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Sam asked in SportsOutdoor RecreationHunting · 8 years ago

First gun when I turn 18?

Ok first off I'm a liberal, but bear to the right wing when it comes to having fun with the second amendment. What do you think my first gun should be? Many say Ruger, but idk. Just took many options. I want to start of with a .22 caliber and nothing big. I've gone through an NRA course but never fired a gun. My parents never let me. Oh btw, can you just walk in to a store and buy a gun when your 18 as long as your criminal background is clean?

13 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    1) Get either a Ruger 10/22, Marlin Model 60, or Savage 64. These are the three most popular. Any .22lr rifle works for a first gun. But the more popular a rifle is, then the easier it is to get parts, upgrades, and support for it from online forums, gunsmiths, and gun stores. Between those three, personal preference and the rifle fitting your individual needs should decide the gun that you get. Get a new one. 22lr rifles are cheap and if you plan to make a life style of being a shooter, go ahead and get something straight out the box so you know the condition it's in.

    2) Yes, according to Federal law, you can walk into any store and purchase a long gun as long as you are 18 and everything checks out on your form 4473. Most gun salesman calls in your information on the phone and gets confirmation that the information on the 4473 is true and you can purchase a gun. Make sure you bring a drivers license with you. Other than that, check your state and local laws. Some places like California have stricter rules about buying guns and if that's the case, you may have more requirements to meet to purchase a gun in your state.

    3) Learn the benefits of the 2nd amendment. That freedom is serious in the shooting community. We "have fun with it" but it is also a responsibility that CANNOT BE taken lightly. The more Americans abuse the right to own guns, the easier it is for us to lose it. Be a safe responsible shooter!

    4) I wish you best of luck in your gun ownership endeavors and welcome to the American shooting community.

  • 8 years ago

    Yes at 18 you can buy a 22 rifle, with no criminal background of course. A ruger 10/22 is great with a banana clip, you can even add optics later if you'd like. Good luck they're a blast . You can probably pickup a 10/22 for around 245, I've seen them on sale 199 here in AZ

  • 8 years ago

    And what country would that be? You can own a gun anywhere in America. But its funny how crime rates all very low where people are allowed to carry them and very high in places such as Chicago and New York where people are not allowed to carry. Take for instance a gun shop. When is the last time you have ever heard of a gun shop being robbed during operating hours? It doster happen because a place with guns in the right hands is a safe place to be. So think twice before you go shouting out your uneducated opinion.

    And to the op...swith and Wesson makes a 22 handgun that is on the same frame as other handguns. That could be nice when you want to get another caliber since you will be used to the feel.

  • 8 years ago

    Well I can honestly say I give two sh*ts about your political views, but as a suggestion for your first gun. I would recommend a Ruger 10/22. It's a great rifle with a long history of quality and reliability. I've had mine for years, and have always been pleased with it.

    Hope that helps.

    Source(s): Do your part, join the NRA today!
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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    When you turn 18, you may buy long guns such as Rifles and Shotguns. You may also buy crossbows, knives, and airsoft guns depending on your states laws. Each state has specific laws as to what qualifies you to buy long guns. I live in NC, and they will turn you down for drug posession, mental illness, or a felony conviction. It all depends on the state. I've bought plenty of guns from wallymart. Federal law says you have to be 21 to own a handgun, so you're going to have to wait to buy that 32 legally. Happy birthday and happy hunting. Be safe!

  • 8 years ago

    For everyone recomending handguns let's not forget that's difficult to get untill your 21. The 10/22 is a good gun yes however I would go with a Remington 22lr. Great gun though mine is warped I an still a good shot with it. Is just knowing the gun.

  • Augie
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    You also need to find somewhere to shoot you new prize. Check to see what ranges are in your area. If you plan on hunting you need to check into the hunters safety course. Finding someone with gun experience to give you tips and pointer is also helpful.

    I use a range that does not have any range officials. This summer I was shooting at the pistol range and a young inexperienced shooter set up on the spot next to me. Got his semi auto out of the case, loaded it, then proceeded to point it in all directions including at me. Then set the gun down on the table still pointed at me. I walked over, noted that the safety was NOT on, humm. Blow up or be polite??? I went the polite route, turned out that it was his grandfather's gun and the young man had absolutely no gun training at all. So I helped him out. First was the rule of always pointed down range. Ha ha if you have ever had a loaded gun pointed at you, you know the feeling. Unlucky me it has been more then one time. I then gave him the range rules and the safety pointers I thought he needed. Then when he did shoot I gave him pointers on stance and how to shoot. Happy to say I see him at the range regularly. He brings his friends, I have watched him, he is VERY careful and cautious . Good shot too.

  • Mackin
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    First your politics don't matter, guns are not a political issue unless your a communist who tries to take them away since its our natraul God given right to bear arms that our founding fathers fought for in the revolution and is now protected by our consitution.

    Second now that you are 18 you can buy any long rifle or shotgun all you need is the money up front for the gun your I.D. or DL an extra $25 for the DROS and an extra $25 for a cable or trigger saftey if required in your state and you will have a waiting period for your backround check to go through then you come back to pick it up.

  • Mr.357
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    I say Ruger 10/22. I got one for my oldest son when he was 10 and it has worked well for him.

  • 8 years ago

    Colt 1911 .22 lr

    Ruger 10/22

    All USA made 22. revolvers are awsome

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