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Religious conversion is rarer the older the person. Establishing fabricated expectations early is important?

What specific factors in popular religions would you say contribute to early conversions, that are not as effective later?

In general it's going to have something to do with the variety of influences(wider in later life), the amount of information available about the world, and the desire/ability to think about it. But what specific mechanisms in which religions take advantage of this?

Is it that as the individual is developing an understanding of the world, religious expectations are established at the core? Like an afterlife, ultimate justice system, a code for human interaction that does not benefit from further consideration, and an overseeing super-being. Once lifted up into that fog it becomes hard to find one's way back down to reality without encountering a feeling of deprivation and depression. A dependency is created that the religion can then also fulfill.

Or is it more so teaching the individual to misattribute non-supernatural phenomena(the good, life, Earth, the universe in general, etc) to the god character. To where a lack of the god character would mean a lack of anything good or meaningful to them. Leaving them one god character away from nihilism. Does that happen right away, or is it more of a petrifying factor that comes into effect later, after years of misattributing those phenomena to the god character?

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    1, we are more impressionable and imprint much of our subconscious in early childhood.

    2. religious indoctrination is done with time tested methods, that work great at eliminating a lot of the rational thought that would happen if you were introduced later in life

    3. humans seem to want this kind of superstition, all cultures seem to have this "illness"

  • 5 years ago

    The institution of any faith is area of "heritage". heritage is written by technique of the victors and/or the dominant majority. besides the indisputable fact that, Judaism replaced into supplanted by technique of Christianity yet both exist and Christains typically do not call Judaism mythology. Islam supplanted both Christianity and Judaism, yet all 3 exist and inspite of the actuality that the Jews and the Christains deny the validity of the Holy Qur'and and Mohammad as a prophet, Islam accepts both them and their scriptures as "ahl al kitab" (human beings of the e book), their religious brothers and sisters (a minimum of in theroy if not in practice). you're wonderful in that Christianity regulated the Norse, Greek, Roman, HIndu, Shinto, etc. beliefs to the catagory of myths. you're also wonderful that to those who carry to and/or practice those faiths, their beliefs are each and every a lot as valid as Christianity. For an intersting perspctive in this line of idea from the option view, study about Japan, a "non-Christian" united states of america (with lower than 2% of the populaton claiming to be Christian or perhaps a lot less claiming to be Muslim or Jewish). Buddhism and Shinto are the majority faiths and maximum persons in Japan believe that Christianity is mythology. All issues be counted upon how one chooses to view them. would all of it really is properly with you and this one thanks you for an unique and thoughtful and idea frightening question.

  • Mr E
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    apparently your parents failed to instill the truth in you.

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