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Lv 4
Mackin asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 8 years ago

Why does the NAACP insinst on making black people look stupid?

I don't understand why they are fighting up coming voter I.D. laws so hard. You need an I.D. to cash a check, start a bank account, to buy cigarettes and alcohol, to pick up medicine, to walk in a bar or club, to purchase a firearm, to walk into some government buildings. You need a drivers license to drive a car which counts as a photo I.D., speaking out against voter upcoming voter I.D. laws claiming it's "racist and suppresses black voters" is an outright lie and makes black people look stupid and it also makes them like criminals. Since they claim they "majority of black people can't obtain a I.D. from the DMV" of those in that majority who drink, smoke, drive, buy medicine, or owns a firearm is a criminal who does not work and wouldn't be able to cash a check if their lives depended on it. I don't understand why they insist on making black people look ignorant, lazy, irresponsible and like a criminal by fighting voter I.D. laws. It is ridiculous and offensive to everyone.

12 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think that the NAACP, Holder, Sharpton and Jackson as well as liberals have set back race relations at least 50 years. I don't think I'd believe a single whining coming from any of these. To me they seem like spoiled complainers who have been handed everything and upset that no one treats them with more respect than anyone else. They have trouble with concept of earning respect.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Maybe they should have thought of that when distributing birth certificates was selective and not mandatory. Meaning, there are many reasons why some people have no IDENTIFICATION. Some were born with the assistance of a midwife instead of a doctor and often these things were reported on small pieces of paper and it doesn't just consist with minorities. Some of these births were never registered or reported to the proper authorities or administrations legalizing the citizen in question. Doesn't make them less a citizen of the UNITED STATES. Ask someone WHITE born in TEXAS in the 50's. I actually know someone who has never had a birth certificate because her birth was written on a piece of paper that was either lost or torn or damaged. This shouldn't even happen in our country and those who know these people and know that they were born and lived in certain areas all of their lives have only this as IDENTIFICATION and does not make it right that they cannot VOTE because the SYSTEM let them down technically. There is voter fraud and it is mostly done by those who are the system , rather than those wanting to vote someone in the system and ILLEGAL aliens have a better chance of voting then our own US CITIZENS since they have found a way to pay for ID's that LOOK just like the real ones. What needs to be done is a full frontal focus on what and who is doing what and blaming or changing those that make it happen. Making this a race issue is not how our country is going to end up.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Why do you and other repubes insist on making yourself and other white trash look so stupid?

    Nobody has said the majorit of black people cannot get're making sht up, as per usual for dimwit Repubes.

    BTW, MANY small towns people do NOT need IDs to drink, smoke, etc.

    You're in your own little whitey think everyone has credit cards, is rich enough to travel or even own a car. You're so fking stupid you make retarded folks look like geniuses!

    Source(s): Fking out of touch with ayone's experiences except their own........fking white trash assh0les.
  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    " in that majority who drink, smoke." OK, now YOU are stereotyping blacks.

    NC Republicans won't allow employee issued IDs or government assistance cards. Or student IDs.

    Why is the GOP so insistent on destroying democracy?

    "1.2 million eligible black voters and 500,000 eligible Hispanic voters live more than 10 miles from their nearest ID-issuing office open more than two days a week. People of color are more likely to be disenfranchised by these laws since they are less likely to have photo ID than the general population."

    "More than 1 million eligible voters in these states fall below the federal poverty line and live more than 10 miles from their nearest ID-issuing office open more than two days a week. These voters may be particularly affected by the significant costs of the documentation required to obtain a photo ID. Birth certificates can cost between $8 and $25. Marriage licenses, required for married women whose birth certificates include a maiden name, can cost between $8 and $20. By comparison, the notorious poll tax — outlawed during the civil rights era — cost $10.64 in current dollars."

    GOP=NeoKKK. They switched parties.

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  • 5 years ago

    Do you think white people are that much more stupid now that the inept clown Bush as ended his presidency?

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    voting is a sacred right. dealing with the bureaucracy is hard for the elderly and the disabled.

  • 8 years ago

    Before you call black people stupid - you may want to take a course in English.

    That is - unless your Right Wing Red Community already cut funding for schools.

    Good luck with that.


    However, to answer your ill formed question - this isn't a racial issue.

    Many --- MANY people don't drive.

    They don't need to.

    Many older people don't have the paperwork that Red State Rightie Cheating, Lying Governors demand.

    Of course - Republicans realize they can't win unless they cheat - - -

    But then, what would anyone expect from an Ideology founded upon Moral Perversion - and one that is supported by a Foreigner-Owned- Propaganda Machine?


  • Par 4
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    About getting an ID (I'm not going to touch on that racist rant) teenagers everywhere have no problem getting a driver's license, I don't understand why so many adults cannot do the same.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    " I would say they are self-righteous crusaders who want special treatment only for themselves."

    Wow, they sound like Republicans,

  • 8 years ago

    They do not, you did fine on your own without their help

    Source(s): Voting is a Constitutional right. Buying alcohol is not.
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