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Would you like to see good questions rewarded?

Many of us do not like to ask questions. Some reasons receive ridicule or name calling because someone thinks the question is stupid, grammar and spelling police think it is their job to edit and correct our questions but somehow never actually give a good answer, people saying you should not be a member because your opinion is not correct (compared to theirs), deduction of points when a question is asked, and if your question is deleted they deduct even more points. I would like to see the good questions rewarded by giving 1 or 2 points for each good answer received within 24 hours. This would reward people for putting out the time and effort to ask a good question. Does anyone else think this is a good idea? The Senior category seems to be posting fewer and fewer questions each day, for very good reasons as I mentioned above.

PS This is not money out of our pockets, were are just talking about points. Good questions are way harder to come by than best answers are.

11 Answers

  • S
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I could never really understand why they deduct points for asking a question. This is what keeps them in business. Yeah I have my failures pointed out to me also. Been told I was stupid too. Insulted, told to leave, even warned by the yahoo watch dog .My E-mail even states that I abuse the community. Like I said before they make it sound as if I am a viking raider going around pillaging villages and assulting their women

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Isn't that what the stars are for? And who's to decide what a "good" question is? I sometimes see a question that has acquired stars and don't understand why anyone found the question "interesting"--but it is a very subjective thing. I know I don't just ask questions for the sake of asking questions; I only ask questions when it's something that I think the Yahoo community might be able to answer (as opposed to asking my own friends/family and/or researching an answer online) or if I just want to see what others can bring to the table (and those generally have no right answer).

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    This is the second good suggestion I've heard in less than 24 hours. Melonhead put up a good one also. It's too bad Yahoo doesn't accept suggestions from users. It appears they believe their Community Guidelines are perfect the way they where written back in Dec of 2005 and there is no need to make any improvements as problems arise. Their unwillingness to listen and make sensible changes are the reason for the steady downhill slide of most of the forums.

  • 8 years ago

    Yes. Some people regularly work hard to come up with good questions, and I do think they should be rewarded somehow. I don't think points, thumbs up or stars mean much to most people here, so I wonder what would.

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  • 8 years ago

    Speaking as one who doesn't post questions much, and loves answering them, I think we just have spring fever and that questions will come back. Hope so anyway.

    I just am not good at thinking of questions. I post some, then I think, sheesh, that's a stupid question. lol Spell check says I have forty nine mistakes.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    This is a nice idea. Who among us is objective enough or had wide enough experience to decide what a "good" question is?

    Just accept it for what it is. Entertainment!! You must accept the "good," along with my answers.

    Points?? Of what possible value are they? I can't trade them for a case of Guinness Stout, or a discount card at the Midnight Bunny Ranch. They won't even finance a post card.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I think that all questions are interesting. We all come here to ask question we wouldn't have the courage to ask to real people. It's good to post freely here and see what comes to people's minds. I think the world would be a wonderful place if we weren't so judgemental.

    Source(s): I live in a judgemental environment. No matter what I do, I'm always terribly mistaken.
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    No, not really, it wouldn't work because I notice that the dumbest questions get starred as being interesting. Questions like - What did you have for breakfast today.

    What you and I consider interesting would never get starred except by the extremely few seniors here.

    Source(s): Senior citizen
  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    That won't work because Y/A is automated so therefore they would have to find someone to read each answers to give them any points for good answers. The only thing we can do is report non answers and also report insults.. I don't know if any one knows this but each time a person gets a TU's and is choosing BA they get an extra points for each TU's. That's about the only way to get extra points. So it is best to TD's all bad answers that you have mention or report them. We as a SC contributors need to take part in reporting these nastiness or else they just sit there.

  • Dave M
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    O would like to see harsher penalties for the trolls.

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