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trey98607 asked in EnvironmentGlobal Warming · 8 years ago

They say there isn't any global warming? Who are they kidding?

Look at the facts, the ice in Antarctica is melting, the ice that was covering 90% of Greenland is mostly gone, the temperatures are warmer than normal in the Central United States. What more proof do you need that our beloved Earth is sick?


Apparently you guys don't watch The Weather Channel like I do, they had a story on the melting of the glaciers last week. Where were you, asleep on the couch? They showed the ice in Greenland is not there anymore, the oceans rose a few feet. Look at the temperatures this week, especially in Texas.

12 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    "What more proof do you need that our beloved Earth is sick?"

    What is a "healthy" Earth?

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I agree with antarcticice. You are not stating the facts.

    Yes, Greenland is 90% covered with ice. Yes, this ice is showing signs of decline. No, the vast majority of this ice is still there. A little thinner, but still very much there.

    Warmer than normal temps in the U.S. are happening, but two things go along with this:

    1. The central U.S. is a regional area and not a true representation of the global climate during the same time period.

    2. There will always be up/down regional climate temperature changes over short time periods.

    I see where you are coming from, but you are trying to get to your destination too quickly.

    Yes, global warming is real and is happening now.

    Yes, human activity is contributing significantly to the current warming.

    Yes, things will begin to go very wrong for nearly all life forms on this planet and that will be directly attributed to the current warming trends.

    Yes, the warming is increasing at a faster rate now than it was 30 years ago. - Do NOT let the denial industry fool you with any 15 year span that says different. Natural, short term variations will always create "noise" that will temporarily mask the overall trend. I could just as easily show numerous 15 year intervals of accelerated warmth by "cherry picking" my start and end dates. What do the long term trends show?

    There is a large amount of observational data that should convince all but the devout members of the denial industry that the planet's climate is warming. There is also enough data available for all to understand that human activity has contributed significantly to this warming. The only way not to realize this is to through a self induced ignorance of the data.

    Hi, Ottawa Mike! You probably could not guess this, but I have an answer to your question. :)

    What is a "healthy Earth?" - An Earth that supports the greatest diversity of life. We are losing much of that diversity of life now. A real sign of an "unhealthy" Earth. ... Yes, you may quote me on this later. :)

  • 8 years ago

    Glacial ice is certainly showing the signs of decline, not sure were you get this from though "the ice that was covering 90% of Greenland is mostly gone" That is certainly not the case, while Greenland is much smaller than Antarctica it is still a very large body of ice, if 90% were gone we would have meters of sea level rise, we don't.

    From the known masses of both Antarctica and Greenland we can give a fair estimate of how much sea level would rise, for a total melt (which would take thousands of years) that is in the order of 65-70m. so far we have seen a rise of a little over 6in, currently split between thermal expansion of the oceans themselves and glacial ice melt. As we warm further thermal expansion will continue but ice will accelerate. Latest estimates are that we now look likely to see a 4-6c temperature rise by the end of the century, the old IPCC estimate of ~45-60cm of sea level rise was based on a 2c rise. The new data suggests a minimum of 1m is now almost a certainty.

    1m will make places like Tuvalu, Kiribati and the Maldives - uninhabitable, and affect the worlds entire coastline especially in low laying places like Bangladesh and Florida. Parts of Tuvalu are already ankle deep in water during king tides.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Everybody knows that Earth is warming. Some people deny it because they are afraid that they will not be able to drive their cars or heat or light their homes. But these can all be done with such new energy sources as solar, wind and nuclear power.

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  • 8 years ago

    Even if you had your facts correct, the:

    At my house cited archeological evidence that the Angles, Saxons and Jutes migrated to what is now England in part because their lands were submerging at the time. That was about 1,500 years ago. The steam engine and the industrial revolution only showed up about 250 years ago. And most of the carbon dioxide released is within the last 100 years.

    Climate has warmed and cooled naturally long before man. Such as the ice ages.

    Suppose that man-made global warming is happening, then I say:

    "If man-made global warming was taken seriously by its supporters they would advocate genuine solutions such as adding small amounts of iron to the oceans to cause the microscopic plants to multiply and absorb the carbon dioxide back into the biosphere whence it originally came.

    A solution both practical and inexpensive.

    Failing that, they would advocate replacing the base load electrical power generation with mass produced nuclear power plants as one of the quickest, cheapest and most effective means of reducing carbon emissions.

    If its supporters don't take it seriously, why should anyone else?"

  • John
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    The ice in Anarctica is not melting. While the northern hemisphere is warming a bit, the southern hemisphere has cooled. This is a pattern that is controlled by the earth's magnetic field. The younger generation is pushing the alarm button on the warmth during the cool seasons. This is not unusual.

    The magnetic field is on the move and is influencing not only the weather, but what is happening topographically as well.

    For more information go into the NASA site: nasa magnetic field

  • 8 years ago

    Based on mike Ls answer, deniers talk bunk, who says the Medieval period was 4 deg warmer

    Who says greenland was greener, it's ice has changed little in over a hundred thousand years.

    As far as I can tell sceptics like mike just make this stuff up.

  • 8 years ago


  • 8 years ago

    Are you Al Gore's kin or just a disciple?

    "The Earth has a fever."

    Even the UN admits there isn't any Global Warming. Their big scare now is Climate Change. Hence the UN-IPCC

    Even Phil Jones admits the earth is not warming.

    In fact, the earth has cooled for the last 16 years. Where have you been.

  • phil
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    in the 1840's ships sailed into the artic circle and then it froze back over the years,what is your point,temps change,weather patterns change. it has been warmer in the past and cooler

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    The Earth is not sick . The Medieval warming period was up 4 degrees .

    People thrived malaria went away . Greenland was green . It is still thawing out from the little ice age .

    Source(s): The little ice age History channel 2
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