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Why are a lot of Atheists more Ignorant, bigoted, blissful, and uninformed than a lot of Christians?

Also why do they seem to spread more hateful words.I mean, they always mention someone shoving things down their throats, but they come into the conversation just to make jokes. As much as there are protestant Christians who do crazy things.. But I see more Atheists spreading jokes and hateful uninformed words than Christians do. And when they can't answer a question they just try to be slick and brush it off with another intellectual response that probably didn't answer the question. I mean I know that a lot of so called Christians ( Functioning Athiest).. do the same thing. Also not everyone was born into a Christian home where their parents so called brain washed them into becoming a Christian. It doesn't even work like that.


Oh yeah, I'm also preparing for the lame jokes, and hateful remarks.

Update 2:

@ Hipster Suure..

@ Donna nope I'm not.. I'm just getting into the picture.

@ Thor, I said I know that A lot of Religious Functioning Atheist do it too. I acknowledge that.

Update 3:

Notice people.. I said a lot.. Not all... If this doesn't apply to you.. Why respond.. It's common sense..

17 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    Selective reasoning you have here. Atheists and Christians here have their share of crazy, troll, and serious. I can equally make these claims of most of the Christians here (although certainly not all).

    Seriously, one Christian here said that all Atheists are bigoted. Isn't that ironic? She also claimed the rational reasoning that proves Christianity correct is "find Jesus".

    You'll find deep down, the Atheists here are more annoyed with the illogical yet insistent reasoning of Christians here. Just like you'd likely be either frustrated or just not take someone seriously if you saw someone claiming the air is made of custard because his mouth tastes funny today, most of the Atheists just don't bother taking someone seriously when they make the same old debunk-able arguments, especially after talking to countless people that repeatedly ignore all logic.

    The many intolerant Christians on the other hand dislike Atheism simply because it's against what they believe, saying we deserve to burn in hell for not believing God exists. Seriously, how does anything a trolling Atheist says even compare to the desire for someone to burn for all eternity for disagreeing? That's a bigot right there.

    I agree that not all Christians were brainwashed into Christianity. That just goes for a large chunk of them. Another large chunk goes towards the functioning Atheists like you mentioned. Another large chunk goes to people caught at a vulnerable time ("aw, what a shame your loved one died of cancer, dedicate your life to our church, that'll make you feel better" rather than selflessly and genuinely tackling the problem). Others get there through flawed reasoning (not just my opinion, I'm talking breaching of the very simplest of logic, like "Look around you, the Earth is complex, that means the only explanation is that the Christian god did it all"). I have yet to meet a Christian that joined for a reason that actually supports the idea of searching for truth (the ones that do, such as myself, have already turned to Atheists by that point).

  • 5 years ago

    Should you appear at the Yahoo solutions advice discussion board, you get a proposal roughly as soon as per week pronouncing "christians need their own part to discontinue the assaults via atheists and different non-believers". This will get jumped on with the aid of a bunch of other christians announcing "so proper" etc etc. (in fact any Armenian Christians have got to be on 24/7 protesting about their persecution - yes, this does make experience, for those who learn the advice board) I believe the intent boils down to - various christians right here consider disagreement is a personal attack. Sure, there are folks who personally assault others because of their religious positions (atheists, christians and muslims all harbour folks guilty of this). However not as so much as some christians look to feel. For illustration: Q: How loving is our God? He's uncommon, don't you agree??? A: in keeping with the Bible, he has killed a number of million individuals, which does not appear very loving to me. I know there are persons right here who will take that as a private insult against their faith, when it is not meant to be as such, just an opinion on their faith from a non-member.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    A quiz on the Christian Science Monitor website showed that atheists were more informed than people of various religious groups even on a quiz about religion.

    Also, it is well known from various studies that atheists are less bigoted than religious people.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    im just very confused by this part here:

    "And when they can't answer a question they just try to be slick and brush it off with another intellectual response that probably didn't answer the question"

    in the first part of this sentence, we are assuming the case where an atheist cant answer a question...then you imply that sometihng intllectual isnt an answer (eh?)...then you say they 'probably' didnt answer it....

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Oh you want intellectual discussion?

    Egypt's first born. Amalikites. Flood. She bears sent to murder 42 children.

    Ok, lets talk intelligently about the merits of baby killer worship.

    You go first...

    Is it hateful for me to point out facts that I can prove to you with your own bible? It's a baby killer. You WANT to worship it so you make excuses, you create justification for baby murder merely to preserve your faith.

    If you actually had a brain in your head and a clue to what morality would KNOW, like I do, that there is nothing moral about worshiping a baby killer. You would also know that murder of babies and children is ALWAYS immoral and evil.

    Ok...toss me your intellectual reasons why baby killer worship is GOOD!!! I have heard them all, but you never know, your depravity may lead you to come up with a new one!!

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    why is it that a theist cannot understand that just because he is able to say something dosn't mean it has any grounding in reality

  • 9 years ago

    Because you're biased.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    You've either got your terms mixed up, you're a troll, or an idiot.

    Source(s): I find I don't really care which.
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    It is usually the other way around.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    youth, idealism

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