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Why are there so many people interested in writing a book,novel,etc?

Why are there many young people who want to write novels and books about vampires,werewolves,fantasy worlds;etc?

They seem to think that writing a book is easy to do when they see how some unknown obscure writer becomes famous for their first best seller book. Then it is made into a movie. Big deal.

Don't they know that there are certain writing skills needed to acquire before even thinking about writing a first novel. Also, one needs to study a lot, do plenty of research,read a lot of books to get an idea about the structure of a book. Then one must have the patience, self discipline, maturity, life experiences or some knowledge and experiences within a field/subject that they propose to write about.

Believe me it takes a lot of hard work to come up with a new way of telling the same old story that the general public will like to read.

Best to read George Polti's Thirty Six Situations.

9 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    The reason people like to write is to

    1)be acknowledged

    2) Share their ideas with the world

    3) Use it as a creative outlet

    4) Share what you know with everyone

    5) They have some other reason

    I know the reason I write is because it's my way of telling people how I see things. I'm not good at talking to people, so I feel that by writing the book I'm letting people get to understand me. Another reason I write is because I have a few ideas I would love to voice. I want people to see my imaginary worlds, or what I think would be amazing. Believe it or not, you can make up as many imaginary people as you want but they can't take a real humans place. It's like having been told a huge secret, the first thing you want to do is tell someone, right? That's kind of how it is with writing. You've just thought up this great new idea and you want to share it!

    That's why I write, and I know chances of me getting published are slim at best, but I still want to try. Mainly because I think it's better to try and be discouraged then to keep telling yourself you'll never be able to do it. I mean, if you don't get published, you can always look at the manuscript and figure out the problems and try again. That's another quality you need to possess as a writer, perseverance.

  • 5 years ago

    I was severe with my writing through age thirteen. I don't forget in fundamental university how I took notes whilst the instructor used to be going over English...And having the teacher stunned for me taking notes. I am now not certain what exactly bought me considering writing. I just keep in mind writing. Considering the fact that I would don't forget at a young age, I wrote studies. It wasn't until I was thirteen that I had a novel with characters and a full storyline on my fingers. That's when I began skipping school so I might write. Or i might stay up late from writing, that i wouldn't want to rise up in the mornings. BQ: My excellent pal wanted to jot down a narrative. However the woman certainly not bought earlier one chapter :p BQ2: i've many types of reports that i like. Ok. All time favourite kind of story. Most isn't amazed...Vampires. Provide me a good vampire publication. Give me other supernatural factors and romance. However like I stated, i love many varieties of experiences. BQ3: it is too late to color my nails...I'm soo worn out...However i have been meaning to paint my nails. Chipped off the last bit of the silver nail polish. What i would like is my deep, but no longer darkish, blue nail polish. But it surely's been lacking for a while now.... *sigh* i would do designs if I might maintain my hand consistent...Or just get a friend to do the design for me. :)

  • 9 years ago

    Why? Because people are allowed to aspire to do whatever they please.

    I started off that way, fell in love with a vampire novel and decided it was time I write my own. Because by reading grew a passion for creating stories in me- like in most young people who want to become novelist.

    Yes, at first I admit I thought it would be easy but soon found that it was anything but.

    now I have written a totally unique story I guarantee has never been read before and it’s all thanks to those vampire, werewolves, fantasy worlds; etc. books written by authors you call obscure but who really, in my opinion, poured their hearts out in those books that turned into movies.

    Maybe its jealousy, maybe your own book didn't do so well, I don't know, but every great writer is born by the hands of another. No matter what genre that writer is.

    And having a best seller book adapted into a movie is a big deal. You may think the honor is taken for granted but I assure you those writers are as humble as the next.

    And you have to acquire "basic" writing skills by reading, yes, but by reading what doesn't matter. Who are you to say a person isn't studying or researching a lot, you can’t claim to know their exact process now can you?

    And, ehem, the point isn't transferring the same old story into something new. It’s about creating your own story that’s not like the others. And it isn’t about telling people how much better your book is or that you worked harder when you couldn’t possibly know the others struggle.

    Sorry about your misunderstanding. But no matter what you say about me, I know I’m going to be a great writer and it’s all thanks to those books you think are silly and not a big deal.

  • 9 years ago

    You sound pretty mad. Does it bother you so much? I don't think there's anything wrong with it. I'm glad they're writing. It's improving their writing skills and stretching their imagination. It's a good thing.

    And, by the way, it's not as many as you think--it really isn't. More people should be doing it. Writing--especially writing a novel--is a wonderful and beautiful thing.

    I agree with the girl above me. I write because I have a passion for it. I really love to do it. I'm not sure if I meet your "requirements" for what a writer SHOULD be doing but even if I didn't that wouldn't stop me. Instead of wondering why they're not taking it dead serious you should be interested. Or at least ignore them..

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  • 4 years ago

    Short are more organic and unique, now days everybody desires longer and shorter nails are approach easier to have

  • 4 years ago

    short neat nails are nice as well as neat. I dont like long nails because dirt can get under these and it look nasty

    its digusting and gross when somebodys nails tend to be all chewed up to the ending.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    We have untold stories burning holes in our chests and gnarled, black monsters trying to claw their way out. PASSION.

    The young, inexperienced writers do lack all that at first, but the only way you can learn to write is by writing, so why should that stop them?

    Source(s): My own writer's mind.
  • 9 years ago

    some people like to write for fun. writing can be hard work, but only if you stress over everything.

  • 9 years ago

    For the money.

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