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Lv 55,336 points

Dede H

Favorite Answers15%
  • Seniors, I would like to know any good ideas you may have for storing silver plated silverware.?

    I don't have the box to go with them and would like to hear what other ways you have been keeping your silverware dry and as clean as possible over long periods of time.

    5 AnswersCleaning & Laundry7 years ago
  • Yelp has somehow become involved in every search I make looking for certain items.?

    I don't know why or how this has happened and cannot find anywhere to unsubscribe, or uninstall or whatever it takes to stop it. They seem to railroad everything. Please give me some advice on how to get rid of Yelp, I may never be able to make another search at the store I want otherwise.

    PS I hope I have the name right, if not please consider other names close to it.

    You guys have always steered me in the right direction with advice I can understand. Thank you

    5 AnswersSenior Citizens7 years ago
  • Has anyone used the QUI Bids site? Is it on the up and up or some kind of a scam?

    It is supposed to be like eBay except all items are brand new in the box with warranties. The auctions are completed quickly and the prices appear to be really low. It seems too good to be true and the endorsements they claim are well known. I don't know how much shipping would be either.

    If it is fraudulent I don't even want to give them my email much less any other information.

    Please let me know if you have had good or bad results with this site.

    Thank you

    3 AnswersSenior Citizens8 years ago
  • Is anyone else having problems with the text becoming larger and larger while typing an answer?

    Recently while typing some of my answers the text has grown larger and larger and I cannot figure out why. I don't know if I am hitting a wrong key by mistake or if it has something to do with downloading IE 10 a couple of weeks ago, or windows updates, or going into ease of access to try to fix another problem. The text along with my emails and pictures are so large sometimes they barely fit on the screen.

    9 AnswersSenior Citizens8 years ago
  • Would you like to see good questions rewarded?

    Many of us do not like to ask questions. Some reasons receive ridicule or name calling because someone thinks the question is stupid, grammar and spelling police think it is their job to edit and correct our questions but somehow never actually give a good answer, people saying you should not be a member because your opinion is not correct (compared to theirs), deduction of points when a question is asked, and if your question is deleted they deduct even more points. I would like to see the good questions rewarded by giving 1 or 2 points for each good answer received within 24 hours. This would reward people for putting out the time and effort to ask a good question. Does anyone else think this is a good idea? The Senior category seems to be posting fewer and fewer questions each day, for very good reasons as I mentioned above.

    PS This is not money out of our pockets, were are just talking about points. Good questions are way harder to come by than best answers are.

    11 AnswersSenior Citizens8 years ago
  • What are your favorite and least favorite abbreviations?

    Seniors, will you please tell me your favorite abbreviations when you are texting on your cell or sending a message on-line, also I would like to know your least favorite abbreviations. Make sure you indicate the full words so that I will know what the abbreviations mean.?

    I would like to find out the following:

    1. Do the abbreviations have the same meaning for everyone, or is there a wide variation as to their meanings.

    2. Do you like people to use these abbreviations on a daily basis or would you like people to be more creative and find new words to communicate. Personally I prefer to spell out exactly what I am trying to say. Recently I have indicating my state of mind when sending the message. One of my sign offs is " this message is sent with a chuckle and a grin." I want the recipient to know that I think it is funny and I hope they do too, otherwise they might think that I am being crude and rude and have no tact at all. It is difficult to determine the intent of a message when you cannot see their face and you barely know the person.

    3. I seldom know what any of the abbreviations mean, I need the reference material.

    4. Do you spend time trying to figure out what the abbreviations mean or just figure it is not worth the effort and I don't really need to know what they are talking about?

    10 AnswersSenior Citizens8 years ago
  • When was cursive invented?

    I already googled this, two different names were mentioned and 2 different dates were mentioned. The reason was very vague such as he wanted to create more cursive letters (not really an answer at all), checked with wikipedia too same info. Does anyone have any real information about when cursive was invented, who invented it, and was there a reason cursive was necessary or is it just artistic printing?

    2 AnswersPainting8 years ago
  • Senir Citizens, did you have a mentor when you started your career? What did that person do for you?

    I was lucky enough to have a mentor who gave me a good start in the mortgage loan/escrow career I pursued. It was almost 40 years ago and I still appreciate everything she taught me. She taught me to read all the documents word for word, including the Note and Trust Deed forms. Over the years of working in that industry I have found very few people who have any idea what any of the forms actually say. How can you ask anyone else to sign the documents when you have no idea what they say?

    11 AnswersSenior Citizens8 years ago
  • Did you get a present you were truly impressed by?

    Maybe you haven't seen one before, or it is something that you have coveted for years and never expected to receive as a present. I did, I received a different kind of down jacket, it is fitted and not big and puffy, and what I really like is that it comes with a bag that is 5" x 11" very light weight, all you do is stuff the jacket inside the little bag and in less than a minute you pull the drawstring and stick it in your purse or attach it on the outside of purse or belt. This is freedom from carrying around a big heavy jacket all day long every time the sun comes out. If it starts raining or gets real cold again just pull it out of the little bag and stick the bag in the jacket pocket. When traveling around town by bus this will make my life much easier.

    12 AnswersSenior Citizens8 years ago
  • Is it possible to post a question in 2 places at the same time?

    I wanted to post a question in both senior citizens and yahoo products at the same time. If okay how would I do this?

    3 AnswersYahoo Answers9 years ago
  • Where did my answer go?

    I was writing an answer to the question about parents complaining about teenagers. I was almost done and other than being a bit long, I really liked the answer. Then I might have hit the wrong key and all of a sudden the whole answer disappeared. I went ahead and clicked submit just to see if somehow it was posted already, no such luck. To make matters worse I was deducted 4 points for deleting the answer, not my fault, I wanted to post that answer not lose it entirely.

    7 AnswersSenior Citizens9 years ago
  • What would you do if you woke up walked into the living room and came face to face with a burglar?

    My household was robbed yesterday while I was taking a nap. At first I wished that I had been awake so I could have stopped him from robbing us. I would not have had my cell phone on me, probably not wearing my glasses, and my baseball bat is in my room. What should I have done if I had come face to face with the burglar?

    19 AnswersSenior Citizens9 years ago
  • Is your spell checker working now?

    My spell checker just worked on my last 3 answers. It only indicated one word, which really was wrong, and then it fixed it each time. I am amazed and cautiously happy. I hope this is for real and it works for everyone now.

    14 AnswersSenior Citizens9 years ago
  • Seniors, have you ever given an answer and then later on wished you would have written something else?

    Sometimes after I answer a question it will remain in my mind for a few days because I wish I would have handled it differently. If any of you have been offended by one of my answers let me apoloigize right now. Sorry.

    16 AnswersSenior Citizens9 years ago
  • Do you enjoy a narrative when watching a movie?

    The reason Twelve Angry Men is one of my favorite movies is because one time I watched it on a public station with a narrator explaining the details of the movie. Since then I have watched the original movie and the newer version over and over. Lately I have been wishing I could see a few more movies with a narrative. Obviously I do not pick up on the little vagaries by myself, but when I am clued in I find the movie much more involving.

    What movies have you seen with a narrative that you found more enjoyable?

    9 AnswersSenior Citizens9 years ago
  • Have you ever picked up a product, started using it, then realized it was the wrong one.?

    This morning I was washing my hair with shampoo, rinsed, then reached for conditioner to make it easier to comb. I poured a generous amount of conditioner into my hand and started slathering it all over my hair. Instead of smoothing my hair and taking out the knots instead my hair seemed to be getting more and more knots in it and I was unable to get them out. Luckily I realized I might have grabbed the wrong bottle, through squinty eyes (no glasses on and soapsuds burning my eyes) I was barely able to see the word shampoo on the bottle. It took forever to get all that shampoo out of my already clean hair but luckily the conditioner was on the floor outside the shower so I used at least 1/3 of the bottle and slathered my hair again and lo and behold the knots tamed down and finally disappeared.

    Until now I had no idea that shampoo could make my hair that much of a mess.

    So I am hoping that some of you will have some good stories that will bring us a laugh or a giggle.

    19 AnswersSenior Citizens9 years ago
  • Seniors Have you heard about the petition to get Macy's to fire Donald Trump?

    For details go to Yahoo news. Trump has gotten under my skin so bad that I no longer will watch any tv show he is involved in including talk shows where he is being interviewed. Macy's is using him in their Christmas commercials which are supposed to be warm and homey, they also sell many of his products in their retail stores. Since Trump gives me many negative feelings I certainly don't want to see him in Christmas commercials, especially on tv. If you want to sign the petition just go to this website: "SignOn,org"

    21 AnswersSenior Citizens9 years ago