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Christians Why don't we stop trying to prove Atheist wrong, and just live how we are suppose to live ?

Like having arguments does nothing for either group.. Why don't we just do the best informing them and move on in Love and honor to God and man.. And I just know I'm about to get some hits for this..


I'm not handing the ball to any nonbelievers.. Cause there's nothing to disprove.. And I'm not saying Christians don't preach to the unbelievers.. But if they don't listen.. Tell them.Jesus.loves them and.move on.. Christianity is not some scientific theory needed to be proven.. It's a journey and a reletionship.. God doesn't want to be proven through scientific fact..

18 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Atheist also does the same to us. They're also out to prove us wrong, not all of them though.

    Just look at the answers Christians get from Atheist on this site.

    I myself don't try to prove them wrong anymore. I just keep to myself and not argue with them.

    I believe in Christ and there's nothing that can change that.

    Also, I have friends who are atheist and we just talk about other things rather than religion. I

    do invite them to church sometimes, but if they don't want I don't bother them about it anymore.

    Mark 12:31

    The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no commandment greater than these."

  • nari
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Im happy which you're feeling violence is terrific dealt with through extra violence. What you're watching is quite the mere nature of maximum persons commonly. there's a reason purely some scholars obtain A's, why this is an honor to have over a 4.0 GPA. maximum persons do no longer put in the attempt to realize that intelligence. And so it extremely is the same way right here. i hit upon your rant somewhat vulnerable and argumentative. I additionally locate it offensive. I constantly attempt to respond to a normal question with a normal answer. in spite of the undeniable fact that, the various questions approximately this communicate board are so idiotic and unrealistic in nature, that i've got self belief this is mandatory to mock with the intention to supply the terrific eye-beginning experience to the asker. I appreciate it if a Christian has an quite question, and that i do my terrific to stay respectful. in spite of the undeniable fact that, whilst people come on right here retaining that there is a deity and don't supply adequate information to help this, I haven't any decision yet to reject their declare as irrational. I quite have yet to locate a single individual with falsifiable and testible information for any deity. until somebody can gain this, i'll proceed to handle Christianity ax the authoritarian dogmatic indoctrination that this is. A geologist would debate with somebody who believes the Earth is flat. a daft declare can purely be met through a daft answer.

  • 9 years ago

    That would be great if only the Christians could agree on how they are supposed to live. Some think they should spread the word and save souls from hellfire and some say they are saved by grace and works are not important. You should read the book In His Steps: What would Jesus do? Gives you a lot to think about and it is such a great book, one of the best. I won't tell you what happens you have to read it so I won't ruin it for you!

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    You can't prove atheists wrong because you can't prove the existence of any god.

    Creationists also haven't proven atheists wrong about evolution, either. I know you think you have, but really all creationists do is just ignore all facts, all scientific facts, and just listen to what they were told about it. Most Christian knowledge of evolution comes from a creationist website where the facts are completely distorted and misrepresented. Creationists never double check things.

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    If they were so concerned with actually doing that they would have done that by now.

    Because,worshipping a God is not a first cause, it is a reaction to something else. It is about positing the naturalist as the perecived enemy.

    And the vitriol from the worshipers on here proves it.


  • 9 years ago

    Frankly that sounds like a cop out. Atheists are trying to destroy all religion in debate, the public life, and in private life. They always claim religion shouldn't be in politics, but somehow their views are valid in politics. What are their views? Homosexuality, abortion, euthanasia, open drug use, open prostitution, let children run wild without any discipline whatsoever (they call any discipline abuse because they were spoiled rotten as kids by stupid parents). Yahoo answers is for amateurs it is true. But in the public sphere atheists should be pounded in the dirt because their sick perversions threaten to destroy all societies where they spring up and are allowed to flourish just as weeds destroy a well-maintained lawn.

  • NDMA
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    The scripture tells us to contend earnestly for the faith. Be instant in season and out of season always ready to defend the cross of Christ.

    Why are you suggesting we do otherwise?

    I will agree that answering the atheist nonsense is not going to change the atheists. But who else might be reading and on the fence? Don't they deserve to see a response?

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Christians make me laugh ... There's no point no type of spirituality .. Dey don't show u how u can grow yur mind and soul 2 get what we want nor show us abt true history lol I bet u don't even know abt the spirt world nor the astral plane

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I try to ignore them but answer one of their questions once in awhile. Anything wrong with that?

  • 9 years ago

    Yes you are right it's just funny how Christians get angry and offended when atheist ask them questions it's all in the name of entertainment I think we all get bored atheist and Christians and we all come here just to pass the time.

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