    And also, if I lose the 3 lifes, from where will I start? Thank you

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • Why do the "voices" of auditory hallucinations? people with schizophrenia, have to be so nasty and scary? I only heard about a few cases where the voices are positive and actually help their "host". I mean, its just, plainly ridiculous. They have to deal with a lot of symptoms, and of top of that, the voices have to be negative! Having hallucinations, is essentially horrible, aside from the negative symptoms, and other bad symptoms. Could the sickness actually be a demon? Which I don't think so because there are some people who do have positive voices. (Some people do believe the sickness is a demon possession)

    Any opinion?

    2 AnswersPsychology8 years ago
  • Would you say I have OCD?

    I'll tell you all the reasons I think there is a problem.

    1) The main reason, is a pattern in my head. If I could express it physically, it would go like this:

    9 11

    6 8

    1 3

    2 4

    5 7

    12 10.....and so on (even though it actually ends). You just follow the numbers in order.

    The pattern itself is very organized, it is congruent, and parallel. I move my limbs according to this pattern. My tongue, my feet, my fingers. I've had it since I was a kid. It is not a problem though, it has never faced me hardships.

    2) The "germ" phobia. I get disgusted really easy. The napkins in my house are wasted rapidly because I use them so much. I wash my hands a lot of time, and thoroughly. And when I do, I make sure I don't touch the tube with my hands, I use my elbows. I remember being little and using my feet to open doorknobs. I don't even like being barefooted, I always use socks.

    3) Rare behaviour. I often tell myself I should do things to avoid problems. I am in bed, and I tell myself I should drink 3 glasses of water. I can be half asleep, but I will drink 3 glasses. When I was scared, I told myself I should stare at the window 30 seconds, and if I didn't, monsters would appear. If I told myself I would bathe with cold water, I would do so, even If I hated it. Basically that's it.

    I suffered from depression for some time. I also had delusions for once in a while. I used to believe people were planning stuff behind my backs. I believed that people were waiting for me to realize the "truth" behind everything. That everyone knew, and I was the only one and last one to find out.

    All of these have been on a low degree. None has caused me trouble (except the depression part) and it has lessened whilst I've been growing. I would self-diagnose myself with minor OCPD (obsessive compulsive personality disorder, not OCD).

    1 AnswerPsychology8 years ago
  • What did Kant said about empiricism and rationalism?

    I read he made a debate discussing these topics. What was this debate about? What was the conclusion? Can someone please explain the whole terms he said? Because I heard he made both philosophies meaningless applying other thoughts.

    1 AnswerPhilosophy8 years ago
  • Feeling troubled about my ideas and emotions?

    I had an experience, and I don't expect any answer, maybe some tips or some words of wisdom. I just want to express this:

    I've never really been a "lovely" kid. I am 16 years old. I have never really been sociable, or Lovely. I am smart, cold, and boring. But I am gentle and smiling. I like to help people, I am not selfish. Sometimes I can be evil though. Instead of going out, I study. Instead of having fun, I think of situations, I rationalize. I am a brainy person. Even though, I still think being gentle and helping is a priority, only that I don't meet to much persons. I've lived my life trying to avoid the outside world and focus on studying, because I like it. Until one day, my mom convinced me to go on a trip with my aunt in law and her family. I went, and it seemed a good idea after all. My aunt has a brother, whom has 4 little babies. The oldest one is 5, the second is 4, and the others I don't really know. I was left out alone with the babies, supposedly taking care of them. They were just sleeping, since it was late in night. The second of the children woke up. She is very sweet. She won't stop smiling since the moment you see her. You see her smiling at the moment she enters a room. She asked me to play with her, and so I did. It got late and I carried her to bed. I went to sleep too, and I thought that children can really be lovely and fun to be with. In the morning, I heard her voice saying "wake up!, let's go outside" . We played hide and seek. She liked to grab my hand and play with it. Moments passed and I got emotionally attached, I think. When it was time to part ways, she said she'd missed me, and that I would see her again soon. I missed her for some time. And she demonstrated me that life is not just about studying. Right now, I am not sure if it's her I miss, maybe I just need someone. She showed me that a family can really be possible in my future. I am now depressed. I don't know really what to do. I was looking forward into some vacation courses, but now I don't feel like it. I don't want to read anymore, I don't want to study or do my daily hobbies. I am trapped in the middle of my ideals, It's a big turning point for my life. How do I choose. Will I ever become like I was before, or can I blossom into a different person? Because as insensitive as it can sound, I prefer myself as I was before. Or it would be better that I had a family to be with. I don't know how to choose. Maybe time will make things clearer.

    2 AnswersMental Health8 years ago
  • Feeling troubled about my ideas and emotions?

    I had an experience, and I don't expect any answer, maybe some tips or some words of wisdom. I just want to express this:

    I've never really been a "lovely" kid. I am 16 years old. I have never really been sociable, or Lovely. I am smart, cold, and boring. But I am gentle and smiling. I like to help people, I am not selfish. Sometimes I can be evil though. Instead of going out, I study. Instead of having fun, I think of situations, I rationalize. I am a brainy person. Even though, I still think being gentle and helping is a priority, only that I don't meet to much persons. I've lived my life trying to avoid the outside world and focus on studying, because I like it. Until one day, my mom convinced me to go on a trip with my aunt in law and her family. I went, and it seemed a good idea after all. My aunt has a brother, whom has 4 little babies. The oldest one is 5, the second is 4, and the others I don't really know. I was left out alone with the babies, supposedly taking care of them. They were just sleeping, since it was late in night. The second of the children woke up. She is very sweet. She won't stop smiling since the moment you see her. You see her smiling at the moment she enters a room. She asked me to play with her, and so I did. It got late and I carried her to bed. I went to sleep too, and I thought that children can really be lovely and fun to be with. In the morning, I heard her voice saying "wake up!, let's go outside" . We played hide and seek. She liked to grab my hand and play with it. Moments passed and I got emotionally attached, I think. When it was time to part ways, she said she'd missed me, and that I would see her again soon. I missed her for some time. And she demonstrated me that life is not just about studying. Right now, I am not sure if it's her I miss, maybe I just need someone. She showed me that a family can really be possible in my future. I am now depressed. I don't know really what to do. I was looking forward into some vacation courses, but now I don't feel like it. I don't want to read anymore, I don't want to study or do my daily hobbies. I am trapped in the middle of my ideals, It's a big turning point for my life. How do I choose. Will I ever become like I was before, or can I blossom into a different person? Because as insensitive as it can sound, I prefer myself as I was before. Or it would be better that I had a family to be with. I don't know how to choose. Maybe time will make things clearer.

    1 AnswerFamily8 years ago
  • Feeling troubled about my ideas and emotions?

    I had an experience, and I don't expect any answer, maybe some tips or some words of wisdom. I just want to express this:

    I've never really been a "lovely" kid. I am 16 years old. I have never really been sociable, or Lovely. I am smart, cold, and boring. But I am gentle and smiling. I like to help people, I am not selfish. Sometimes I can be evil though. Instead of going out, I study. Instead of having fun, I think of situations, I rationalize. I am a brainy person. Even though, I still think being gentle and helping is a priority, only that I don't meet to much persons. I've lived my life trying to avoid the outside world and focus on studying, because I like it. Until one day, my mom convinced me to go on a trip with my aunt in law and her family. I went, and it seemed a good idea after all. My aunt has a brother, whom has 4 little babies. The oldest one is 5, the second is 4, and the others I don't really know. I was left out alone with the babies, supposedly taking care of them. They were just sleeping, since it was late in night. The second of the children woke up. She is very sweet. She won't stop smiling since the moment you see her. You see her smiling at the moment she enters a room. She asked me to play with her, and so I did. It got late and I carried her to bed. I went to sleep too, and I thought that children can really be lovely and fun to be with. In the morning, I heard her voice saying "wake up!, let's go outside" . We played hide and seek. She liked to grab my hand and play with it. Moments passed and I got emotionally attached, I think. When it was time to part ways, she said she'd missed me, and that I would see her again soon. I missed her for some time. And she demonstrated me that life is not just about studying. Right now, I am not sure if it's her I miss, maybe I just need someone. She showed me that a family can really be possible in my future. I am now depressed. I don't know really what to do. I was looking forward into some vacation courses, but now I don't feel like it. I don't want to read anymore, I don't want to study or do my daily hobbies. I am trapped in the middle of my ideals, It's a big turning point for my life. How do I choose. Will I ever become like I was before, or can I blossom into a different person? Because as insensitive as it can sound, I prefer myself as I was before. Or it would be better that I had a family to be with. I don't know how to choose. Maybe time will make things clearer.

  • How much sleep time do you need to function daily?

    I am not talking about the average. How much time do YOU need (as an individual) to function.

    I need at least 8 and a half hours to think straightly and logically.

    What about you?

    3 AnswersMental Health8 years ago
  • What should I do with my life?

    At first, I wanted to be a psychiatrist. But I later found out that I prefer psychology. But there are so many interesting things I just can't ignore. I love art and music. I would like to be a musician, painter, writer and poet. I also really really like physics and astronomy. And also I like mathematics, and animals.

    Concluding, my dream is to be a psychologist, physicist, zoologist, astronomer, musician, painter, writer and mathematician. All these are not just "hobbies" or likes of mine. I acquire a lot of knowledge from all of these roots and would like to study all of them further on. What can I do? I could easily study psychology and be a writer, musician and writer, but what about the other studies? Should I study more than 2 careers at university?

    Seriously, how did Da Vinci, Newton, and all those great philosophers handle with so many studies. I know they are geniuses, but how could they? I feel a little but sad about this. Do I have any options?

    Thank you.

    2 AnswersPsychology8 years ago
  • What should I do with my life?

    At first, I wanted to be a psychiatrist. But I later found out that I prefer psychology. But there are so many interesting things I just can't ignore. I love art and music. I would like to be a musician, painter, writer and poet. I also really really like physics and astronomy. And also I like mathematics, and animals.

    Concluding, my dream is to be a psychologist, physicist, zoologist, astronomer, musician, painter, writer and mathematician. All these are not just "hobbies" or likes of mine. I acquire a lot of knowledge from all of these roots and would like to study all of them further on. What can I do? I could easily study psychology and be a writer, musician and writer, but what about the other studies? Should I study more than 2 careers at university?

    Seriously, how did Da Vinci, Newton, and all those great philosophers handle with so many studies. I know they are geniuses, but how could they? I feel a little but sad about this.

    Thank you.

    6 AnswersPhilosophy8 years ago
  • Can a person learn to draw and paint?

    I want to take some vacation courses, and I have considered art classes. But I draw and paint horribly. Even my handwriting is pretty awful. But if I take patience and dedication, I can say things come up better. Even though my handwriting is pretty bad, I do have an artistic side. I can play guitar, magnificently. I learned to play by myself in a very short time. I am also learning to play (again, by myself) piano, and I can grasp a little bit of Fur Elise. Plus, I am very smart and creative.

    Some friends have the natural ability to draw since they were little. Can I draw as good as they can from learning? At least with a lot of practice? I am still a young teenager.

    Thank you :)

    4 AnswersDrawing & Illustration8 years ago
  • If you had the power to kill..?

    And invulnerability.........what would you do?

    When I say power, I refer to a, fictional power. You know

    6 AnswersPhilosophy8 years ago
  • Do you believe in a higher deity? Why or why not?

    Be us independent or dependent of it, why do you believe or why you don't?

    I believe in a higher deity because, how can a such detailed object appear out of nothing?

    Even though I do believe, I don't believe it involves too much in our world, or even care for us.

    6 AnswersPhilosophy8 years ago
  • How can i stop being so arrogant?

    I am a 15 year old male. Being so, my age can be a factor for it, maybe it's normal? What I am able to brag about, is my intelligence. I am very smart, almost a genius. I am able to recognize many everyday "patterns", sequences, ironies, and even able to detect almost everybody's lies. My attitude is not like this, I like to be charismatic, helpful, selfless, and even try to appeal humbleness, but, from the inside, I am very arrogant. Every time I manage to think of or notice a logical pattern or behaviour, I am unable to ignore myself and say "How brilliant I am, only I am able to do such things". Even though I try to be humble, my mind does not agree with me, it's like a contradiction. I don't really mind my problem, it's just that is distracts me from thinking straight and logically sometimes. I am also a liar, and a pretty good one. Every time I get into an unexpected argument or conflict, I am able to get away with it, harmless. But please, try to believe that all that I am mentioning in here is truth, I just want an advice. If you meet me, you would not think of me as an"intellectual person", because I have a sense of humour, and smile. I know this question is very....tentative, but whatever!

    Thank you very much!

    1 AnswerMental Health8 years ago
  • How can i stop being so arrogant?

    I am a 15 year old male. Being so, my age can be a factor for it, maybe it's normal? What I am able to brag about, is my intelligence. I am very smart, almost a genius. I am able to recognize many everyday "patterns", sequences, ironies, and even able to detect almost everybody's lies. My attitude is not like this, I like to be charismatic, helpful, selfless, and even try to appeal humbleness, but, from the inside, I am very arrogant. Every time I manage to think of or notice a logical pattern or behaviour, I am unable to ignore myself and say "How brilliant I am, only I am able to do such things". Even though I try to be humble, my mind does not agree with me, it's like a contradiction. I don't really mind my problem, it's just that is distracts me from thinking straight and logically sometimes. I am also a liar, and a pretty good one. Every time I get into an unexpected argument or conflict, I am able to get away with it, harmless. But please, try to believe that all that I am mentioning in here is truth, I just want an advice. If you meet me, you would not think of me as an"intellectual person", because I have a sense of humour, and smile. I know this question is very....tentative, so please calm down.

    Thank you...

    4 AnswersPsychology8 years ago
  • How would you define an "evil person" ?

    For me, an evil person does anything to get what they want. There is always a true motive behind the big action they do. They manipulate, and lie to get through their way. Sometimes they have good intentions, but they don't really care for it. They would even kill for justice. Like a cop killing every criminal, many would think it's the right thing to do.

    I personally think I am evil, even though I would never hurt or kill anyone.

    8 AnswersPhilosophy8 years ago
  • How much should a 16 year old male weigh?

    I am 5 feet10, probably 5 feet11.........(180 cm) ..........

    The last time I measured my weight, I was 137 lbs.


    Is that too light, or is it ok?

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • My keyboard doesn't work?

    thespacebarortheletter"b"or letter"n".CanIfixit?Isitrepairable



    1 AnswerOther - Hardware8 years ago
  • my keyboard doesn't work?

    thespacebarortheletter"b"or letter"n".CanIfixit?Isitrepairable


    1 AnswerOther - Computers8 years ago
  • What can I do to finish this endless boredom?

    Everyday is the same. I go to school, and deal with sad kids whose ambitions are pathetic. They only care about romance, being selfish, and parties. I then come home and pretend a smile to my family who I sincerely, don't care about. I hate myself for this, I despise my family, I don't care about them, I wish I could love them, but it just doesn't happen. I do homework, I listen to music, then I read something. I study. I then exercise some bit. I turn on the news. Everyday is the same, murder, chaos, just bad news. It makes me sad the way this world has fallen. I make my own studies and philosophies and theories. I think the world is about to die, in about some centuries, or even a hundred years.

    I have not always been like this. Before, I was cheerful, and happy, and positive. My dream was to become president and help the people of my country from misery, then that idea moved into helping the whole world. I was good. Through realization and thinking, I realized there is no hope. We evolute, and the cost of this is downfall. We advance so much with technology, and then we sacrifice everything around us. I think this was predetermined millions of years ago. We destroy ourselves. Before, I thought about saving people and teaching them how we can change this world. But now, it's different. I think about what I would do if I'd be god. I would change everything and kill everyone who this earth doesn't needs. I am now "evil".

    Then I realize, that I am not evil. I am just bored. If something happened in my school or house. Like some person broke in and tried to kidnap me. Or some organization changing my school into something else and I had to turn things like they were before with my abilities. I wouldn't care if what would happen is good or bad, just something that gets rid of my boredom.

    9 AnswersPhilosophy8 years ago