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Lv 59,815 points

James Smith

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  • Why do we have fractured space agencies?

    Every Country has it's own space program to some degree. Why do we continue with this out dated system? Why create 1 international space agency and pool the funding and resources?

    Imagine if the Russian Chinese US EU Canadian Japanese Indian and so on space programs all worked together? More goals would be accomplished at a faster rate.

    5 AnswersAstronomy & Space7 years ago
  • How do they cool things in space?

    Most if not all refrigeration systems I've seen for use on earth require air, water of a combination of the two.

    That said do they use an evaporations systems? I understand that you can transfer heat to something such as ammonia. But where does the ammonia transfer the heat to?

    Anyone have a simple explanation?

    3 AnswersAstronomy & Space7 years ago
  • Let's say you had a startek like ship..?

    Let us say you had an enterprise like ship and could travel any place in the Galaxy..

    Where would you go and why?

    I would likely go near the center of the galaxy.. I would love to study the super massive black hole..

    4 AnswersAstronomy & Space7 years ago
  • Red Sox the best team for 2014?

    They have a deep and solid rotation. They have a deep farm system with a ton of young talent..

    What more could you ask for?

    Yanks I think will struggle their starting rotation needs help.

    3 AnswersBaseball7 years ago
  • What moves do you expect this off season from Boston?

    I know we are still in the WS. But Napoli has been a beast for boston. Stephen drew while he's not hitting he is preventing runs.

    Both are on 1 year contracts. That said Middlebrooks while streaker is a decent hitter. Bogearts is proving to be an excellent addition.

    Will they let Napoli go and move middlebrooks to first? Keeping bogearts at third?

    Will middlebrooks be up for trade?

    What do you see happening?

    I'd love to see Peavy back for a full season. I also hope/wish they keep Jacoby.

    3 AnswersBaseball8 years ago
  • How is space warped with various bianry systems?

    I'm curious how space is warped when you have 2 bianry black holes or 2 close Stars of significant mass..

    Would you get an hour glass shape? In terms of the warp space?

    How are the orbits of objects effected by bianry systems?

    2 AnswersAstronomy & Space8 years ago
  • If you had to pick 3 opposition Presidents who would they be?

    We all clong so tightly to our political parties and bash the others so frequently I'm curious if anyone can pick 3 of their political opposition Presidents as good Presidents..

    Example I'm a republican.

    I will admit JFK was a brilliant man despite the bay of pigs. JFK delivered some of the most prolific speeches in US history. He steared us clear of World War 3 during the Cuban Missile crisis. He also got NASA going..

    While I'm not a HUGE fan of Clinton the guy did get some decent Economic growth.

    FDR i will say was a decent President but is to be determined as I have fears that social security could create major economic obstacles in the future. I also fault him for Pearl Harbor that could have and should have been prvented via an increase in patrols around Pearl Harbor. But he did get us out of the Great Depression and he did manage to lead a succsfull campaign to end WW2.

    So what say you? Who you pick as your top 3 for your political oppositions party?

    I'm very interested to read why not just names especially from Democrats.

    1 AnswerElections8 years ago
  • Does time reallt exist?

    I have always been fascinated by time...

    Does it really exist? As a comppnent lf the universe? Isn't time jusy a measurement created by man to help organize a caotic world?

    I just have a hard time grasping how time can exist. Sure there is a past a present and a future but that doesn't particularlly mean time is a component of space

    12 AnswersAstronomy & Space8 years ago
  • Why are we attacking the metally ill?

    Every place I turn there is talk of locking up all the mentally ill. Disarming them all and in general infringing on their rights.

    Less then 5% of the mentally commit any type of violent crime. You will find higher violent crime rates based on ethnicity then you will on the mentally ill. These constant attacks on the mentally are not only wrong they are reminiscent of some very brutal dictators.

    It's pure ignorance on Americas part. There are millions of people in America living with varying degrees of mental illness ranging from mild depression, OCD, panic/anxiety disorders to more extreme things. Most are fairly harmless.

    I personally can't own a gun because of depression and being OCD. I've never harmed anyone I've never been arrested for a bar fight or any type of violent crime. Yet I can't own a gun to go out to the range with my friends family which has become rather popular.

    How in the world do you justify this? I know you'll say the Theater shooting or something. But as I said less then 5% commit ANY type of violent crime and even few commit homicides.. So how do you justify this?

    3 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • I have a 9 year old Weimaraner with a swollen toe?

    Okay so I have a weim. She's healthy.. I noticed her limping a few weeks ago and took her to the vet. I was thinking it was because of a fatty tumor she has next to that leg. The veg checked out her paw the tumor and thought she was alright. That it was likely just a strain of something..

    Today i notice she's licking at the paw a lot. I take a closer look at the paw and one of her toes is very swollen. It's redish pink raw (i'd assume from the licking). She's fairly happy and normal not really limping.. But it's so swollen it's almost bulging over the nail not completely hiding the nial.. But there is a bit of a bulge.

    Should I take her to the emergency vet tomorrow? Or do you think I can wait until monday? Any ideas what might be the cause? I looked checked for splinters couldn't spot any..

    1 AnswerDogs8 years ago
  • Anyone stayed at Aria Las Vegas in their suites?

    Okay so I have a corner suite booked. I received an excellent deal.. I've stayed in the corner suite before and they were an excellent room. How ever I have a free upgrade if available at check in.

    That said what might I get upgraded to? Has anyone stayed in the other suites at the aria? Such as the tower, sky suites or anything? Which was your favorite. I think I'm going to decline the upgrade unless it is for a much larger room or sky suite.

    1 AnswerLas Vegas8 years ago
  • What do liberals not understand?

    If we raise minimum wage to $12 an hour many jobs that pay $12 an hour now will not increase their employees wages. That will lead to more people making minimum wage. Businesses will just raise their pricesand lay off people to compensate for the increase.. It will force more fsctories to keave the USA..

    Raising minimum wage will only create more problem then it is worth.

    Instead of demanding higher minimum wage why not demand more higher paying jobs? And a better job market.

    7 AnswersCivic Participation8 years ago
  • Did the legend of Excalibur stem from the Spear of Destiny?

    I was doing some reading on the Spesr of Destiny. A lot of the legends that surround the Spear of Destiny.. Seem to be very similar to that of Exaclibur. Kings were constantly on quests to have th Spear of Destiny. Those that had the Spear of Destiny never lost battles and ot was attributed to the Spesr of Destiny.

    It is fairly easy to see how the legend of Exsclibur could have stemmed from the Spear of Destiny..

    3 AnswersMythology & Folklore8 years ago
  • Should the Red Sox unload Bucholez?

    The guy has been a burdon to the red sox. He's pitched well in 2 seasons. Both of which he got a a little sorr then spent most of the season on the DL.

    7 AnswersBaseball8 years ago
  • What is on CJ Wilson hat?

    I'm watching the red sox @ Angels game right now and noticed something interesting. CJ Wilson has a dark spot on the bill of his ball cap (hat). Before every pitch he reaches up and rubs his fingers on that dark spot then pitches that ball.. Anyone else find this suspicious?

    3 AnswersBaseball8 years ago
  • Best broadcaster and/or announcer in the MLB?

    Just curious who you think is the best? I'd have to say Jerry and Don for the Red Sox. They are by far some of the most entertaining I have watched.

    15 AnswersBaseball8 years ago
  • i had a cyst removed and the scar looks funny?

    Okay so about a year ago I had a decent sized cyst removed from my lower back. I'm 29. Anyways the scar is very dark it almost looks like a bruise.

    The scar is raised like any normal scar would be. But it also itches. I had my Dermatologist look at it again and he said it was fine. But it looks disgusting and it's bothering me. I have no issue with a normal skin colored scar but a blackish gray? I looked at int he mirror today and it's red.

    Do I have any options? I don't want this giant black spot on my lower baack it doesn't look healthy it doesn't look right and the itching is driving me crazy. Any suggestions?

    1 AnswerSkin Conditions8 years ago
  • Is digestion effected by low gravity?

    I'm curious how/if the digestion process is effected by very low gravity such as space.

    Doesn't gravity play some part in the digestion process? Is it slowed down at all?

    3 AnswersAstronomy & Space8 years ago
  • How can one support higher taxes?

    The Federal Governments revenue is around $2.5 Trillion Dollars. The US Population is around 311 million.

    Let's put that $2.5 trillion into prespective.

    It's $8,800 per person.

    That's more money then almost every other Countries entire GDP. The only Countries that have GDP's larger then that are China $7 trillion, Japan $5 trillion, germany $3.5 trillion and France $2.7 trillion. Every other Countries GDP is less the. $2.4 trillion.

    How can you justify the federal government needing more revenue?

    13 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Is the gravity of earth increasing?

    Dumb question i know.. But the Earth is constantly being showered with meteorites. Wont that slowly over time increase the mass of the earth thus increase its gravity?

    4 AnswersEarth Sciences & Geology8 years ago