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  • Obama hit squad hits hs?

    To distract America from the Ebola outbreak in New York. Seems pretty convenient to me, why aren't they taking this pandemic that's killing the majority of West Africa and spreading in the States?

    8 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • Obama welcomes ebola in NY?

    Ebola outbreaks in NY because air traffic from West Africa has not been shut down allowing the infected to fly to New York go bowling, infect a resteraunt along with everybody on the subway. Pretty soon the majority of the state and the east coast will have to wear hazmat suits and will be put under quarantine since ebola patients are allowed walk around the public all willy nilly.

    11 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • Obama welcomes ebola to the states with open arms?

    First there was an outbreak in SF, then Texas which spread to Ohio and now it's in San Diego. Nothing is being done to stop it and he simply doesn't care. This what you voted for, a president who welcomes ebola to your home instead of taking preventive measures such as: shutting down all commercial flights from West Africa and European flight that are connected by West Africa flights, and not putting people in half@$$ quarantine allowing them to further travel in the U.S. then burn the bodies and every item thats been in contact with the infected.

    10 AnswersElections7 years ago
  • One person can infect a whole plane, a whole plane can infect the rest of the country?

    Why are people from West Africa still allowed to fly to United States?

    13 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • Why does obama want ebola to outbreak in the U.S.?

    Clearly nothing is being done to stop it from spreading stateside. Clearly he hates America along with everybody who voted for him.

    10 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • Why doesn't the U.S. stop all flights going to or comming from west Africa?

    There's an ebola pandemic that nobody seems to be taking seriously and it quite scary that nobody seems to care that outbreaks are happening here in the states as long as it's not their neighborhood until your kid catches it at school cause somebody thought it was a good idea to go to Africa and come back with one of the most dangerous viruses in the world and not tell anybody until it's to late to do anything.

    7 AnswersCurrent Events7 years ago
  • Why are people with ebola still alive?

    Why doesn't our government and all African governments shoot anybody who is infected then burn the bodies so it can no longer spread.

    9 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • Do you have an m1 garand, sks, lee-enfield, mauser k98k, hakim rifle or a revolver?

    If not can you please refrain from using the term "clip" when describing you reloading or running out of ammo. It's not the same thing as a magazine and if you don't know what a moon clip is yet you have own a revolver look it up so you don't hurt your brain at the range.

    13 AnswersHunting8 years ago
  • Vektor SP1 vs Steyr M-A1?

    If given the chance which one would you prefer to use and why?

    2 AnswersHunting8 years ago
  • What is the purpose of a CCW permit?

    If you are caught shooting somebody in self defense in LA with a legally purchased firearm, LAPD guns you down or your thrown in prison for 25+ years. In Oakland you can you can illegally conceal carry a firearm arm and shoot somebody in self defense on video with the police down the street and will not face any legal repercussions at all. Both scenarios have recently happened. I honestly don't see the point of a the need to obtain a ccw since oakland police said "It was in self defense so it was ok." if that's true then all CCW permits are illegal and shall not be relevant for any matter when it comes to firearms. Why waste money on a piece paper, it's your right to protect yourself. Where are all the firearms activist when you need them? CCW permits need to be banned since a piece a paper isn't going to stop a guy so why should it stop you?

    11 AnswersHunting8 years ago
  • Why does the NAACP insinst on making black people look stupid?

    I don't understand why they are fighting up coming voter I.D. laws so hard. You need an I.D. to cash a check, start a bank account, to buy cigarettes and alcohol, to pick up medicine, to walk in a bar or club, to purchase a firearm, to walk into some government buildings. You need a drivers license to drive a car which counts as a photo I.D., speaking out against voter upcoming voter I.D. laws claiming it's "racist and suppresses black voters" is an outright lie and makes black people look stupid and it also makes them like criminals. Since they claim they "majority of black people can't obtain a I.D. from the DMV" of those in that majority who drink, smoke, drive, buy medicine, or owns a firearm is a criminal who does not work and wouldn't be able to cash a check if their lives depended on it. I don't understand why they insist on making black people look ignorant, lazy, irresponsible and like a criminal by fighting voter I.D. laws. It is ridiculous and offensive to everyone.

    12 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Why do democrats want to live everyday like it's April 15th?

    Instead of living everyday like it's the 4th of July, are you not proud to be an American?

    Why don't you try getting a job and hire an accountant to watch your bank instead of trying wasting others peoples money on free birth control, food stamps and welfare.

    6 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Get ready for your cell phone bill to go up?






    Is going to illegaly tax everybody with a cell phone for the single purpose of making your bill higher.

    8 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Has anyone used the PLR-16 from Kel Tec?

    I never used a firearm from Kel Tec before but they do seem intresting. What are your thoughts on the PLR-16 and Kel Tec's firearms in general?

    5 AnswersHunting8 years ago
  • Why are people who shoot .45acp so afriad of .357sig?

    I noticed that people who own 1911's are more reluctant or scared to shoot a handgun in .357sig. The last couple times I went to the range I used my Kimber with two boxes of Hornady FTX critical defense as eye candy. I eventually got 15 different people try my M&P .357sig after talking. The 1911 owners where the most reluctant and only 1/3 who owned a 1911 didn't hesitate and limp wrist but total of everyone who tried it only 7/15 like it and only 3 people weren't afraid of the first shot.

    I thought it was pretty interesting, cause it's not like a hand cannon but I noticed others talk like it is when ask others at gun shops/outfitter stores, among shooters that I talked too only LE/ex LE officers and security guards would be willing to buy one and only a few regular civilians that I talked to would be willing to give it a try but not buy.

    3 AnswersHunting8 years ago
  • If suppressors weren't NFA regulated would you by one or more?

    and use them often while target shooting? Why or why not?

    8 AnswersHunting8 years ago
  • Should ice cream be banned from the United States?

    If you compare the statistics more people die from ben and jerries (eating ice cream) compared to the people who die from a smith&wesson (getting shot). Maybe we should have a national ice cream registry and make people take NCIS background checks before they pick up a bucket of ice cream and limit the amount of popsicles to 6 per box. Using liberal logic it doesn't sound that bad.

    16 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • How do democrats feel about the rapist bob filner representing them?

    He was a known pervert before and should of been required to register as a sex offender years ago when he was in congress and yet your party choose to ignore his perversion sexual assaulting women putting it under the rug like it's the thing to do and he's at again.

    3 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Why do democrats think it's ok to sexually assualt wemon?

    Mayor bob filner in San Diego has been caught sexually assaulting and harassing wemon and yet he is not facing any consequences and acts as if sexual assault is acceptable and all the other dems are standing behind him. You people are disgusting and really have no morals or respect for the law.

    10 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Which handgun from Springfield would you prefer to carry?

    XDS-9 or EMP 9 and why?

    4 AnswersHunting8 years ago