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If you could change 1 or more thing about our current immigration policies, what would they be?

I am very curious as to what people would say or change.

Justify your answer and tell me why!

9 Answers

  • Lisa A
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I would have them enforced.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    A courageous question pdr and extremely concept frightening. that is an extraordinarily controversial situation that absolutely knock some 'time bombs' over the part yet i am going to communicate as i actually sense in spite of recrimination. I see that there are 2 styles of human beings, solid and undesirable, there are fence sitters and those who will get up and matter. i believe generally that persons mixture immigration up with racism and then the hardship starts, sheep, listening and copying different ignorant comments. A fool would rush in yet a sensible guy will evaluate. I quite do not have any project with any race and could be ashamed if each person considered me to be racist, there'll continually be cultural changes yet they are oftentimes useful in some procedures, as i imagine the Western international has had issues too undemanding. I also imagine identity is major, as in what your u . s . stands for etc yet maximum significantly interior your self. i imagine also there's a sparkling age of worry contained in the air by using danger of terrorism, which lower back is being jumbled jointly with racism. maximum opt to stay and enable stay yet at the same time as it is going incorrect is at the same time as what's deemed as genuine is inaccurate. on the right of the day we are all people in spite of what we appear like and as long as we appreciate one yet another, there must be no vast difference after we seem contained in the reflect...

  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    Arrest and deport anyone who does not have a visa to be here. This includes children too. This would not be a policy change, this would be just enforcing the law, it's already a law on the books.

    Fining the government will not work. The illegal aliens made the choice to break the law and come here, they know what they are doing.

  • 9 years ago

    If I could change one single thing only, I would eliminate the option to adjust status to that of a permanent resident (a.k.a. Green Card holder) after unlawful presence, commonly known as "overstay," in the U.S.

    This would in large part eliminate marriages for a Green Card only. The beneficiary would have to return to his or her country of citizenship and apply for an immigrant visa there.

    Another thing I would change is the amount needed for the mandatory Affidavit of Support. Currently, the sponsor needs to make 125% of the poverty line. For a party of 2, that would be $18,912. Frankly, somebody who makes $19K per year is in no position to take financially care of another adult. I would raise the amount needed to at least 200% of the poverty line. We do not need more convenience clerks, taxi cab drivers, or factory workers. We need educated folks and those who want to open a small business and get our economy going.

    Source(s): An immigrant of German and Swedish descent, I am an attorney and reside in the charming old mission town of San Buenaventura, California.
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  • 9 years ago

    I do not think that punishing immigrants themselves is the answer. How about they make a policy that will fine the countries/government of where ever it is they are coming from. I think the biggest reason immigrants are coming here is because their own countries are not providing for them. If they punish the other countries maybe they might fix their own problems and keep their citizens at home. I know it's far fetched but you never know...

  • ?
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    I would eliminate amnesty and any form of it in it's entirety. Many thousands and thousands of Americans immigrated to the U.S. respecting our laws. To allow illegal residents the privilege of becoming an American citizen when they willfully broke those laws is an insult to them and a reward for breaking those laws.

    I would fine, heavily fine, every single employer of illegal residents. That's where you will make an impact. Illegals are only here because they can find work, they are being paid. Stop that source - aka the employers - and the illegal residents will go elsewhere seeking work. Until you cripple their income sources, nothing - absolutely nothing - is going to change except that you will pay more and more of your own money to support the illegal's health care and education.

  • 9 years ago

    I would just try and make the whole process more easy and transparent. Right now, many petitions processes are so convoluted that few people can accomplish anything without a lawyer. Also, I would spread the word about such simple things as Change of Address forms: many immigrants don't know that not updating their address within 10 days of moving can get them fined, arrested, or worse, deported.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I would make illegal immigration a capital offense.

    This is the biggest problem facing America, and nobody is doing anything about it.

  • "," and : " illegals r felons" have given you the perfect answers !

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