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“In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure.” – Bill Cosby

  • Would anyone know this book?

    So there's this book I remember where it's a sci fi futuristic setting where a boy wakes up from a pod early and by the time everyone else wakes up he's an old man. I think him and his sister end up venturing to a planet where they meet some really pale kids, who kind overly nice. They end up finding out that these kids are very light in weight, and are actually made from another substances.. Also that the planet is alive, and it made the children. I only ask this because of this new movie called Passengers with Chris Pratt, and Jennifer Lawrence had the same name, and waking pod concept. So I was wondering if that was the name of the book, or was it something else?..

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors5 years ago
  • She says she doesn't care about friends anymore?..?

    So there was this girl and I.. We've been talking for 7 months.. She started talking to me first out of boredom, and gradually we grew attached to each other. We’re long distance.. She lives in Canada, and I live in Chicago.. She seemed like she really grew to like our friendship, and even told me that she didn’t want to lose me. We spoke almost everyday. We eventually gained feelings for each other but she lost hers quickly, and I still have some of mine left. But what really got me was today. She basically told me she didn’t care about our friendship anymore.. All of sudden.. I asked her why, but she didn’t have a solid explanation.. She say that that’s just how she is.. She always changes her mind about things, and says things while she’s in a certain mood. One time she would say one thing, and then the next she would find an excuse as to what it really meant.. Just last week she gave me a birthday card saying that she couldn’t wait to see me.. And we were talking about spending some time together, and all of a sudden all the was thrown out the window. What do you guys think?..

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • What do you think about this?

    So, there is this girl who I was and still am l a little interested in, and we're sort of friends right now.. So, because of a complicated little situation where I think she liked/likes me, but still had strong feelings for her ex because they just broke up a couple of months ago I asked for space. But the next day I told her I didn't need space, and that I just wanted to be taken seriously as a friend by her. So she ended up getting a little irritated by that comment and talked about how she thought she always took me seriously, and ended up saying that we should both have a little space. So, I gave her her space, and I would notice her sneaking glances at me but still heavily avoiding me and I avoided her.. So, the semester ended and I still gave her her space, didn't text or anything really.. So, last Thursday I get a text from a # asking for this guy named Roland from Dallas TX.. And I was telling this person how I didn't know any Roland but they seem to want to have a little conversation with me.. Now my number has a 312 area code, but Dallas has a 214 area code. I also had this # for a while at least a month. They eventually said Ok and sorry, but then I search up that area code and found out that this area code is a California area code, and the girl is in Cali for Christmas this month. I just found it weird.. So, now I text her today, and she took 2 hrs to take back.. I'm just wondering if she missed me or I'm I just over thinking it?..

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Why do they keep lying about Jackie Chan Dying?

    Does somebody secretly want him dead?

    8 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups8 years ago
  • Is this preference or something else?

    SO here's the story.. There's this girl I talk to she's white and we're friends.. So sometime ago she did this thing with a rate /date thing.. And I put my name in and she rated me a seven and pass.. So I said I guess Black guys aren't your preference.. And she said I'm better friends with them.. So We end up asking how each other was doing and I say good until somebody said I look like Lupe Fiasco.. And she say's Ohp , well the only Black guy I like is Tyga Unff He is sexy.. I was fine with that.. Then a few weeks later we're still talking and I asked her what was doing and she said listening to my baby Jason Derulo.. A black R& B artist.. I asked wasn't Tyga the only black guy you liked.. And she says him and Jason Derulo.. And she insisted those were the only two.. Now then today she was talking with this other and he brought up Chris Brown.. And she says " OMG he's sexy, I would date him.. Now I'm wondering why would she lie about that.. What was the point..?

    4 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups8 years ago
  • Was I being a Jerk in the end?

    So I was texting this girl and I was apologizing to her because there was a misunderstanding. The conversation goes like this " Yea, I felt like I punched you and I didn't want to be a jerk, or a douche. Then she said it was fine. But then I came out and said jokingly "SIKE, You actually believed that Oscar winning performance." And she ends up saying "I don't have time for a**holes." And I tried to apologize with all my heart but it was over. Did I go to far with that last joke?

    10 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • Uuh??? Christians and Atheist misunderstood my last question.?

    Uuh, I think Atheist and Christians misunderstood my question... As for conversion and what not we should still do it but in Spirit and in truth.. We have to be lead.. The bible says to be an example with your life, and use words if neccesary... I was simply saying we don't need to have arguments... I wasn't saying an intelligent debate was bad.. Petty arguments are. Which most people on this site aren't looking for..

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Christians Why don't we stop trying to prove Atheist wrong, and just live how we are suppose to live ?

    Like having arguments does nothing for either group.. Why don't we just do the best informing them and move on in Love and honor to God and man.. And I just know I'm about to get some hits for this..

    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Why are a lot of Atheists more Ignorant, bigoted, blissful, and uninformed than a lot of Christians?

    Also why do they seem to spread more hateful words.I mean, they always mention someone shoving things down their throats, but they come into the conversation just to make jokes. As much as there are protestant Christians who do crazy things.. But I see more Atheists spreading jokes and hateful uninformed words than Christians do. And when they can't answer a question they just try to be slick and brush it off with another intellectual response that probably didn't answer the question. I mean I know that a lot of so called Christians ( Functioning Athiest).. do the same thing. Also not everyone was born into a Christian home where their parents so called brain washed them into becoming a Christian. It doesn't even work like that.

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • How do I get rid of this horrible feeling?

    So, yesterday I broke up with my GF.. I broke up because she didn't seem happy. You see we're long distance and we've never met. I think that got to her because she started liking this other guy who lived close to her. I wanted to stay friends, and I told her that and I wanted to maybe try when we met each other.We had a nice phone conversation. But, then feeling started coming up, horrible feelings. IDK wat to do. I want to just get rid of these feelings. It's like you know.. She started not knowing how she felt because she started liking this other guy a little. I just want to know what to do to get rid of these feelings.

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • I annoy my GF wat do I do?

    So I go out with this girl.... We talked a lot before we went out.. But I asked her out and she stopped talking to me as much.. I tried to ask her wat the problem was... Annd she told me I was sweet, but I'm slick, annoying, and clingy... How do I fix this... I mean I don't even talk to her everyday.. When I do I do try to talk for hours.. How do I seem less annoying and clingy?

    4 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • Am I in the friend zone or, Should I wait a little longer?

    So there's this girl I like... And I really cared for... And she said she liked me in the beginning but then I had put her in the friend zone. Recently she seemed to be on and off.. We still text for hours and she likes talking to me for the most part.. But one time I had gotten a little mad and we had a little argument.. And I said don't hate me... And she said... I don't hate you Joshy Your just like a brother to me. But what kind of girl Likes a status for rates from a guy who is like her brother?.. We've never met in person, but we've talked for months... Am I in the friend zone or, should I wait a little longer?

    2 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • What did the dots Mean?

    So I accidently sent a message sayin to this girl Do you wanna go out?.. Then she got all surprised and wat not.. Then I said You seem like you wanted it tho.. Then I put Lol JKJK.. And she ended up putting" Lol...". I was wondering what that meant.

    3 AnswersLanguages9 years ago
  • So was she angry at me?

    So there's this girl and, we text alot, since right now we can't see each other in person. I like her and I think she likes me. So I couldn't text her for five or, six days. And when I could finally text her back she responds all one worded and like she was irritated. So then I ask her did I do anything wrong and she says no U didn't.. Then I ask her did she want to talk about it and she says" I'd rather not".. And I ask if she wanted to TTYL and she doesn't respond. I also asked her if it was a girl thing she said nope. I didn't get it. She always eventually told me her problems but, this time she didn't. Girls what is that when you don't want to talk to the guy you tell your problems to?

    1 AnswerFriends9 years ago
  • Why didn't she text me back?

    So There's this girl I really like.. Annd we always use to talk on a site, and now we text. I've told her I liked her, and she seemed fine about it. But she never let me know if she liked me, and one time I told her I understood if she didn't like me, and she responded kind of annoyed saying, "You don't know if I like you... or not tho.." And recently I helped her out a little with a situation and we seemed fine. And then I don't text her for two days, and I tried to text her but she didn't respond at all. I'm wondering what happened?.. Is she mad or, disinterested?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • I need some help understanding girls?

    So there's this girl, I talked to all the time online on a social networking site. But we've never met. She talked to me night and day, and we called each other best friends. She told me she loved me, she asked to text me, put me in her top friends, and even came to me for advice about her boyfriend problems. But recently she hasn't been as in it as she use to be. She hasn't been on the site as much anymore but we still talked, and one day I confessed to her that I really did love her and I want to grow to be more than friends. She seemed to take it well, by saying" IDEK know what to say, But I love you too Joshy<3! After that we seemed cool and what not, til one day she just stopped messaging me. So instead I text her and she answered immediately and I asked her why didn't you message me wat's up with that" She says Nothings up with that O.o.. And then says IDK. I asked if she was getting bored, and she says Noo... Not at all. I just wanted to know If She is getting disinterested but doesn't want tell to me or, not feeling it ever since she broke up with her boyfriend. IDK. I really like her though.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Do you still need to get a permit in IL over age 18?

    So I took drivers ed but I never got a permit.. Now I'm 18 and I was wonder do I still need a to apply for a permit, or do I jus apply for a lincense..?

    1 AnswerSafety10 years ago