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Lv 4
Mackin asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 7 years ago

One person can infect a whole plane, a whole plane can infect the rest of the country?

Why are people from West Africa still allowed to fly to United States?

13 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    One person is unlikely to infect an entire plane, just the people who are close to him, and then those people can infect other people close to them. Ebola needs moisture.

    Supposedly ebola is difficult to contract, yet there is a nurse's aide in Spain right now who only touched a glove to her face and was infected. That tells me that it is actually not that difficult.

    But this government makes a practice of ignoring obvious dangers until they can't be ignored any more.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Not with Ebola. Ebola is NOT airborne, and can only be transmitted through the exchange of bodily fluids. So, unless every passenger on a plane makes out with or shares a needle with an symptomatic Ebola patient, they can't get infected. The reason Ebola is so prevalent in west Africa is the local tradition of family members washing the body of a deceased person before burial.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Well, Ebola is not airborne, so only if people come into contact with body fluids are they going to be infected. So far, the people who were in the Dallas victim's apartment -- for days -- have not been infected. It's actually not as easy to catch as you seem to think.

    However, I agree that instituting a ban on travelers from specific areas may be a good idea, temporarily speaking. Merely taking someone's temperature and asking about where he's been are not serious measures, especially if he's as yet asymptomatic.

  • 7 years ago

    Because not everyone in West Africa have Ebola. There are millions of people in West Africa, and only a couple thousand (at most tens of thousands) have Ebola, which is a small fraction of the entire population.

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  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    It is based on politics and not on science.

    The argument given by the CDC is that stopping people from the affected. Countries traveling to America would prevent our scientists and medical volunteers from ending the epidemic there.

    Of course there is no reason that exceptions could not be made for these people.

    If the head of the CDC was doing his job and protecting Americans from this epidemic people from that area would be forbidden from coming here. Isolation, containment, an quaranteen is the basis of dealing with an epidemic.

  • Robert
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Because decisions in this country have been but noticeably are more so now being made based not I\on merits of national security or American safety or health but POLITICAL IDEOLOGY. We have 2 dead and 600 sick children from an open border and a mass reshuffling of KNOWN sick Latin children all over the US (remember Marrietta?); we have Syrian "bombing" ( really? I read "7 strikes that day" last week- we did 7 in one minute and continually in every other air war) to WAG the war on terror because of POLL NUMBERS. A CDC which says he's "met with several business leaders and they said" to keep the air traffic open? Its not in your interest but DEMOCRAT PRESIDENT appealing to a base. Notice how "quarantine" is divided: yes you are right; no you are left. Intentional division but incompetent action.

    This is the most corrupt administration ever. Prove me wrong; Nixon resigned and that was an "outrage"... most of you pups weren't alive when Ford pardoned him and that cost Republicans the 1976 elections in favor of a peanut farmer who was a RESOUNDING SUCCESS (idiot but at least an honest one, I give Carter that. I liked him even though he sucked). I digress..

  • 7 years ago

    No, one person cannot infect a whole plane unless he is symptomatic and stand up in the aisle and lets everyone hug him and touch his skin or secretions.

    Why are people who don't understand the science of Ebola continuing to pretend they know how to stop it?

  • 7 years ago

    Because the people with medical degrees who have made it their life's work to study diseases like Ebola have said it's not necessary to close the airports...

    Regardless of what muck rakers and self interested rabble rousers want to say as they are making uninformed recommendations designed to instill panic in the public to score cheap political points.

  • 7 years ago

    Same reason we did not stop folks for Swine flu 5 years ago.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago


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