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Lv 5
Barry asked in Politics & GovernmentGovernment · 8 years ago

two thirds of millionaires leave England, do you think the same will happen here in US?

And where do you think they are going, I have heard the south pacific and South Africa

10 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's already happening. Our Industerial base has fled to China. The further they push it the faster they will leave.

    Example.. I live in CA. Which is a democrat a utopia. We have a 12% tax on incomes above $250,000 a year and about a 10% on most incomes below that. Now factor I property taxes of about 3.5% and a 8.25-9% sales tax...

    Basically if I leave the state and move to let's say Texas or Nevada I could save enough money from a drop in taxes that I could potentially take about a 10% dip in income and still make more money.

    I know about 6-7 multi-millionaires that are leaving the state. One sold his business and is just waiting for his home to sell once it does he's leaving the state.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Spain, Greece, dubai and California. I see them. my concern is that if we increase taxes too much they would leave for lower tax regions. The foreign rich is a major part of our economy. and they are the most mobile. They already show a lack of loyalty to a nation. Granted they are here because California offer other benefits that makes them put up with Caifornia taxes, but if we increase it, they would leave for somewhere else. California housing market is being propped up with CHinese millionaires. We need to look at the whole picture.

    James smith, I agree , they don't believe me that the middle class pay over half our income into taxes in California. Imagine how much the rich pays. when the left do their little calculation they alwayd don't factor in the full story. OHH tax the rich like in the 50's make them pay 92%. If they did that now, they would pay more taxes then they make. There is payroll taxes and State tax, New york has city tax too. There are a whole lot more taxes now and worse far less deductibles.

  • 8 years ago

    I would say the wealthy that are still owning businesses will ultimately make quick changes and one prime example was the original developer and president of facebook. he quickly sold shares and went public and to avoid capital gains tax fled to somewhere in england and ultimately may move again. in effect he avoided massive taxation as the story that broke here stated. he also avoided taxation on shares and income in general. so hes claimed hes a citizen in another country so if hes a sign of things to come id say yes we will see folks leaving the country at least for now. i guess one could call it a " taxation vacation"...... just sayin....

    Source(s): fiscal cliff.... bush tax cuts are expiring and business and upper class are going to get pounded... thanks
  • mull
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    you be attentive to it is coming ... the "Asset Tax". that's going to be wearing the lame gown of a carbon (on a subjective each and every thing) tax. the prosperous can stay away from paying earnings tax by using going out of corporation, activity tax by using taking their money out of banks & investments, belongings tax by using merchandising off. Then wait as vultures do, to purchase up each and every thing (which incorporate the regulation), whilst "people" have no longer something left from over-taxation. the subsequent step for any tyrant is to levy "tribute" for what they say you have, it is extra beneficial than what they say you ought to have. this is whilst that's going to be heard "international", lower back.

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  • 8 years ago

    They came here in times past but now we have governments who drain them to buy votes from people looking for breasts to suckle. I suspect ours will be leaving in the next decade or two.

    Source(s): For decades I studied philosophies, cultures, and social institutions. I began that because of confusion resulting from my military experience under the shadow of neo-Marxist anti-military and anti-capitalism indoctrination in the universities. I continue a forty year quest wading through the huge pile of stinking crap a wide variety of bigots dumped on top of truth hiding it from nearly everyone's view. The pile was made by blaming people they don't like while excusing people they do like regardless of where the fault really lies.
  • 8 years ago

    Your premise is false. No one fled England, and no one will flee the US. Your team lost the election, and America won.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Not fact very wealthy people mostly move to England......

    You may see them on holiday.......but can assure you they do not "reside" there

    Get your facts right...

    Source(s): Resident in England
  • 8 years ago

    They're all moving to China.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    You information is wrong

  • 8 years ago


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