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Lv 6

Do you agree with my reasoning below? Where is the flaw in my logic?

Assume God exists, then, assume the four scenarios below.

A) If you pray for something to be done that God will not do, it will not be done, so -

prayer is useless.

B) If you pray for something to be NOT be done that God WILL do, it WILL be done, so -

prayer is useless.

C) If you pray for something to be done that God was going to do ANYWAY, it will be done ANYWAY, so-

prayer is useless.

D) If you pray for something to NOT be done that God was NOT going to do ANYWAY, it will NOT be done ANYWAY, so-

prayer is useless.

These are the only four possible scenarios. All of them lead to the same logical conclusion -

"Prayer is Useless."

Where is the flaw in my logic?

13 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    The flaw in the Logic, is that God answers all prayers, but sometimes the answer is NO, for you own GOOD.

    When my 2 year old wanted to play in traffic, or climb into the Lion's cage at the zoo.......

    the answer has to be no. Not because I mean, malevolent, malicious and don't care about his happiness.........just the opposite.........I love him to death, and want no harm to come to him, so adorable as he was and as nicely as he asked......the answer had to be NO.

    And then I would divert his attention by saying YES to buying him a balloon to keep him happy.

    (hhhhhhmmmmmm........ya know.....I just had a thought......maybe that's why God gives us big breasted women.........he's throwing us a few balloons to play with....... hmmmmmmmm......)

    But anyway........uh, sorry, where was I again? .............

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    You're assuming this god character has a will. If he does not, your logic is invalid and the only two options are that he does it and he doesn't do it. If he doesn't do it, prayer is useless and if he does do it prayer isn't useless. This doesn't take into consideration the number of people praying, however, and is far too simplistic of a calculator for a percentage of his granting a prayer

    if the formula is correct, at this point, though, the odds of him granting your prayer is 25% if he has no will, and 12.5% if he does. This does not include other people who may be praying against your prayer though, so it is forever incomplete.

    Again, all assuming he exists which is probably going to drop the odds of your prayer coming true down to less than half a percent.

  • 9 years ago

    Your flaw is that these are not the only possible scenarios. You fail to take into account that God may actually be influenced by prayer. Indeed, the purpose of prayer is to convince God to do something He was not necessarily planning to do, and that would indicate that prayer works, albeit not always. Now, if you accept the concept of a deterministic universe, this idea is completely illogical in itself. But let's not worry about that for now.

    The premise of prayer is that God listens to some prayers, and ignores others, and that He does this for a good purpose. This premise makes the concept of prayer impossible to disprove, given that, if God does exist, we cannot know whether He was planning to make a certain event happen or not happen, or whether He was cajoled into making it happen or not happen due to prayer.

    The entire concept of God is based on faith. That means that God cannot be disproved. Logical paradoxes can be found within the concept of God, true, but they are not really decisive. There is no proof for or against God. Taking either side of the argument involves a leap of faith.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    It is a flaw because god does not exist at all ; hence this logic is useless.

    Sarah spare me of your archaic ****! God doesn't save us. Medicine does. If God really was that powerful, explain why the length of life nearly doubled from the middle ages to the present? And in the middle ages, 99.9% of people believed the Church! Everyone prayed back then, yet they died of diseases easier! The answer is scientific advancements, not what your assumption is.

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  • 9 years ago

    Your logic fails at, "Assume God exists,...." beyond that, it's pretty sound.

    1) Pray for something

    2) Ask, "Is this within god's divine will?"

    2a) If yes, the prayer is redundant

    2b) If no, the prayer is futile

    3) Realize prayer serves no useful purpose.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    You assume that this god will not be influenced by prayer. Perhaps he was going to let your child die of Malaria but then you pray and he thinks 'Oh, you want the child to live? Well, as you asked so nicely, OK then.' The bible does say god will answer prayers and remember he is moved by prayer many times in the bible? This makes absolutely no sense when you consider that he is omniscient but never mind.

  • hur
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Why are us of a constantly combating China. How a pair of conflict that did not in touch China and Russia. i'm tremendously specific this is greater in all probability. After the 1990's Russia's financial equipment have been given destroyed. And China won't choose for to waste money on conflict whilst they are going so properly already. however the U. S. might choose for to strectch their legs slightly and initiate a conflict.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Doesn't seem like it has any flaws. But that ain't gonna convince the religious peeps, will it?

    No matter what, their reasoning is as follows :

    1. If you truly want something, and if you've faith in god and you pray, god will grant you your wish.

    2. If you've faith yet god doesn't answer your prayers, then "he has bigger and greater plans for you"


  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Your thinking is easily flaw, you said If. I'll give you time to think why I said that.

    A) What happens when you pray and you get it, the prayer work. If you never prayed, it will never work, lol.

  • 9 years ago

    The flaw is you are making additional assumptions and supporting those assumptions with any facts; even if you assume god exists.

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