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Have you ever picked up a product, started using it, then realized it was the wrong one.?

This morning I was washing my hair with shampoo, rinsed, then reached for conditioner to make it easier to comb. I poured a generous amount of conditioner into my hand and started slathering it all over my hair. Instead of smoothing my hair and taking out the knots instead my hair seemed to be getting more and more knots in it and I was unable to get them out. Luckily I realized I might have grabbed the wrong bottle, through squinty eyes (no glasses on and soapsuds burning my eyes) I was barely able to see the word shampoo on the bottle. It took forever to get all that shampoo out of my already clean hair but luckily the conditioner was on the floor outside the shower so I used at least 1/3 of the bottle and slathered my hair again and lo and behold the knots tamed down and finally disappeared.

Until now I had no idea that shampoo could make my hair that much of a mess.

So I am hoping that some of you will have some good stories that will bring us a laugh or a giggle.

19 Answers

  • sunny
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Many years ago after washing my hair, drying it, styling it, the last thing is to spray it with hair spray but I grabbed a can of Lysol spray instead. I had to rewash my hair but I didn't have any germs in it.

  • janet
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Fun question and some great answers. One morning, very early and I was still very sleepy, I jumped in the shower and when I reached for the bottle of shampoo, remembered that I had used all of it the day before and needed to get a bottle out of the closet that is right there in the bathroom. So, I didn't bother to dry off, just jumped out and got the new bottle of shampoo from the closet.

    Well, I was washing my hair and it felt so slippery! However, the smell was very nice and sort of brought on fond memories -- what the heck was going on? I did finally grab a towel and dried off enough to read the label on the bottle -- it was Lassie Conditioning Shampoo for Dogs !!!!!

  • 9 years ago

    I usually use a shampoo with a conditioner in it, like Pert Plus, which works fine most of the time. A few years ago when we were jobless and had very little money coming in, we got some cheap shampoo from one of the food bank places that also provided sundries occasionally. I didn't have any conditioner to use, but I happened to have a bottle of water softener handy and thought, what the heck, it might work. Um, it didn't. All it did was make my hair stringy and sticky and I had to wash it a couple of more times to get all the gunk out. Thank goodness those times are gone.

  • Power
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    I wish I could remember cause I think I had something funny happen. One of those things that is really odd & then your find out in an odd way that what is happening is because something wrong was used.

    I ate something the other day & I thought it was something else. It tasted horrible. until I realized what it was.

    This reminds me of the stories of initiations where they blind fold a guy & tell him they are burning him with something on fire. In reality they are actually only touching him with an ice cube but he screams in pain.

    I have done the same thing you did with the shampoo. I think it was because I put my stuff in a container for travel & then the labels fell off.

    Once I worked around people who always ate low-fat food. I believed in living in up so I ordered the fat stuff. My boss & I got a bagel with cream cheese. Then we didn't know which one had the low fat cream cheese. We were eating a bagel & he kept saying "This is really great". I was thinking it was not that great. Then I realized we had both started to eat the wrong ones. So we switched but it's funny that we noticed the difference in which was the fat or low fat cream cheese.

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  • Pat
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    LOL, That happened to me last summer, except that I had 2 bottles of conditioner.

    I didn't even notice until I had used it a few times and my hair was kind of oily.

    Who knew that ''Head and Shoulders'' started making conditioner?

    This happened at the lake - 60 miles from a store.

  • 9 years ago

    I did something similar yesterday, though, fortunately, it turned out better than I intended.

    We're doing an annual family get-together for Thanksgiving, down in the little seaside town of Cayucus, some 22 of My Lady's family. My job yesterday was to do one of the two turkeys and make the stuffing. I went over to Morrow Bay to Albertson's to get all 'the fixings' and bought what I thought was raisins for the stuffing, which turned out to be dried cranberries. Actually, the dish came out better..! I had never used cranberries before but they gave the stuffing a lovely tang.

    And my turkey came out a treat, dark golden rbown glaze, perfect 'done-ness' and everybody happy.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    I did something like that just recently, I picked up the body wash without looking and apply that to my hair thinking it was the conditioner and yelp what the h*ll I'm washing my hair again with body wash!! Now I keep my eyes OPEN!

  • ncgirl
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Oh Yes, One morning I was in a hurry to get out the door and sprayed my dark hair with spray starch instead of hair spray. Of course I was late had to rewash and do my hair all over again.I still don't know how the spray starch got beside the hair spray unless it was planted there by one of the boys or even my sister.

  • jonds
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    I was at a friends cabin up north and I took my shaving kit to the bathroom to brush my teeth but could not find the light switch but thought who needs that so I grabbed a tube out of my kit and squeezed it on my toothbrush only to find out as I started brushing that things were not what I expected. I found the light switch and discovered that I had brushed my teeth with Preparation H. I do not advise it.

  • 9 years ago

    Yes. I had already washed my hair, and I normally use spray on frizz control gel afterwards...but one time grabbed the hair spray bottle instead and "applied liberally" per the instructions. Lets just say that the yuck factor of hair spray on wet hair cannot be underestimated. Needless to say, I had to wash my hair again.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    Yes, I thought that I had poured acetone all over my hands and arms to remove some oil paint, It started to burn and I realized that I had picked up the wrong can. I picked up the paint stripper. The cans looked identical in shape and size. Agonizing pain.

    Another time out in public, I thought I was putting some lipstick on and realized I had grabbed the wrong stick. It was the (skin tone) concealer. Someone had asked me why my lips were so white? It wasn't easy to get off either.

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