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Lv 6
? asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 9 years ago

Do you think that, if Romney had not moved so far to the right, that he might have won?

11 Answers

  • maxmom
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Fiscally, there really was not a lot of difference between Obama and Romney. The reason neither got too specific is that the bottom line numbers were pretty much the same.

    Romney lost for 2 reasons:

    The party as a whole, and Romney specifically came off as supporting rich people who think everyone else are feckless moochers who want free stuff and have abortions for fun.

    He allowed the far right to dominate the conversation (rape, abortion, xenophobia, homophobia) and when he tried to move to the middle ,it was too late. There was not a lot he could say about the 47% remark or the "self deport" remark at that point. In addition he never rejected the crazy birthers and others whose mantra is that Obama is a Kenyan, Muslim, non American communist, like McCain did.

    He courted Donald Trump and allowed John Sununu to speak for him. Their message is one that just sounds crazy to the America that looks more like Obama than Romney.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    That then opens the other question of, that if he had not moved so far to the right would he have been nominated???

    The conservatives were so profoundly ignorant that they literally switched themselves off to anything outside of what they believed in, they had taken over the Republican party and obviously this was the determining factor of who was going to be the nomination, Romney just did what he had to do to get nominated and that then pretty much sealed his fate, the subsequent swing back to the center in last few months was just too little too late and nobody believed him!!!

    You could say that Romney was really in a catch 22 situation, and the fact of the matter is, there was just no way he could win at all!!!

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    That’s the thing. He didn’t actually move anywhere. When he needed to be moderate to win in MA, he said he was. In the primary, he needed to be a far right-winger, so he said he was. Then, once the debates started, he needed to be a moderate, so he said he was.

    There is no Mitt Romney. As another gentlemen once said, “He’s a well-oiled weathervane.”

    I’m an atheist, but there are great lessons in the bible. “The love of money is the root of all evil” is a good one. This is part of the reason I like Obama. He’s not a man who sets out to “amass great wealth at all costs,” but rather a man who sets out to accomplish something for the people (was always that way). While Obama was community organizing (helping the poor), Romney was figuring out how to take. And the same holds true today.

    Romney is a man who has been able to buy and bully his way to the top, but Tuesday proved to us that all the money in the world, all the Republican voter suppression efforts, all the GOP cheating, the daily lies of Mitt Romney, the years of lying right-wing propaganda...none of it works when you run a serial liar for president against a man of integrity.

  • 9 years ago

    I think historically anyone should have been able to win against an incumbent candidate with 8% unemployment, however justifiable.

    But I think it was not so much the move to the right in the primaries, but the move back to the left in the last month of the election and the many other moves in between that caused the problem. The man is, in fact, a "well-oiled weathervane."

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  • 9 years ago

    No. He wasn't far enough to the right.

    He lost the election because the majority of people in this country are like children ~ who have no idea where prosperity comes from. They expect governement to provide everything they need in life. Romney was all about creating an environment for people to create their own opportunities.

  • 9 years ago

    He would not have been nominated without right wing support. Still, million fewer Republicans voted for Romney than they did for McCain. Your nation lost its most intelligent leader of the past 150 years.

  • 9 years ago

    If Mitt would have pledged amnesty for all the illegal aliens and insured every woman could kill her child and for me i wanted retro abortions and oh yes birth control for all and a welfare check and a high rise apartment for all and nobody had to work to pay for it he could have won. Otherwise he wasn't a good enough liar to win

  • chorle
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    if he would have been that way consistently and if he wasn't so eager to get rid of our first step toward first world health care much based on a plan he used at a state level. He may have meant fix but he said repeal

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    I actually don't think so. His arrogance actually brought the kooks out of the woodwork to make it closer than it seemed. He wasn't going to win either way. Perhaps if he teamed up with Ron Paul - maybe.

    Would Hitler become fuhrer if he were a nice guy? Most likely not given the scenario because people were looking for radical change.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    Soupstar! My favorite Liberal whackjob! I've been wondering what happened to you!

    Romney lost the election because he was only marginally better than Obama. He's not quite as bad, but at least he's not a socialist. Nobody got excited about him. Many of us were excited about removing the Socialist Buffoon, but Romney was too appealing, either.

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