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Ed Smurf asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 8 years ago

Should someone tell Obama he won the election? He can stop campaigning anytime now?

He got the job. Now it's time to do it.

7 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's the GOP controlled House of Reps that needs to be told Obama won. Since the House repubs. are as obstructionist as ever, the President is taking it to the people.

    He is the President, not the King so there are many situations where he can't just "do it". The gop trick is to keep him from making progress and then blame him for not making progress. The American people have caught on to that trick, however.

  • lol Did he do his job the last four years I remember plenty of news about him skipping meetings and all his little vacations and some other stuff and now he's pretty much secure for the next four years without another election to worry about because he's covered for life so unless he really screws up and gets impeached or resigns he doesn't really have to do anything.

    Just what I think. I didn't vote for Mitt or Obama so I find myself a bit more objective then other people.

    People who voted Obama will defend him people who voted Romney will hate on him and the rest of us will judge everyone and decide based on our morals.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    That is the real Obama, he doesent have to put on a game face to win and election. He dosent even have to campain in all 50 states, just the states he needs to win the election. The right wingers dont even realize how far they were from winning the last election do they.

  • 4 years ago

    i does no longer unavoidably call it campaigning, I View his speeches as extra of a "pep rally" - Encouraging & up-lifting, it helps to wrestle the fake statements and misinterpretations. With maximum of rallying against him, i think of he's doing merely what he's would desire to be doing. If he did no longer something in any respect and we by no skill heard something from him then human beings could somewhat be having a extra healthy. As for him being the decider and the supervisor, that is going without saying....he's the President of the USA, he has made many judgements over the final 8 to 9 mo.

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  • 8 years ago

    His PR machine is on PERPETUAL CAMPAIGN mode.

    to counteract his negativity absorbing performance

  • 8 years ago

    But, that's all he knows how to do; the only thing he is competent at.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    he doesnt know how to do anything but lie

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