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Doctor P asked in Arts & HumanitiesPhilosophy · 9 years ago

Why so many "end of the world" predictions failed?

Religious predictions are intuitive guesses. Even scientific guesses

fail in many cases.

Let us consider a simple case. You have a million Dollars

in a bank account. You are only spending and not crediting

any money. If you take your average monthly expenditure,

you can calculate that the amount will be over in, say,

X months. But there can be some heavy purchases, and your

scientific prediction may fail.

Can science predict earthquakes or hurricanes? Can medicine predict

end of a human life?

What I want to say is that an exceptionally large number

of persons are predicting that the end is near. How near

it is - will it be in one year, ten years - no one can

be accurate. Remember that end of the world is philosophically

the most complex and complicated topic.

What are your views on this?

5 Answers

  • X
    Lv 5
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Religious and scientific guesses fail, because that's all they are - guesses. Furthermore, they fail in *all* cases. "Many cases", suggests that some were accurate; which is obviously nonsense - we're still here. At least, we were when I awoke this morning.

    Prophets of doom are delusional: remember Harold Camping?

    As yet, scientists are unable to predict earthquakes, nor can hurricanes be anticipated; although the course of a hurricane already in progress can be predicted quite easily. I'm not a medical expert, but I know that if one has a fatal disease, one's life expectancy can be calculated with at least some degree of accuracy. If one is in good health, no-one can predict the end.

  • 4 years ago

    maximum persons of yank "Christian" church homes and their attenders are so a ways from actual Christianity that they could no longer also be in a position to declare to be Christian. They carry forth one of those delicate, sugar lined gospel that early believers may fall ill from each and every of the sweet that passes for preaching immediately. people immediately favor the reality and maximum can see correct by a liar so that they are leaving the mainline "sweet production facility" denominations and searching for the actual deal. regrettably even an outstanding type of Non-denominational and so called pentecostal preachers have also fallen into straightforward-believeism so the people do no longer recognize the position to exhibit, such an outstanding type of incorporate turning their backs on God and leaving the church. regrettably because of fake doctrines like eternal protection, a lot of those who're leaving are doing so wondering that because they once suggested a prayer, they are nevertheless going to heaven, even even if that they no longer persist with God's note. The Bible suggested this can take position, that contained in the perfect of the perfect days, there'll be an outstanding falling far off from the religion. So this comes as no wonder to those those who recognize the Lord and His note.

  • 9 years ago

    first of all the earth will never end... according to the bible it will never end but recreated again...

    also it is not biblical to predict the time of the Messiahs return...

    I believe that this old earth is beginning birth pains for renewal, but as to how long who know s..

    The prophets in the bible thought the return was about to happen then & look how long its been.

  • Predictions are not right just god konw when is end of world creation of this universe .

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    ALL OF THEM. Duh.

    The bible tells us 'no man will know'.

    People have been talking about the end of the world my entire life.

    Kind of like 'chicken little'.

    When life gets a little tough, the doomsayers come out whining.

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