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Lv 4
Mackin asked in SportsOutdoor RecreationHunting · 8 years ago

What is the purpose of a CCW permit?

If you are caught shooting somebody in self defense in LA with a legally purchased firearm, LAPD guns you down or your thrown in prison for 25+ years. In Oakland you can you can illegally conceal carry a firearm arm and shoot somebody in self defense on video with the police down the street and will not face any legal repercussions at all. Both scenarios have recently happened. I honestly don't see the point of a the need to obtain a ccw since oakland police said "It was in self defense so it was ok." if that's true then all CCW permits are illegal and shall not be relevant for any matter when it comes to firearms. Why waste money on a piece paper, it's your right to protect yourself. Where are all the firearms activist when you need them? CCW permits need to be banned since a piece a paper isn't going to stop a guy so why should it stop you?


You sound like a communist who hates freedom and won't care if the government imposes on your rights.

1. People don't need a piece of paper to rightfully defended themselves when their lives are in danger.

2. If a piece of paper does not stop a bad guy from carrying a firearm why should it stop you?

3. Anybody can take firearm(s) training classes.

11 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I live in Alaska - and several years ago our state legislature's came to the exact same conclusion and removed the need for people over 21 to get a CCW permit. They still issue them so Alaska residents can carry concealed in the 20+ states Alaska recognizes and lets their people carry here when visiting.

    I've been issued concealed carry permits in Maine and Mass - and never quite understand the exact need for them. Especially Mass where people would totally freak out if you decided to open carry.

    I am with you. I don't see where these pieces of paper do any service to the public. Back in the 70's maybe 300 'No Knock' search warrants were issued country wide. Today - about 150 'No Knock' search warrants are served each day in the war on drugs. All having a CCW permit does today is automatically put your names on that No Knock list if they want to visit you.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    As several of the previous answers have stated, it really depends on the laws where you are. In Colorado where I live, you can open carry (visible) at any time. You can conceal in your car a loaded handgun for self defense purposes without a CCW permit. Your car is considered an extension of your home. If you get out of your car with it concealed on you you will be breaking the law unless you have the CCW permit. You can open carry while hunting, or even while not hunting if you are just out hiking or something depending on local regs. In my opinion a CCW (which I have) is not really for hunting, but for the obviously concealed carry around people to whom you would rather not advertise that you are armed. My CCW allows me to conceal carry on my way out to hunt so I have it while I'm getting gas or lunch or running errands or what ever. I don't carry as big a hand cannon as you are talking about and just covering that thing up could be a real challenge depending on your build. If it is strictly for hunting, and if your laws are similar to Colorado (or you happen to live here) then I would say that the CCW is probably not required for what you described. It might not be a bad idea to have one anyway just so you have options but in the end the critters won't know the difference of whether they can see your gun or not. The CCW is for around people.

  • zipper
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    A carry permit is for caring concealed arm, in some areas one can carry if the gun is open to view. The person with the CCW may not of warned the prep that he was armed. There are conditions here that you are over looking because you do not understand the areas laws. Don't feel bad half the D.A. do not understand them either. This is one of the many issues wrong with state gun control laws, very few people understand them. Also a Felon can not take gun training classes, they can not legal handle a gun for any reason. With out that piece of paper if caring you are a criminal yourself in some areas.

  • 8 years ago

    The main purpose of the CCW permit is education. Knowing how to use a firearm is important but also understanding the when and why is vital. When I took the course I actually had to read the laws governing the carrying of a concealed weapon and was surprised by some of it. look, a criminal won't care about the law and can pretty much get a gun on the streets if they wanted to. By adhering to the law you still have the right to defend yourself, property and loved ones but are less open to prosecution for not following the rules governing a concealed weapon. In reality, its not that difficult to follow the law and it doesn't make you any less vulnerable. But it also shows you how following certain procedures can make it less likely that you will need to actually use that weapon unless absolutely needed. If you are in your home and protecting your family you don't need the permit but in public the rules make a bit of sense if you actually take the course.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    The only benefit to a CCW permit for me as a Florida resident is that I can bring pistols home the same day I buy them and so I can avoid the stupid legal issues of carrying without a permit.

    If a cop is notified that I am armed, he will still check to make sure that I am legally able to own that gun. This would be a daily matter, so the CCW does not do me any good.

    It really is almost pointless for people to require having one, since anyone can get away with carrying concealed.

    Personally, I don't believe in needing to have any paper or document for me to carry a gun. I have the human right to protect myself with equal force against anyone who would threaten my life, my family's, or innocent others around me.

    Believe me when I say this...I'd rather have back my $117 in my wallet, my face removed from one more government database, as well as my fingerprints. My face and my fingerprints rightfully belong to me, not the government.

    If I met someone who discloses to me that he's carrying a gun, I could care less if he has a permit or not, as long as the thing stays holstered, unless we transition into show and tell mode upon my request.

    Most people will thumbsdown my reply, because those people do not fully understand what real freedom is about; they only 'think' they do. They think they need the government in every capacity of their daily life. What's scary are those people who actually 'want' the government involved in their daily life.

  • 8 years ago

    I think $25 per year is money well spent to not have to constantly worry about getting arrested for illegally carrying a gun. Like it or not, the Supreme Court makes a distinction between regulation and infringement. That means gun laws have real teeth if you violate them. California's gun laws seem crazy though. If I lived in California and I couldn't get a CC license, and I really felt the need to carry for my personal safety, I would have to rethink things.

    Instead of making all CC permits illegal, see what you can do to get California to become a "shall issue" state like most others.

  • 8 years ago

    The purpose, as with most rules, is to get along well with other people. Sure, we all have the right to self defense and by extension the right to the tools for self defense. But as a practical matter weapons make a lot of people nervous, plus we know that people who are up to no good have always liked to sneak around with their weapons hidden. Obtaining a carry permit is just a way of declaring that even though you're hiding a gun, you're one of the good guys. My view is that it's only good manners to try not to upset other people unnecessarily.

    But if being contrary is in your nature, please feel free to carry without that piece of paper. Hopefully we won't be reading about how you were shot down by the police in some tragic misunderstanding.

  • 8 years ago

    The purpose of a concealed weapons permit is to make people live under tyranny in states like California and to brain wash people like Thomas, Dojo and MoonDoggie into flag burning pansies who let the government to habitually f**k them in the a** by trampling all on their constitutional rights with no resistance at all. They would gladly get shot,stab or raped by gang members, armed robbers, mad man with a gun, junkies and rapist than stand up for rights to shoot somebody in self defense in a state that denies 90% of it applicants and 100% of it's citizens who don't work for the government because they feel the police can do better job of protecting you 45 minutes after you get jumped, robbed and gunned down or beaten half to death in the street, rather stand to up to use/practice their 2nd & 14th amendment rights.

  • 8 years ago

    Well, I suppose CA is a weird. But, again, a license to hide your handgun is not a license to use it. And the cost to fire in self defense here in Oregon is $30,000 *if* you get off.

  • 8 years ago

    * Yes no Law abiding U. S. Citizen should need a Gun License or Gun Permit in America, or need any ones approval or permission before doing so in order to Protect and Defend himself against severe bodily injury or death whether they choose to openly carry or conceal carry a Gun.*...No person should have to need a Gun License, Gun Permit or have to wear any Uniform, Badge, or a Gun before being able to protect and defend themselves from Criminals, Tyrants, or a Tyrannical Federal, State, County, Local, or Foreign Government.*....Every person has a innate Natural God Given Right to Defend and Protect themselves from severe bodily injury or death no matter what weapon they choose to use in order to prevent it.*..." Only a Criminal, Tyrant, or a Tyrannical Federal, State, County, Local or Foreign Government fears and is afraid of the Armed American Citizenry.*...

    Source(s): * No Man can Escape his Destiny with Death.*.......................* Our Greatest dred has always been the awareness and knowledge of our own Mortality.*....
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