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Do you have a personal habit or quirk...?

that you find yourself constantly having to explain to other people?

When I'm at a restaurant, I can't sit with my back to the door...I have no idea why, but it bothers me enough to have to ask whomever I'm with (kindly) to move if they've already seated themselves in the seat(s) facing it.

I have others, but this one's the least

14 Answers

  • Jodi D
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I also never sit with my back to the door in a restaurant -- or at home or in anyone else's home. I have no idea why that makes me so nervous but I just can't do it. And, when asked, that's what I say, "I just can't do it."

    I keep all the paper money in my wallet face up, ones on top, then fives, tens, twenties, etc. It drives me nuts to have them any other way. If my husband leaves his wallet lying around, I organize his money, too. He doesn't mind; he laughs about it. I know it's ridiculous.

    I have other quirks, but I can't think of them right now.

  • -
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    I haven't needed to explain it to anyone in a long time but don't like the color orange except in nature where it's beautiful. Nothing orange in my house for dishes or decoration, no orange colors, even tiny bits, in my clothing, etc. There's a good reason for it. I had a dream when I was a teen about the word "death" being written on orange paper. This was in the early 70's when orange was a popular color. I woke up with a horrible feeling, that dream haunted me enough to talk to the school counselor, who basically thought it was a quirky dream and laughed it off telling me she had a dream where she got drunk and she doesn't drink. Within a few days I found a suicide note my older sister wrote and left laying in the house, I confronted her about it and basically threw a fit asking her why she did such a thing. She tried to tell me it was a "joke" but who does that for a joke. I ordered her to tear it up which she did. I didn't tell the school counselor or anyone else about it, probably should have. She got married young and did attempt suicide (leaving a note and other things so her husband would find her in time to get her to the hospital to pump her stomach).

  • 8 years ago

    Well, not really.

    I guess the closest I come to that is having used the same cup for my morning coffee for the last 50+ years. Unfortunately, my wife knocked it off the sink a week ago, and it broke into several pieces. I've painstakingly glued it together again, and put it into a display case, behind glass, in our kitchen with some other fancy china my wife has in there. I don't dare put hot coffee in it any more, but at least I can see it every morning when I drink coffee.

    And I'm haunting e-bay looking for an exact duplicate I can actually use.

  • DeeJay
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    I have the same quirk - that you have - needing to sit in a room and the need to observe what is going on around me.

    I don't want someone I can't see to walk up behind me and surprise me.

    I also - always parked away from the building in a parking lot - just to take a look see - around before going into the store. Most people want to park up close.

    I can no longer get out and about - but here at home - I have my own place to sit and my family knows not to sit in my chair.

    I have a fear of heights - so I've never had the nerve to take a fight - to visit with my brother back east.

    I have to fold everything - like candy wrappers and I fold my dirty cloths too.

    Some of my grandchildren - have a need to fold their candy wrappers too. (we laugh about that one)

    It seems - we all have our idiosyncrasies or a distinct mannerism.

    Interesting question. My kid's say it's a form of OCD and me going overboard about cleanliness and having everthing neat and tidy and in place - including folding my dirty cloths - even though they are in the dirty cloths hamper.

    DeeJay - At least I'm not as bad as Howard Hughes was.

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  • Bob
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    About 15 years ago, someone came into my bedroom while I was sleeping and as a joke scared the devil out of me. I mean, I was traumatized badly. I was a good sport and laughed it off. Now, I'm like that even when someone sneaks up behind me and startles me; I'm a basket case!

    There's a psych term for this, but I forget what it is. Something about proximity control.

    Since then, I have never slept under my covers, and on cold nights will wear whatever is necessary (long johns, coat, hat, gloves, socks and slippers) and sleep on top of my covers. Keeps me more mobile, just in case.

    While it's unlikely that that will ever happen again, I'm stuck on top of the covers!..

  • 8 years ago

    I have a habit of eating cotton. The condition is called Pica. I't something I've dealt with for years. On top of that I can be around big groups of people because I will freak out. Also, understand the whole-back-to-door issue. Does it make you feel like someone can just come up behind you and do something. Your just being you.

  • Dede H
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    I seldom can manage to click my seat belt in other people's cars. It seems that my hair and breasts are in my line of vision so I have difficulty finding the end it should go into. Luckily my friends and family now expect this and just hook me up instead of making fun of me or while making fun of me.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Probably that i do not like houseguests - I don't mind paying for their hotel though. I also do not want to stay in their houses either. And, if traveling with friends, I do not want to save money by sharing a room.

    And i find myself having to explain this to people.

  • 8 years ago

    I always eat pizza on the same plate and can't drink water from a cup

  • 8 years ago

    No but as the Irish man said "I don't feel myself anymore" and his friend replied "good twas a nasty habit you had"

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